《医学遗传学 Medical Genetics》课程授课教案(PPT课件讲稿)Chapter 2 人类基因 human gene

Medical Genetics 02人类基因 human gene
Medical Genetics 02 人类基因 human gene

Medical Genetics Genes are entities that parents pass to offspring during reproduction
Medical Genetics Genes are entities that parents pass to offspring during reproduction

Medical Genetics These entities encode information essential for the construction and regulation of proteins(such as enzymes) and other molecules that determine the growth and functioning of the organism
Medical Genetics These entities encode information essential for the construction and regulation of proteins (such as enzymes) and other molecules that determine the growth and functioning of the organism

Medical Genetics 1. Gene Chemistry Composed as a double helix- two linked chemical strands
Medical Genetics 1. Gene Chemistry Composed as a "double helix" - two linked chemical strands

Medical Genetics Linked together by base pairs that can assume one of four variant forms thymine (T) guanine(G) adenine (A) cytosine(C)
Medical Genetics Linked together by base pairs that can assume one of four variant forms: thymine (T) guanine (G) adenine (A) cytosine (C)

Medical Genetics James Watson and Francis Crick display their newly discovered model of DNA, the molecular basis of genetics
Medical Genetics James Watson and Francis Crick display their newly discovered model of DNA, the molecular basis of genetics

Medical Genetics Base sequence form the"genetic code that initiates the two major functions of genes: protein systhesis and replication
Medical Genetics Base sequence form the "genetic code" that initiates the two major functions of genes: protein systhesis and replication

Medical Genetics tRNA A antica。n c。don U A C MRNA 3 2nd base in codon L UCAIG Phe Ser Phe Ser Leu Ser P STOP Leu Ser SToP Trp Leu Pro His Arg ag三 Leu Pro His Arg Le Pro Ar Leu Pro GIn Arg lle Thr s lle Thr Asn Ser e Thr Lys Arg Met LyS Arg Asp val Ala Asp Gly Val Ala GIu Gly Val a Glu The genetic code;sene≤°
Medical Genetics

Medical Genetics 2. Gene structure Richard J. roberts and phillip A. Sharp(1993 Nobel Prize winner) made their amazing discovery of the existence of split genes in the adenovirus, when they examined a hybridized nucleic acid molecule made between a adenoviral mrna and its template dna in the electron mIcroscope
Medical Genetics 2. Gene Structure Richard J. Roberts and Phillip A. Sharp (1993 Nobel Prize winner) made their amazing discovery of the existence of split genes in the adenovirus, when they examined a hybridized nucleic acid molecule made between a adenoviral mRNA and its template DNA in the electron microscope

Medical Genetics They observed that the mRNA was much shorter in length and thus was not encoded as an equal colinear segment of the DNa molecule. Instead, large loops of unhybridized dNa (A, b and c in figure) were seen. Their interpretation was that the mature messenger rNa was derived from four discontinuous segments on the viral dna
Medical Genetics They observed that the mRNA was much shorter in length and thus was not encoded as an equal colinear segment of the DNA molecule . Instead, large loops of unhybridized DNA (A, B and C in figure) were seen. Their interpretation was that the mature messenger RNA was derived from four discountinuous segments on the viral DNA
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