复旦大学:《心灵哲学 Philosophy of Mind》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Lecture 15 The Philosophical Significance of Japanese Language

WEEK ONE The philosophica significance of Japanese language
WEEK ONE •The Philosophical significance of Japanese language

第一小节 What makes Japanese philosophy attractive?
第一小节 What makes Japanese philosophy attractive?

括号里是背景配图的提示 Geographically speaking Japan is the"melting pot"of both the asian and non-Asian cultures (附上全亚洲地图,然后聚焦到日本。最好是 英文版的世界地图) 1. Kanji (chinese characters from china (背景是一堆汉字,最好是篆体隶书楷体, 啥都有。) 这里插入知识点:日本简体与繁体汉字,中国 简体与繁体汉字
括号里是背景配图的提示 • Geographically speaking, Japan is the “melting pot” of both the Asian and non-Asian cultures. • (附上全亚洲地图,然后聚焦到日本。最好是 英文版的世界地图) • 1. Kanji (Chinese characters) from China. • (背景是一堆汉字,最好是篆体 隶书 楷体, 啥都有。) • 这里插入知识点:日本简体与繁体汉字,中国 简体与繁体汉字

The difference between traditional chinese characters and simplified Chinese in china The difference between traditional chinese characters and simplified Chinese in Japan Think about Kanazawa, a city in Japan how to write it in four types of Kanji? 1 Chinese:金澤→金泽 2. Japanese:金澤→金汎
• The difference between traditional Chinese characters and simplified Chinese in China • The difference between traditional Chinese characters and simplified Chinese in Japan • Think about “Kanazawa”, a city in Japan. How to write it in four types of Kanji? • 1 Chinese:-金澤→金泽 • 2. Japanese:金澤→金沢

2. Buddhism from india(各种佛像) Unlike china which is more confucianism centered, Japan is a country where buddhism is more dominant and this is one of the most significant differences between Chinese culture and Japanese culture In modern times, Japan's most popular schools of buddhism include pure land Buddhism, Nichiren Buddhism, Shingon Buddhism and zen
• 2. Buddhism from India (各种佛像) • Unlike China, which is more Confucianismcentered, Japan is a country where Buddhism is more dominant. And this is one of the most significant differences between Chinese culture and Japanese culture. • In modern times, Japan's most popular schools of Buddhism include Pure Land Buddhism, Nichiren Buddhism, Shingon Buddhismand Zen

3 Katakana The Japanese syllabary is compose by kanji, Hirakana and Katakana. Katakana is basically used for transcriptions of loan words from western language, English in particular 读这页的时候,背景交替出现大量日本汉 字,以及平假名表最后是片假名表。片假 名表出现的时候长一点
3 Katakana • The Japanese syllabary is compose by Kanji, Hirakana and Katakana. Katakana is basically used for transcriptions of loan words from western language, English in particular. • 读这页的时候,背景交替出现大量日本汉 字,以及平假名表最后是片假名表。片假 名表出现的时候长一点

The introduction of katakana makes the pronunciation of some modern Japanese sentences very English-like
• The introduction of Katakana makes the pronunciation of some modern Japanese sentences very English-like

背景要出现这三种语言句子 Mr Smith and his girlfriend went to the service center by taking a bus 又玉又亡上彼①力一儿刃≯(八飞+一E又 七>久一八行言L大。 斯密斯先生和他的女友乘坐公车去了服务中心 斯密斯先生和他的女友乘坐巴士去了服务中心
背景要出现这三种语言句子 Mr. Smith and his girlfriend went to the service center by taking a bus. スミスさんと彼のガールフレンドはバスでサービス センターへ行きました。 斯密斯先生和他的女友乘坐公车去了服务中心。 斯密斯先生和他的女友乘坐巴士去了服务中心

Which translation sounds more similar to the original english sentence? Japanese or chinese? Katakana system allows Japanese people to achieve information from western countries in an efficient manner, whereas Kanji system makes Japanese culture easily connected to Chinese culture n this sense, contrary to the stereotypes of Japanese culture in manys minds Japanese culture in my view, is actually more melting- pot-like than American culture, unless american English could assimilate Kanji some day!(背景出现了日本地图 与美国地图对比)
• Which translation sounds more similar to the original English sentence? • Japanese or Chinese? • Katakana system allows Japanese people to achieve information from western countries in an efficient manner, whereas Kanji system makes Japanese culture easily connected to Chinese culture. • In this sense, contrary to the stereotypes of Japanese culture in many’s minds, Japanese culture, in my view, is actually more melting-pot—like than American culture, unless American English could assimilate Kanji some day! (背景出现了日本地图 与美国地图对比)

We need to access modern or contemporary Japanese philosophy by keeping the following ideas in the mind Japanese philosophy, which is a part of Japanese culture, is not merely an offshoot of Chinese culture due to the following two facts 1. It is not so Confucianism-oriented 2. It is more open to western philosophy than its Chinese counterpart
• We need to access modern or contemporary Japanese philosophy by keeping the following ideas in the mind: • Japanese philosophy, which is a part of Japanese culture, is not merely an offshoot of Chinese culture due to the following two facts: • 1. It is not so Confucianism-oriented. • 2. It is more open to western philosophy than its Chinese counterpart
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