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南京大学:《电磁学》课程电子教案(教学课件)第一章 真空中固定电荷的电场

电荷 库仑定律 库仑力的故事 关于物质电结构的一些讨论 电场强度 电偶极子 电荷密度 电场强度计算 保守力 环路定理 电势能与电势 等势面与电场线 高斯定理 高斯定理应用

呵 有京大赞 Thales,the earliest researcher into electricity 第一章真空中固定电荷的电场

第一章 真空中固定电荷的电场 Thales, the earliest researcher into electricity

窗电磁学0101:电荷 有京大赞 ▣电荷(charge)的产生、类型 (a)Interaction between plastic rods rubbed (b)Interaction between glass rods rubbed (c)Interaction between objects with opposite on fur on silk charges Plain plastic rods neither Plain glass rods neither The fur-rubbed plastic attract nor repel each attract nor repel each rod and the silk- other... other... rubbed glass rod attract each other... Plastic 曰0+++土+ Silk Glass ...but after being .but after being and the fur and silk rubbed with fur. rubbed with silk. each attracts the rod it the rods repel the rods repel each other. each other. C+t土++rubbed. 别问我:为何是这样的微观机理还真是个问题!

电磁学01-01: 电荷  电荷(charge)的产生、类型 别问我:为何是这样的微观机理还真是个问题!

可电磁学0101:电荷 有京大赞 静电感应(electrostatic induction) Insulating nylon threads and a positively A negatively charged charged glass rod plastic rod now repels Charged attracts the ball. the ball... plastic roc Metal Copper Charged Charged ball wire plastic rod glass rod The wire conducts charge from the negatively charged plastic rod to the metal ball. Electron Electron buildup Metal deficiency ball Negatively X Wire XX Negative Insulating charge in stand ground Ground ▣ t视频:Rubber and Glass Rods with Tinsel and Balloon

电磁学01-01: 电荷  静电感应(electrostatic induction)  视频:Rubber and Glass Rods with Tinsel and Balloon

闷电磁学01-01:电荷 有京大赞 口静电感应与Van de Graaff Generator起电机 spherical Self.exciting charging systems for Van de Graaff generators metal collector B rubber belt + H.T. motorized (~10KV) rollers Friction svster Holtz system Toepler system Wimshurst system 口Graaff起电机应用t视频:Inducing Dipoles with a Van de Graaff Generator 口You tube视频地址:https:/ xf jcA 口问题: 范德霍夫起电机的详细工作原理

电磁学01-01: 电荷  静电感应与Van de Graaff Generator起电机  问题:范德霍夫起电机的详细工作原理  Graaff起电机应用视频:Inducing Dipoles with a Van de Graaff Generator  You tube视频地址:

可电磁学0101:电荷 有京大赞 NJING UNIVERSITT Conductor f lon source ++ To experimental area Flexible nonconductive belt A + Insulator Ground Mae by JM

电磁学01-01: 电荷

电磁学01-01:电荷 有京大赞 Conductor f lon source + To experimental area Flexible nonconductive belt + nsulator Ground

电磁学01-01: 电荷

电磁学01-01:电荷 有京大赞 NJING UNIVERSIT Conductor f lon source 打++ To experimental area Flexible nonconductive belt A Insulator Ground

电磁学01-01: 电荷

窗电磁学01-01:电荷 有京大赞 静电感应与Wimshursti起电机 口实验演示:The Wimshurst Machine

电磁学01-01: 电荷  静电感应与Wimshurst起电机  实验演示:The Wimshurst Machine

可电磁学01-01:电荷 有京大赞 ▣ 静电感应与Wimshurst起电机 口实验演示:The Wimshurst Machine MASKS OF BLAO AFRICAN MASKS

电磁学01-01: 电荷  静电感应与Wimshurst起电机  实验演示:The Wimshurst Machine

窗电磁学01-01:电荷 有京大赞 口静电感应与Wimshurst起电机 口实验演示:The Wimshurst Machine

电磁学01-01: 电荷  静电感应与Wimshurst起电机  实验演示:The Wimshurst Machine
