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同济大学:《公民教育专题》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Constitution and Citizen Education

1. constitution and citizenship 2. civic education and constitutional education 3. the constitution and the basic literacy education of citizens 4. the cultivation of qualified citizens in China from the perspective of constitutional education Content

Constitution and Citizen Education 1

Constitution and Citizen Education 1

Content 1.constitution and citizenship 2.civic education and constitutional education 3.the constitution and the basic literacy education of citizens 4.the cultivation of qualified citizens in China from the perspective of constitutional education 2

1. constitution and citizenship 2. civic education and constitutional education 3. the constitution and the basic literacy education of citizens 4. the cultivation of qualified citizens in China from the perspective of constitutional education Content 2

Constitution and citizenship Constitution is the fundamental law of the country,is the general rule of the country,applicable to all citizens of the country,is a specific socio-political economy and ideological and cultural conditions of the combined effect of the product,concentrated reflection of the actual relationship between the various political forces,The victory of the reality democratic politics,the provisions of the country's fundamental tasks and the fundamental system,that is,the social system,the principles of the state system and the organization of the state power and the basic rights and obligations of citizens and so on. ) 3

“ Constitution is the fundamental law of the country, is the general rule of the country, applicable to all citizens of the country, is a specific socio-political economy and ideological and cultural conditions of the combined effect of the product, concentrated reflection of the actual relationship between the various political forces, The victory of the reality democratic politics, the provisions of the country's fundamental tasks and the fundamental system, that is, the social system, the principles of the state system and the organization of the state power and the basic rights and obligations of citizens and so on. Constitution and citizenship “ 3

Constitution the fundamental law of the country Citizens'basic rights and obligations Set the country's fundamental system and the fundamental task

the fundamental law of the country Citizens' basic rights and obligations Constitution 4 Set the country's fundamental system and the fundamental task

The Relationship between Constitution and Citizen Cultivation Constitution as the country's Citizenship requires a sense of self- fundamental law,determines the nature Constitution is the only way to identity,the Constitution provides for and tasks of the state,so that citizens build a socialist society under the the basic rights and obligations of understand the constitution,to cultivate rule of law,cultivating citizens the basic quality ofcitizens has have a strong sense of the rule of citizens,for the citizens to cultivate outstanding ability,comprehensive important significance and value, law,increase self-restraint, increase citizens'recognition of the cultivate the rule of law thinking, development,and serve the community,loyal to the country,are of country,strengthen self-restraint, has important value. great significance. strengthen learning and ability training 5

Constitution is the only way to build a socialist society under the rule of law, cultivating citizens have a strong sense of the rule of law, increase self-restraint, cultivate the rule of law thinking, has important value. Constitution as the country's fundamental law, determines the nature and tasks of the state, so that citizens understand the constitution, to cultivate the basic quality of citizens has important significance and value, increase citizens' recognition of the country, strengthen self-restraint, strengthen learning and ability training. Citizenship requires a sense of self￾identity, the Constitution provides for the basic rights and obligations of citizens, for the citizens to cultivate outstanding ability, comprehensive development, and serve the community, loyal to the country, are of great significance. The Relationship between Constitution and Citizen Cultivation 5

The basic rights of citizens (1)equality before the law; (2)political rights and freedoms,including the right to vote and to be elected,to speak,to publish,to gather,to knit,to marry,to demonstrate freedom (3)freedom of religious belief; (4)personal and personality rights,including personal freedom is not violated,the dignity of human is not violated,the house is inviolable, freedom of communication and communication secrets protected by law; (5)the right to supervise,including the right to criticize,advise,appeal,accuse,prosecute and obtain compensation in accordance with the law of state organs and their staff; 6

6 (1) equality before the law; ; (2) political rights and freedoms, including the right to vote and to be elected, to speak, to publish, to gather, to knit, to marry, to demonstrate freedom ; (3) freedom of religious belief; (4) personal and personality rights, including personal freedom is not violated, the dignity of human is not violated, the house is inviolable, freedom of communication and communication secrets protected by law; (5) the right to supervise, including the right to criticize, advise, appeal, accuse, prosecute and obtain compensation in accordance with the law of state organs and their staff; The basic rights of citizens

(6)the right to social and economic rights,including labor rights,the right to rest workers,the right to life of retirees,the right to social security and material assistance from the state and society due to old age,disease,disability or incapacity: (7)Social and cultural rights and freedoms,including the right to education,the freedom of scientific research,literary and artistic creation and other cultural activities; (8)Women's right to protection,including women,enjoy equal rights with men in terms of political,economic,cultural,social and family life; (9)Marriage,family,mother and child are protected by the State; (10)The legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese,returned overseas Chinese and relatives are protected by the State. 7

(6) the right to social and economic rights, including labor rights, the right to rest workers, the right to life of retirees, the right to social security and material assistance from the state and society due to old age, disease, disability or incapacity; (7) Social and cultural rights and freedoms, including the right to education, the freedom of scientific research, literary and artistic creation and other cultural activities; (8) Women's right to protection, including women, enjoy equal rights with men in terms of political, economic, cultural, social and family life; (9) Marriage, family, mother and child are protected by the State; (10) The legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese, returned overseas Chinese and relatives are protected by the State. 7

Abide by the law and respect the social morality.Article fifty three of the Constitution provides Citizens of the People's Republic of China must abide by the Constitution and laws,preserve state secrets, protect public property,abide by labor discipline,abide by public order and respect social morality."This is the obligation of citizens to abide by the law and respect social morality. Safeguard the security,honor and interests of the motherland. Article 54 of the Constitution stipulates that:"Citizens of the People's Republic of China have the obligation to safeguard the security,honor and interests of the motherland,and shall not have any acts that endanger the safety,honor and interests of the motherland." Defending the motherland,serving military service and participating in militia.Article 55 of the Constitution states:"The defense of the motherland and the resistance to aggression are the sacred duty of every citizen of the People 's Republic of China,and the military service and the participation of militia groups in accordance with the law are the glorious obligations of the citizens of the People's Republic of China. Tax according to law.Article 56 of the Constitution states:"The citizens of the People's Republic of China have the duty to pay taxes 8 according to law

Abide by the law and respect the social morality. Article fifty three of the Constitution provides Citizens of the People's Republic of China must abide by the Constitution and laws, preserve state secrets, protect public property, abide by labor discipline, abide by public order and respectsocial morality. "This is the obligation of citizens to abide by the law and respectsocialmorality. Safeguard the security, honor and interests of the motherland. Article 54 of the Constitution stipulates that: "Citizens of the People's Republic of China have the obligation to safeguard the security, honor and interests of the motherland, and shall not have any acts that endanger the safety, honor and interests of the motherland." Defending the motherland, serving military service and participating in militia. Article 55 of the Constitution states: "The defense of the motherland and the resistance to aggression are the sacred duty of every citizen of the People 's Republic of China, and the military service and the participation of militia groups in accordance with the law are the glorious obligations of the citizens of the People' s Republic of China. Tax according to law. Article 56 of the Constitution states: "The citizens of the People 's Republic of China have the duty to pay taxes according to law. 8

"Conservative"is the preservation,guardian,"state secrets"is related to national security and interests,in accordance with legal procedures to determine,within a certain period of time only a certain range of personnel to know the matter.Does not meet this requirement,does not belong to the state secret.Preservation,guardian relationship between the country's security and interests,in accordance with legal procedures to determine,within a certain period of time only a certain range of personnel to know the matter is "conservative state secrets."Such as secret matters in the national economy and social development,secret matters in science and technology, and so on.For this country to set up a special department of confidential work,and in charge of the national conservative national secret work.All state organs,armed forces, political parties,social organizations,enterprises and institutions and citizens have the obligation to keep state secrets. 9

"Conservative" is the preservation, guardian, "state secrets" is related to national security and interests, in accordance with legal procedures to determine, within a certain period of time only a certain range of personnel to know the matter. Does not meet this requirement, does not belong to the state secret. Preservation, guardian relationship between the country's security and interests, in accordance with legal procedures to determine, within a certain period of time only a certain range of personnel to know the matter is "conservative state secrets." Such as secret matters in the national economy and social development, secret matters in science and technology, and so on. For this country to set up a special department of confidential work, and in charge of the national conservative national secret work. All state organs, armed forces, political parties, social organizations, enterprises and institutions and citizens have the obligation to keep state secrets. 9

转跟一生 转身一程 1984-201 冒家安全之 手无声处 IN THE SILENCE 刻对高朗交0是具说情架长菜想师亨心结佛世些大过 10

