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同济大学:《公民教育专题》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Seminar on Citizen Education

同济大学:《公民教育专题》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Seminar on Citizen Education

2 Seminar on Citizen Education Nianwen Xue Tongji University 1

12% Seminar on Citizen Education Nianwen Xue 2 Tongji University 1

Review of the Development of Chinese Citizen Education 2

Review of the Development of Chinese Citizen Education 2

The understanding of Society 1,The Organic Society Plato Comte Spencer 2,The connected Society Simmel 3,The mixture of Culture Durkheim 4,Society is religion

1,The Organic Society Plato Comte Spencer 2, The connected Society Simmel 3, The mixture of Culture Durkheim 4, Society is religion The understanding of Society 3

The explanation of the Society Psychological or spiritual point of view to seek the secrets of social origin 。Pain Spencer That the main factor in the formation of society is because of the increase in population Xun Zi that human beings to fight with the natural world,it must have a group of organizations

Psychological or spiritual point of view to seek the secrets of social origin • Pain • Spencer • That the main factor in the formation of society is because of the increase in population • Xun Zi that human beings to fight with the natural world, it must have a group of organizations. The explanation of the Society 4

Xun think By separating things into one,they become powerful so that they can surpass other things,So the house can live.Throughout the year,it good for everything to concentrate all forces,this is the strength of unity. So individuals can't leave groups,otherwise individuals will become weak,and then they can not overcome difficulties,the house can not live,and there will be no politeness. 5

• By separating things into one, they become powerful so that they can surpass other things, So the house can live. Throughout the year, it good for everything to concentrate all forces, this is the strength of unity. So individuals can‘t leave groups, otherwise individuals will become weak, and then they can not overcome difficulties, the house can not live, and there will be no politeness. Xun think 5

Society Society is such a kind of people in the practice of activities based on the continuous self-renewal of the organism. Material production,spiritual production and human production is the social organism constantly regeneration and renewal of the necessary mechanism.Social economic relations,political relations,ideological relations,ethical relations, the formation of these three processes. 6

• Society is such a kind of people in the practice of activities based on the continuous self-renewal of the organism. Material production, spiritual production and human production is the social organism constantly regeneration and renewal of the necessary mechanism. Social economic relations, political relations, ideological relations, ethical relations, etc. is the formation of these three processes. Society 6

The Character of the Society Man is a natural political animal--Aristotle ·“Free laissez-faire"principle ·Material production Spiritual production People own production

• Man is a natural political animal ——Aristotle • “Free laissez-faire” principle • Material production • Spiritual production • People own production The Character of the Society 7

The Character of the Society Society is an autonomous organization, with the inherent law of the "independent economic system″,It is preceded by politics,external to political independence. From 1 the perspective of historical evolution,political organizations,political systems,etc.These things are social development to a certain stage,developed in the community

The Character of the Society 8 Society is an autonomous organization, with the inherent law of the “independent economic system“, It is preceded by politics, external to political independence. From the perspective of historical evolution, political organizations, political systems, etc. These things are social development to a certain stage, developed in the community

The ealiest Country ·Polis ·Under the Heaven ·Publicus Cicero State "is the cause of the people,but the people are not a collection of arbitrary people,but many people based on the unity of law and the interests of the common combination of the combination of the main reason is not the human weakness Sex,but rather the kind of natural polymer. ·Rule of justice 9

• Polis • Under the Heaven • Publicus Cicero • State "is the cause of the people, but the people are not a collection of arbitrary people, but many people based on the unity of law and the interests of the common combination of the combination of the main reason is not the human weakness Sex, but rather the kind of natural polymer. • Rule of justice The ealiest Country 9

Niccolo Machiavelli and His Nation Regnum Civitas "From ancient times to the present,all the nations that rule the people, all the power,not the kingdom is the monarchy. The state is specifically a non-individual entity. It gives the state an independent value,but makes the state an isolated individual. 10

• Regnum Civitas • "From ancient times to the present, all the nations that rule the people, all the power, not the kingdom is the monarchy." • The state is specifically a non-individual entity. • It gives the state an independent value, but makes the state an isolated individual. Niccolò Machiavelli and His Nation 10
