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同济大学:《心理学与行为科学导论》课程教学资源(电子教案)11 A. Language & communication B. Cross-cultural adaptation

同济大学:《心理学与行为科学导论》课程教学资源(电子教案)11 A. Language & communication B. Cross-cultural adaptation

同济大学医学院教案 教研室:医学人文及行为教研室 教师姓名: Miller 心理学与行为医 课程名称 学概论 授课专业和班级 2014年级MBBS 授课内容 A.Language communication 授课学时 4 B.Cross-cultural adaptation Grasp the functions and characteristics of both internal and social languages and effective way to communicate;Understand the 教学目的 important of comunication (expressing oneself)and negotiation;Be familiar with the concept of Cross-Culture Adaptation and intercultural competence;Understand the reason of culture conflict and mental illness that influenced by cultures. 教学重点 Value and power of languages 教学难点 Negotiation and Intercultural Competence PPT 教具和媒 体使用 教学方法 lecture Internal Languages,35 min; Social Languages,35min; 教 Definition and Purpose of cross-culture adaptation,15min; Choices to reply cultural conflict,15min; 学 Intercultural Competence,20min; Mental illness influenced by cultures (Adjustment,Anxiety, 过 Dissociative,Eating,Impulse Control,Mood,Paraphilias and Sexual, Somatoform,Substance Related and Personality Disorders),55min. 程 讲授新 进展内容 Mental illness that influenced by cultures 外语关 Language Shaper;Negotiacion;Cross-Culture Adaptation; 键词 Intercultural Competence;Disorders. Finish the lecture as plan above 课后总结 教研室主任(签名) 日期2015年5月13日

同济大学医学院教案 教研室:医学人文及行为教研室 教师姓名: Miller 课程名称 心理学与行为医 学概论 授课专业和班级 2014 年级 MBBS 授课内容 A. Language & communication B. Cross-cultural adaptation 授课学时 4 教学目的 Grasp the functions and characteristics of both internal and social languages and effective way to communicate; Understand the important of comunication (expressing oneself) and negotiation; Be familiar with the concept of Cross-Culture Adaptation and intercultural competence; Understand the reason of culture conflict and mental illness that influenced by cultures. 教学重点 Value and power of languages 教学难点 Negotiation and Intercultural Competence 教具和媒 体使用 PPT 教学方法 lecture 教 学 过 程 Internal Languages, 35 min; Social Languages, 35min; Definition and Purpose of cross-culture adaptation, 15min; Choices to reply cultural conflict, 15min; Intercultural Competence, 20min; Mental illness influenced by cultures (Adjustment, Anxiety, Dissociative, Eating, Impulse Control, Mood, Paraphilias and Sexual, Somatoform, Substance Related and Personality Disorders), 55min. 讲授新 进展内容 Mental illness that influenced by cultures 外语关 键 词 Language Shaper; Negotiacion; Cross-Culture Adaptation; Intercultural Competence; Disorders. 课后总结 Finish the lecture as plan above 教研室主任(签名) 日期 2015 年 5 月 13 日
