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习题 1.A 50-year-old man is brought to the emergency room by the police because he was on the street screaming that the air was being poisoned.The man is very agitated,and requires restraint by the attendants.As you,the on-call physician,try to interview him, he tries to hit you and screams at you.Which of the following is the most appropriate first step in management? A.administer amobarbital by mouth B.give him an injection of haloperidol C.give him an injection of naloxone D.perform a physical examination E.reason with him that the air is not poisoned 2.A 35-year-old single woman complains of fatigue,insomnia,and depression. 1 If further history reveals that she had attempted suicide several times in the past, which of the following statements would be most useful? A.The patient is not a serious suicide risk B.The patient probably has antisocial personality disorder C.The patient should be evaluated for a psychotic disorder D.The risk of successful suicide is decreased E.The risk of successful suicide is increased 2 If the patient seems very sluggish in movement and speech,and takes an inordinate amount of time to answer a question,the patient is suffering from which of the following? A.hysteria B.pseudobulbar palsy C.psychomotor agitation D.psychomotor retardation E.restless leg syndrome 3.Your patient confides in you that she has been losing weight with loss of appetite, has been unable to concentrate,and has had difficulty sleeping through the night.She has also been thinking of the means of killing herself.Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A.borderline personality disorder B.factitious disorder C.generalized anxiety disorder D.hypochondriasis E.major depression

习题 1. A 50-year-old man is brought to the emergency room by the police because he was on the street screaming that the air was being poisoned. The man is very agitated, and requires restraint by the attendants. As you, the on-call physician, try to interview him, he tries to hit you and screams at you. Which of the following is the most appropriate first step in management? A. administer amobarbital by mouth B. give him an injection of haloperidol C. give him an injection of naloxone D. perform a physical examination E. reason with him that the air is not poisoned 2. A 35-year-old single woman complains of fatigue, insomnia, and depression. ① If further history reveals that she had attempted suicide several times in the past, which of the following statements would be most useful? A. The patient is not a serious suicide risk B. The patient probably has antisocial personality disorder C. The patient should be evaluated for a psychotic disorder D. The risk of successful suicide is decreased E. The risk of successful suicide is increased ② If the patient seems very sluggish in movement and speech, and takes an inordinate amount of time to answer a question, the patient is suffering from which of the following? A. hysteria B. pseudobulbar palsy C. psychomotor agitation D. psychomotor retardation E. restless leg syndrome 3. Your patient confides in you that she has been losing weight with loss of appetite, has been unable to concentrate, and has had difficulty sleeping through the night. She has also been thinking of the means of killing herself. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A. borderline personality disorder B. factitious disorder C. generalized anxiety disorder D. hypochondriasis E. major depression

4.Which of the following is the most common type of substance dependency in the United States? A.alcohol B.cannabis C.cocaine D.heroin E.tobacco 5.Sara is a 15-year-old healthy female.With which of the following would one expect a girl of her age to spend a lot of time? A.a mixed group of peers B.adults C.animals D.furry toys E.older females 6.Which of the following has a triphasic abstinence syndrome,the first phase being the "crash"? A.alcohol B.barbiturates C.cannabis D.cocaine E.opiates 7.An elderly patient with multi-infarct dementia also suffers from urinary incontinence and ataxia.Which of the following therapeutic procedures may be considered for this type of patient? A.benzodiazepines B.electroconvulsive therapy C.megavitamin therapy D.urocholine E.ventriculo peritoneal shunt 8.Naloxone would be contraindicated in an apparently psychotic patient if one were to also discover which of the following? A.The patient had a psilocybin-induced psychosis B.The patient has hypertension C.The patient has just suffered a fracture D.The patient is a placebo responder E.The patient is an alcohol abuser 9.Unmyelinated C fibers are thought to carry which of the following pain sensations? A.aching B.burning C.dull D.gnawing E.pricking 10.Which of the following describes a possible adverse effect of long-term chronic treatment of schizophrenia with a phenothiazine such as fluphenazine? A.diarrhea,nausea,and vomiting B.reduced secretion of prolactin C.tardive dyskinesia D.Tourette syndrome

4. Which of the following is the most common type of substance dependency in the United States? A. alcohol B. cannabis C. cocaine D. heroin E. tobacco 5. Sara is a 15-year-old healthy female. With which of the following would one expect a girl of her age to spend a lot of time? A. a mixed group of peers B. adults C. animals D. furry toys E. older females 6. Which of the following has a triphasic abstinence syndrome, the first phase being the "crash"? A. alcohol B. barbiturates C. cannabis D. cocaine E. opiates 7. An elderly patient with multi-infarct dementia also suffers from urinary incontinence and ataxia. Which of the following therapeutic procedures may be considered for this type of patient? A. benzodiazepines B. electroconvulsive therapy C. megavitamin therapy D. urocholine E. ventriculo peritoneal shunt 8. Naloxone would be contraindicated in an apparently psychotic patient if one were to also discover which of the following? A. The patient had a psilocybin-induced psychosis B. The patient has hypertension C. The patient has just suffered a fracture D. The patient is a placebo responder E. The patient is an alcohol abuser 9. Unmyelinated C fibers are thought to carry which of the following pain sensations? A. aching B. burning C. dull D. gnawing E. pricking 10. Which of the following describes a possible adverse effect of long-term chronic treatment of schizophrenia with a phenothiazine such as fluphenazine? A. diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting B. reduced secretion of prolactin C. tardive dyskinesia D. Tourette syndrome

E.weight loss 11.A 17-year-old girl consults the doctor because she has not had her menses within the last 4 months.On questioning,she also describes being very sensitive to cold and being constipated.However,overall she feels well and does not see any need for treating these latter symptoms.Her weight is 34 kg (75lbs),her height 1.65 m(5 ft 4 in).A pregnancy test is negative.Results of a neurological examination are normal, and her axillary and pubic hair is normally developed.What is the most likely cause of her secondary amenorrhea? A.anorexia nervosa B.Celiac disease C.Crohn's disease D.diabetes insipidus E.panhypopituitarism 12.A 28-year-old woman is brought to the hospital because she had not come out of her room for 3 days,missing work.She would eat only when a tray was brought in. 1While you are trying to understand her,she suddenly stops talking,staring into space.She probably has which of the following? A.ambivalence B.delusion C.illusion D.negativism E.thought blocking 2 If the patient was observed in her room alone talking loudly and gesticulating,this is probably an example of which of the following? A.delusion B.hallucination C.compulsive behavior D.panic behavior E.schizophrenia 3 When the patient arrives,she is observed walking very slowly,and when you try to speak with her,she responds very slowly after a long latency.This may be an example of which of the following? A.autistic thinking B.circumstantiality C.folie a deux D.psychomotor retardation E.thought blocking 4 Further history reveals that the patient had her first psychiatric hospitalization at age 20 when she made a suicide attempt.Otherwise,she is known to be a rather cheerful person.She is gainfully employed,but there are times when she has shopping sprees running up enormous credit card debt.There seems to be no history of substance abuse.Family history reveals that her maternal grandmother had died in a

E. weight loss 11. A 17-year-old girl consults the doctor because she has not had her menses within the last 4 months. On questioning, she also describes being very sensitive to cold and being constipated. However, overall she feels well and does not see any need for treating these latter symptoms. Her weight is 34 kg (75lbs), her height 1.65 m (5 ft 4 in). A pregnancy test is negative. Results of a neurological examination are normal, and her axillary and pubic hair is normally developed. What is the most likely cause of her secondary amenorrhea? A. anorexia nervosa B. Celiac disease C. Crohn's disease D. diabetes insipidus E. panhypopituitarism 12. A 28-year-old woman is brought to the hospital because she had not come out of her room for 3 days, missing work. She would eat only when a tray was brought in. ①While you are trying to understand her, she suddenly stops talking, staring into space. She probably has which of the following? A. ambivalence B. delusion C. illusion D. negativism E. thought blocking ② If the patient was observed in her room alone talking loudly and gesticulating, this is probably an example of which of the following? A. delusion B. hallucination C. compulsive behavior D. panic behavior E.schizophrenia ③ When the patient arrives, she is observed walking very slowly, and when you try to speak with her, she responds very slowly after a long latency. This may be an example of which of the following? A. autistic thinking B. circumstantiality C. folie à deux D. psychomotor retardation E. thought blocking ④ Further history reveals that the patient had her first psychiatric hospitalization at age 20 when she made a suicide attempt. Otherwise, she is known to be a rather cheerful person. She is gainfully employed, but there are times when she has shopping sprees running up enormous credit card debt. There seems to be no history of substance abuse. Family history reveals that her maternal grandmother had died in a

state hospital.Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis for this patient? A.bipolar disorder B.delusional disorder C.folie a deux D.lewy body disease E.schizophrenia 5 Given the most likely diagnosis above,which of the following would be the drug of choice? E A.benztropine B.chlordiazepoxide C.fluoxetine D.tranylcypromine E valproic acid 13.Which of the following is true concerning factitious disorder? A.It is a form of psychosis B.It is an integral part of borderline personality C.It is an intentional antisocial act D.It is a sick-role addiction 14.A physician is treating a patient whom he suspects of factitious disorder.If the physician learns that the patient would have been incarcerated for a criminal offense if he had not been hospitalized,which of the following diagnoses becomes most likely? A.antisocial personality disorder B.borderline personality disorder C.malingering D.Munchausen syndrome E.sick-role addiction 15.A contaminated meat dish infected 12 members of a church congregation gathered for a potluck meal.If food poisoning is assumed to be due to enterotoxin produced by Clostridium perfringens,final confirmation will rest upon which of the following? A.demonstration of spores in suspected food B.enterotoxin production in food and neutralization by its antiserum C.growth of gram-positive bacilli in thioglycolate broth D.the presence of antibodies against C.perfringens in the patient's serum E.the presence of many gram-positive rods in food 16.Which of the following is the most treatable dementing disease? A.Alzheimer's disease B.Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease C.multi-infarct dementia D.Pick disease E.Wernicke syndrome 17.All patients who have trisomy of autosome 21 who survive to adulthood develop which one of the following conditions? A.Alzheimer's disease B.lewy body dementia C.multi-infarct dementia D.Pick disease E.secondary dementia

state hospital. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis for this patient? A. bipolar disorder B. delusional disorder C. folie à deux D. lewy body disease E. schizophrenia ⑤ Given the most likely diagnosis above, which of the following would be the drug of choice? E A. benztropine B. chlordiazepoxide C. fluoxetine D. tranylcypromine E valproic acid 13. Which of the following is true concerning factitious disorder? A. It is a form of psychosis B. It is an integral part of borderline personality C. It is an intentional antisocial act D. It is a sick-role addiction 14. A physician is treating a patient whom he suspects of factitious disorder. If the physician learns that the patient would have been incarcerated for a criminal offense if he had not been hospitalized, which of the following diagnoses becomes most likely? A. antisocial personality disorder B. borderline personality disorder C. malingering D. Munchausen syndrome E.sick-role addiction 15. A contaminated meat dish infected 12 members of a church congregation gathered for a potluck meal. If food poisoning is assumed to be due to enterotoxin produced by Clostridium perfringens, final confirmation will rest upon which of the following? A. demonstration of spores in suspected food B. enterotoxin production in food and neutralization by its antiserum C. growth of gram-positive bacilli in thioglycolate broth D. the presence of antibodies against C. perfringens in the patient's serum E. the presence of many gram-positive rods in food 16. Which of the following is the most treatable dementing disease? A. Alzheimer's disease B. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease C. multi-infarct dementia D. Pick disease E. Wernicke syndrome 17. All patients who have trisomy of autosome 21 who survive to adulthood develop which one of the following conditions? A. Alzheimer's disease B. lewy body dementia C. multi-infarct dementia D. Pick disease E.secondary dementia

18.Your patient seems very trusting of you,and when you try to explain laboratory results,she says,"Just tell me the good news."She seems to be quite impressionistic and friendly.If she turns out to have a newly diagnosed serious medical condition, which of the following is appropriate? A.Ask the patient if she would like to hear the bad news B.Tell the family about the diagnosis,and tell the patient she should discuss it with the family C.Tell the patient about the diagnosis in great detail D.Tell the patient about the diagnosis in very general terms,and ask if she would like more detail E.Withhold the information from the patient 19.Which of the following best defines a person's "personality"? A.characteristic means of relating with reality B.characteristic patterns of thought,behavior,and feelings C.defensive armamentarium D.ego E.ego and superego combined 20.A 9-year-old girl is brought into your office by her mother,who states that the daughter has been losing weight and having difficulty at school.The mother discovered some yellow-colored discharge on the child's underwear.On physical examination,you notice erythema of all parts of the patient's vulva and the vagina. There is some yellow discharge visible.Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A.Mullerian duct tumor B.Wolffian duct tumor C.Dermatitis D.Sexual abuse E.Straddle injury 21.The activity of which structure in the pons is suppressed by opioids, alpha-2-agonists,and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA),and produces most of the noradrenergic input to the brain? A.anterior Cingulate Gyrus ceruleus C.mammillary bodies D.nucleus pulposus E.nucleus solitaries 22.An 87-year-old man has been living alone.He has no chore worker or caregiver

18. Your patient seems very trusting of you, and when you try to explain laboratory results, she says, "Just tell me the good news." She seems to be quite impressionistic and friendly. If she turns out to have a newly diagnosed serious medical condition, which of the following is appropriate? A. Ask the patient if she would like to hear the bad news B. Tell the family about the diagnosis, and tell the patient she should discuss it with the family C. Tell the patient about the diagnosis in great detail D. Tell the patient about the diagnosis in very general terms, and ask if she would like more detail E. Withhold the information from the patient 19. Which of the following best defines a person's "personality"? A. characteristic means of relating with reality B. characteristic patterns of thought, behavior, and feelings C. defensive armamentarium D. ego E. ego and superego combined 20. A 9-year-old girl is brought into your office by her mother, who states that the daughter has been losing weight and having difficulty at school. The mother discovered some yellow-colored discharge on the child's underwear. On physical examination, you notice erythema of all parts of the patient's vulva and the vagina. There is some yellow discharge visible. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A. Müllerian duct tumor B. Wolffian duct tumor C. Dermatitis D. Sexual abuse E. Straddle injury 21. The activity of which structure in the pons is suppressed by opioids, alpha-2-agonists, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and produces most of the noradrenergic input to the brain? A. anterior Cingulate Gyrus B. locus ceruleus C. mammillary bodies D. nucleus pulposus E. nucleus solitaries 22. An 87-year-old man has been living alone. He has no chore worker or caregiver

His neighbor is concerned because the patient is often disheveled and forgetful.He has been late paying his rent and appears to have difficulty ambulating.Which of the following is the most likely intervention for this patient? A.Assisted living situation B.Nursing home placement C.Arrange for a part-time chore worker D.Arrange for a day program E.Arrange for a boarding home situation 23.James is 3 years old and he will not part with his filthy terrycloth blanket. Whenever it is taken away from him,he throws a temper tantrum to get it back.He holds it,sucks on it,and seems content when he has it.Of which of the following is this an example? A.childhood fetishism B.codependence C.displacement D.separation anxiety E.transitional object 24.A patient has begun exhibiting signs of paranoia and psychosis within the past week.In considering the diagnosis of schizophrenia,which of the following is a crucial piece of information? A.The patient does not smoke B.The patient has a history of similar psychotic episodes in the past C.The patient has a history of substance abuse D.The patient is a toxicologist E.The patient is single 25.If laboratory tests determine that the patient has a general medical condition that underlies the symptoms,which of the following is most likely? A.Addison disease B.cancer of the pancreas C.hyperparathyroidism D.hyperthyroid ism E.hypothyroidism 26.Which of the following personality traits would most likely result from anal-phase fixation? A.dependency B.fierce competitiveness C.parsimony D.narcissism 27.Which of the following is a normal sexual function? A.anorgasmia B.dyspareunia C.masturbation D.pedophilia 28.Which theory concerning pain postulates that non-pain sensations,such as vibration or pressure,may affect the transmission and perception of pain sensation?

His neighbor is concerned because the patient is often disheveled and forgetful. He has been late paying his rent and appears to have difficulty ambulating. Which of the following is the most likely intervention for this patient? A. Assisted living situation B. Nursing home placement C. Arrange for a part-time chore worker D. Arrange for a day program E. Arrange for a boarding home situation 23. James is 3 years old and he will not part with his filthy terrycloth blanket. Whenever it is taken away from him, he throws a temper tantrum to get it back. He holds it, sucks on it, and seems content when he has it. Of which of the following is this an example? A. childhood fetishism B. codependence C. displacement D.separation anxiety E. transitional object 24. A patient has begun exhibiting signs of paranoia and psychosis within the past week. In considering the diagnosis of schizophrenia, which of the following is a crucial piece of information? A. The patient does not smoke B. The patient has a history of similar psychotic episodes in the past C. The patient has a history of substance abuse D. The patient is a toxicologist E. The patient is single 25. If laboratory tests determine that the patient has a general medical condition that underlies the symptoms, which of the following is most likely? A. Addison disease B. cancer of the pancreas C. hyperparathyroidism D. hyperthyroidism E. hypothyroidism 26. Which of the following personality traits would most likely result from anal-phase fixation? A. dependency B. fierce competitiveness C. parsimony D. narcissism 27. Which of the following is a normal sexual function? A. anorgasmia B. dyspareunia C. masturbation D. pedophilia 28. Which theory concerning pain postulates that non-pain sensations, such as vibration or pressure, may affect the transmission and perception of pain sensation?

A.bradykinin theory B.gate control theory C.pattern theory D.peptide theory E.specificity theory 29.A 78-year-old woman who has lived with her truck-driver son for a year because of cognitive decline comes in for follow-up.Her past medical history is significant for an arm fracture from a fall 6 months ago.Upon examining her,you note that her hair is uncombed and she smells of urine with skin breakdown over her buttocks.She also has linear bruises over her abdomen horizontally,and when you ask her about them she responds that her son does not want her to get hurt while he is away,so he restrains her in a chair.Which of the following is the most appropriate next step? A.Order a PT/PTT to investigate the easy bruising B.Tell her to rotate her position every few hours to avoid skin breakdown C.Order a urinalysis to rule out a urinary tract infection D.Contact adult protective services E.Advise her to take a multivitamin to prevent skin breakdown 30.Which of the following ratios represents the estimated likelihood that a physician will become addicted to narcotics during his/her career? A.1 in 10 B.1in100C.1in1000 D.1in10,000 E.1in100,000 31.A27-year-old bank security guard is shot in the head during a robbery attempt.He survives in a comatose state for several days and then contracts bronchopneumonia from which he dies.Which of the following is the manner of death in this case? A.accident B.gunshot wound to the head C.homicide D.natural E.pneumonia 32.Which of the following drugs is useful for the treatment of panic disorder? A.bupropion B.olanzapine C.Phenobarbital D.sertraline E.valproic acid 33.A 52-year-old woman tells her doctor that she is experiencing pains in the abdomen and thighs and insists that she is suffering from some form of cancer.A physical examination reveals only the presence of extensive varicose veins.While collecting additional patient history,you find that the woman has become increasingly anxious,with a sense of impending doom,and intensifying abdominal discomfort. You decide to do further medical workup to rule out cancer.Which of the following

A. bradykinin theory B. gate control theory C. pattern theory D. peptide theory E.specificity theory 29. A 78-year-old woman who has lived with her truck-driver son for a year because of cognitive decline comes in for follow-up. Her past medical history is significant for an arm fracture from a fall 6 months ago. Upon examining her, you note that her hair is uncombed and she smells of urine with skin breakdown over her buttocks. She also has linear bruises over her abdomen horizontally, and when you ask her about them she responds that her son does not want her to get hurt while he is away, so he restrains her in a chair. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step? A. Order a PT/PTT to investigate the easy bruising B. Tell her to rotate her position every few hours to avoid skin breakdown C. Order a urinalysis to rule out a urinary tract infection D. Contact adult protective services E. Advise her to take a multivitamin to prevent skin breakdown 30. Which of the following ratios represents the estimated likelihood that a physician will become addicted to narcotics during his/her career? A. 1 in 10 B. 1 in 100 C. 1 in 1000 D. 1 in 10,000 E. 1 in 100,000 31. A 27-year-old bank security guard is shot in the head during a robbery attempt. He survives in a comatose state for several days and then contracts bronchopneumonia from which he dies. Which of the following is the manner of death in this case? A. accident B. gunshot wound to the head C. homicide D. natural E. pneumonia 32. Which of the following drugs is useful for the treatment of panic disorder? A. bupropion B. olanzapine C. Phenobarbital D.sertraline E.valproic acid 33. A 52-year-old woman tells her doctor that she is experiencing pains in the abdomen and thighs and insists that she is suffering from some form of cancer. A physical examination reveals only the presence of extensive varicose veins. While collecting additional patient history, you find that the woman has become increasingly anxious, with a sense of impending doom, and intensifying abdominal discomfort. You decide to do further medical workup to rule out cancer. Which of the following

malignancies is most likely in this patient? A.carcinoma of the pancreas B.glioblastoma C.carcinoma of the stomach D.Kaposi sarcoma E.pancoast tumor 34.A patient who had a painful bee sting is now afraid of flies and birds.This would be an example of which of the following? A.classical conditioning B.flooding C.operant conditioning D.shaping E.stimulus generalization 35.A 25-year-old man is admitted to the hospital after coming to the doctor carrying a bottle containing bloody urine.All tests were negative,and he was observed stealing a test tube of blood from the laboratory technician's cart.Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A.antisocial personality disorder B.factitious disorder C.malingering D.schizophrenia E.somatization disorder 36.A 48-year-old woman comes to the doctor complaining of vague pains in the abdomen,legs,and thighs.On physical examination,the only positive findings are varicose veins of 20 years'duration.The patient,upon being told of this,insists on being operated on for the varicose veins immediately.Which of the following is most likely to underlie this wish for immediate surgery? A.anxiety B.depression C.drug dependence psychosis 37.According to Piaget,in which of the following do children of middle teenage years typically engage? A.abstract thinking B.circular reactions C.cognitive map D.concrete operations E.preoperational activities 38.According to psychoanalytic theory,which of the following is a function of the superego? A.curiosity B.guilt appreciation D.perception E.sexual urge 39.Which of the following is used in treating major depression and has the greatest sedative effect? A.bupropion B.desipramine C.fluoxetine D.mirtazapine E.venlafaxine 40.An internist tells the psychiatric consultant that she is having difficulty with a

malignancies is most likely in this patient? A. carcinoma of the pancreas B. glioblastoma C. carcinoma of the stomach D. Kaposi sarcoma E. pancoast tumor 34. A patient who had a painful bee sting is now afraid of flies and birds. This would be an example of which of the following? A. classical conditioning B. flooding C. operant conditioning D.shaping E.stimulus generalization 35. A 25-year-old man is admitted to the hospital after coming to the doctor carrying a bottle containing bloody urine. All tests were negative, and he was observed stealing a test tube of blood from the laboratory technician's cart. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A. antisocial personality disorder B. factitious disorder C. malingering D.schizophrenia E.somatization disorder 36. A 48-year-old woman comes to the doctor complaining of vague pains in the abdomen, legs, and thighs. On physical examination, the only positive findings are varicose veins of 20 years' duration. The patient, upon being told of this, insists on being operated on for the varicose veins immediately. Which of the following is most likely to underlie this wish for immediate surgery? A. anxiety B. depression C. drug dependence psychosis 37. According to Piaget, in which of the following do children of middle teenage years typically engage? A. abstract thinking B. circular reactions C. cognitive map D. concrete operations E. preoperational activities 38. According to psychoanalytic theory, which of the following is a function of the superego? A. curiosity B. guilt C. music appreciation D. perception E.sexual urge 39. Which of the following is used in treating major depression and has the greatest sedative effect? A. bupropion B. desipramine C. fluoxetine D. mirtazapine E. venlafaxine 40. An internist tells the psychiatric consultant that she is having difficulty with a

patient.The patient is very upset about the "sloppiness"of the hospital personnel.He insists on having all medicine administered exactly at the scheduled minute,on the dot.He complains if his medicine is only 5 minutes late.Which of the following is the most likely trait of this patient? A.antisocial personality B.borderline personality C.dependent personality D.narcissistic personality E.obsessive personality 41.Which of the following cancers is most likely to cause depression? A.cervix B.lung C.pancreas E.stomach 42.Thomas is a 9-year-old child of normal physical stature and health.He is unruly at school and refuses to abide by instructions given to him by his teachers.In addition, he has had inattention,hyperactivity,and impulsivity since the age of 5.Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A.anaclitic depression B.deficit hyperactivity disorder C.conduct disorder D.generalized anxiety disorder E.separation anxiety disorder 43.A 7-year-old child has been exhibiting impulsivity and disruptive behaviors at school.When further evaluation reveals that the child has been unable to sleep at night for at least 3 months out of fear that his parents may divorce,which of the following is an important diagnostic possibility? A.anaclitic depression B.attention deficit hyperactivity disorder C.conduct disorder D.generalized anxiety disorder E.separation anxiety disorder 44.A 48-year-old woman comes to the doctor complaining of vague pains in the abdomen,legs,and thighs.Physical examination reveals no obvious signs of injury or trauma to account for the reported symptoms.If the woman told the doctor,"In spite of what you say,doctor,I know that I have a serious illness,probably cancer,"which of the following would be the most appropriate next step in treatment? A.ask why she thinks she has cancer B.tell her that she does not have cancer C.tell her that she has anxiety D.tell her that she has depression E.tell her to see a psychiatrist 45.Nancy was tending the goose eggs when they hatched.The young goslings started

patient. The patient is very upset about the "sloppiness" of the hospital personnel. He insists on having all medicine administered exactly at the scheduled minute, on the dot. He complains if his medicine is only 5 minutes late. Which of the following is the most likely trait of this patient? A. antisocial personality B. borderline personality C. dependent personality D. narcissistic personality E. obsessive personality 41. Which of the following cancers is most likely to cause depression? A. cervix B. lung C. pancreas E.stomach 42. Thomas is a 9-year-old child of normal physical stature and health. He is unruly at school and refuses to abide by instructions given to him by his teachers. In addition, he has had inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity since the age of 5. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A. anaclitic depression B. deficit hyperactivity disorder C. conduct disorder D. generalized anxiety disorder E. separation anxiety disorder 43. A 7-year-old child has been exhibiting impulsivity and disruptive behaviors at school. When further evaluation reveals that the child has been unable to sleep at night for at least 3 months out of fear that his parents may divorce, which of the following is an important diagnostic possibility? A. anaclitic depression B. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder C. conduct disorder D. generalized anxiety disorder E.separation anxiety disorder 44. A 48-year-old woman comes to the doctor complaining of vague pains in the abdomen, legs, and thighs. Physical examination reveals no obvious signs of injury or trauma to account for the reported symptoms. If the woman told the doctor, "In spite of what you say, doctor, I know that I have a serious illness, probably cancer," which of the following would be the most appropriate next step in treatment? A. ask why she thinks she has cancer B. tell her that she does not have cancer C. tell her that she has anxiety D. tell her that she has depression E. tell her to see a psychiatrist 45. Nancy was tending the goose eggs when they hatched. The young goslings started

following Nancy,even when the mother was calling them.Which of the following phenomenon is this an example of? A.cognitive map B.imprinting C.instinctual behavior D.maternal bonding E.operant conditioning 46.Your patient is convinced that she has cancer.She is clearly agitated and is complaining of pain in her abdomen.A workup for cancer is negative,yet your patient refuses to accept the diagnosis and becomes increasingly anxious and expresses an intense sense of impending doom.Which of the following drugs is most appropriate for the treatment of this patient? A.carbamazepine B.methylphenidate C.olanzapine D.paroxetine E.valproic acid

following Nancy, even when the mother was calling them. Which of the following phenomenon is this an example of? A. cognitive map B. imprinting C. instinctual behavior D. maternal bonding E. operant conditioning 46. Your patient is convinced that she has cancer. She is clearly agitated and is complaining of pain in her abdomen. A workup for cancer is negative, yet your patient refuses to accept the diagnosis and becomes increasingly anxious and expresses an intense sense of impending doom. Which of the following drugs is most appropriate for the treatment of this patient? A. carbamazepine B. methylphenidate C. olanzapine D. paroxetine E. valproic acid
