山东大学基础医学院:《病理生理学 Pathophysiology》课程教学资源(试题及答案)Examination Paper of Pathophysiology(附答案)
Examination Paper of Pathophysiology For Pakistan Class (2002) 1. Single-choice questions There are four answers in each question, pick out the best one and mark "V") (1)Hypertonic dehydration is defined as A. [Na+] >150 mmol/L, osmotic pressure>310 mOsm/L B. [Na+]150 mmol/L, osmotic pressure 310m0sm/L (2)The characteristic cause of hypertonic dehydration is A. increased loss of body fluid and decreased intake of water B. water loss is excess of Na+ loss C. no water during navigation D. increased loss of water via gastrointestinal tract (3)Which is not the reason of hypertonic dehydration? A. no sense of thirst due to brain in jury B. severe vomiting C. difficulty in swallowing because of esophageal diseases. hypoventilation. (4) Increased loss of pure water via skin will cause A. hypotonic dehydration. B. isotonic dehydration. C. hypertonic dehydration. D. water intoxication (5) Intracellular dehydration can be seen A. hypotonic dehydration. B. isotonic dehydration. C. hypertonic dehydration. D. water intoxication (6) Loss of body weight can not be seen in A. hypotonic dehydration. B. isotonic dehydration. C. hypertonic dehydration
Examination Paper of Pathophysiology For Pakistan Class (2002) 1. Single-choice questions ( There are four answers in each question, pick out the best one and mark “√”) (1) Hypertonic dehydration is defined as A. [Na+] >150 mmol/L, osmotic pressure> 310 mOsm/L B. [Na+] 150 mmol/L,osmotic pressure < 310mOsm/L (2) The characteristic cause of hypertonic dehydration is A. increased loss of body fluid and decreased intake of water B. water loss is excess of Na+ loss. C. no water during navigation . D. increased loss of water via gastrointestinal tract (3) Which is not the reason of hypertonic dehydration? A. no sense of thirst due to brain injury. B. severe vomiting C. difficulty in swallowing because of esophageal diseases. D. hypoventilation. (4) Increased loss of pure water via skin will cause A. hypotonic dehydration. B. isotonic dehydration. C. hypertonic dehydration. D. water intoxication. (5) Intracellular dehydration can be seen in A. hypotonic dehydration. B. isotonic dehydration. C. hypertonic dehydration. D. water intoxication. (6) Loss of body weight can not be seen in A. hypotonic dehydration. B. isotonic dehydration. C. hypertonic dehydration
D. water intoxication (7)There is severe thirst A. hypertonic dehydration. B. isotonic dehydration. C. hypotonic dehydration D. water intoxication ( 8)The change of electrocardiogram in hyperkalemia is A. low P-wave B. peaked T-wave C. widen t-wave narrow QRS complex (9) The reason of increased interstitial fluid A. increased capillary hydrostatic pressure. B. increased plasma colloidal osmotic pressure C. decreased permeability of the capillary wall D. increased lymphatic return. (10) Increased permeability of the capillary wall will lead A. increased interstitial hydrostatic pressure. B. increased capillary hydrostatic pressure. C. increased plasma colloidal osmotic pressure D. increased interstitial colloidal osmotic pressure (11)Metabolic alkalosis will lead to A. decreased intracellular [K+ B. increased intracellular [K+] C. increased extracellular [K+ D. normal intracellular [K+ (12). The effect of respiratory acidosis on the body A. increase of myocardial contraction. B. depression of mental activity. C. arteriole contraction D hypokalemia. (13) The main reason of pulmonary hypertension caused by acute hypoxia is
D. water intoxication. (7) There is severe thirst in A. hypertonic dehydration. B. isotonic dehydration. C. hypotonic dehydration. D. water intoxication. (8) The change of electrocardiogram in hyperkalemia is A. low P-wave B. peaked T-wave C. widen T-wave D. narrow QRS complex (9) The reason of increased interstitial fluid is A. increased capillary hydrostatic pressure. B. increased plasma colloidal osmotic pressure. C. decreased permeability of the capillary wall. D. increased lymphatic return. (10) Increased permeability of the capillary wall will lead to A. increased interstitial hydrostatic pressure. B. increased capillary hydrostatic pressure. C. increased plasma colloidal osmotic pressure. D. increased interstitial colloidal osmotic pressure. (11) Metabolic alkalosis will lead to A. decreased intracellular [K+]. B. increased intracellular [K+]. C. increased extracellular [K+]. D. normal intracellular [K+]. (12). The effect of respiratory acidosis on the body is A. increase of myocardial contraction. B. depression of mental activity. C. arteriole contraction. D.hypokalemia. (13) The main reason of pulmonary hypertension caused by acute hypoxia is:
A. increase of right cardiac output B. left heart failure C. increase of pulmonary blood flow D. spasm of pulmonary arterioles (14). The most important factor deciding blood oxygen saturation is A. blood pH B. blood temperature C. blood oxygen pressure D. blood carbon dioxide pressure (15). Hypoxemia is A. blood oxygen pressure is lower than normal level B. blood oxygen content is less than normal level C. blood oxy gen capacity is less than normal level D. arterial blood oxygen content is less than normal level (16)Which parameter doesn' t decrease in hypotonic hypoxia? A. oxygen capacity B. PvO2 C. blood oxygen content in vein D. arterial blood oxygen content 2. Explain the following concepts (1)brain death (2) hypertonic dehydration (3)hypokalemia (4)edema cyanosis 3. Answer the following questions (1) Explain the causes of hypokalemia (2)Please tell the alteration of Pa02, Cao2, 02 capacity, Sao2 and the difference between Cao2 and Cvo2 in various kinds of hypoxia
A. increase of right cardiac output B. left heart failure C. increase of pulmonary blood flow D. spasm of pulmonary arterioles (14). The most important factor deciding blood oxygen saturation is: A. blood pH B. blood temperature C. blood oxygen pressure D. blood carbon dioxide pressure (15). Hypoxemia is A. blood oxygen pressure is lower than normal level B. blood oxygen content is less than normal level C. blood oxygen capacity is less than normal level D. arterial blood oxygen content is less than normal level (16) Which parameter doesn’t decrease in hypotonic hypoxia? A. oxygen capacity B. PvO2 C. blood oxygen content in vein D. arterial blood oxygen content 2. Explain the following concepts (1) brain death (2) hypertonic dehydration (3) hypokalemia (4) edema (5) cyanosis 3. Answer the following questions: (1) Explain the causes of hypokalemia. (2)Please tell the alteration of PaO2, Cao2, O2 capacity, Sao2 and the difference between Cao2 and Cvo2 in various kinds of hypoxia
4. Case discussion A 52-year-old man with chronic obstructive lung disease was admitted to the hospital with worsening dyspnea. he appeared cyanotic and in respiratory distress. The pH=7. 34, PaC02=60 mmHg, [HC03-] =37mmol/L. Please answer the following questions (a)What type of acid-base imbalance did the patient have? (b) Why did the acid-base imbalance occur? 【参考答案】 (1)A(2)B(3)D(4)C(5)C(6)D(7)A(8)B(9)A(10)D(11)B(12)B(13D(14)C(15)D(16)A
4. Case discussion A 52-year-old man with chronic obstructive lung disease was admitted to the hospital with worsening dyspnea. He appeared cyanotic and in respiratory distress. The pH=7.34, PaCO2=60 mmHg, [HCO3-] =37mmol/L.Please answer the following questions: (a) What type of acid-base imbalance did the patient have? (b) Why did the acid-base imbalance occur? 【参考答案】 (1) A (2) B (3) D (4) C (5) C (6) D (7) A (8) B (9) A (10) D (11) B (12) B (13 D (14) C (15) D (16) A
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- 山东大学基础医学院:《病理生理学 Pathophysiology》课程教学资源(试题及答案)七年制病理生理学试卷(A,附答案).pdf
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