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山东大学基础医学院:《病理生理学 Pathophysiology》课程PPT教学课件(5年制)06 hypoxia 缺氧(主讲:王婧婧)

山东大学基础医学院:《病理生理学 Pathophysiology》课程PPT教学课件(5年制)06 hypoxia 缺氧(主讲:王婧婧)

hypoxia 王婧婧 山东大学医学胱病理生理学教研宣

王婧婧 山东大学医学院病理生理学教研室

氧气的获得和利用: Alveolar G as Tissue air alveoli capillary transport cells ventilation gas exchange internal respiration external respiration Laryngopharynx caring Left and right ower

氧气的获得和利用: ventilation gas exchange internal respiration external respiration air alveoli Alveolar capillary Gas transport Tissue cells

o Concept 运遂氧或利用氧发生障碍肘,机体发生 功能、代谢、形态结构改叟的病理过程 Tissue cells cant obtain enough oxygen or cant fully utilize oxygen→ metabolic, functional and structural changes

Concept 运送氧或利用氧发生障碍时,机体发生 功能、代谢、形态结构改变的病理过程. Tissue cells can’t obtain enough oxygen or can’t fully utilize oxygen→ metabolic, functional and structural changes

o Parameters of blood gas 1. Partial pressure of o2(PO2) 2.02 capacity CO2 max 3. 0 content (CO) 4.02 saturation (SO2)

Parameters of blood gas 1. Partial pressure of O2 (PO2) 2. O2 capacity ( CO2 max ) 3. O2 content(CO2) 4. O2 saturation ( SO2 )

1. Partial pressure of O,(PO,) 溶解在血液中的氧所产生的张力。 The pressure or tension produced by physically dissolved o2 in the blood NormaI: Pao2: 100 mmHg Influenced by: the oxygen pressure in the inhaled air extra-respiration Normal:PⅴO2:40 mmhs Influenced by intra-respiration

1. Partial pressure of O2(PO2) 溶解在血液中的氧所产生的张力。 The pressure or tension produced by physically dissolved O2 in the blood. Normal: PaO2 : 100 mmHg 吸入气氧分压 Influenced by: the oxygen pressure in the inhalied air extra-respiration Normal: PvO2 : 40 mmHg Influenced by intra-respiration

2.02 capacity (cO2 max) 100ml血液中的Hb被氧充分饱和时的最大携氧量 Maximum amount of o that can be combined chemically with the hb in 100 ml blood. Normal: 20 ml/dl (15g Hb/100 ml blood Influenced by the amount of qua lity and quantity of b

2. O2 capacity (CO2 max) 100 ml 血液中的Hb被氧充分饱和时的最大携氧量 Maximum amount of O2 that can be combined chemically with the Hb in 100 ml blood. Normal: 20 ml/dl (15g Hb/100 ml blood ) Influenced by the amount of quality and quantity of Hb

3. 0, content (cO,) 100mlIb的实际携氧量 The concentration of O2 in a blood sample Normal: Ca0,:19 ml/dl. cvo,: 14 ml/dl Influenced by the po2 and co2 max The difference between Ca02 and cvo2 动静脉血氧差:动脉血氧含量-静脉血氧含量

100 ml Hb的实际携氧量 The concentration of O2 in a blood sample Normal: CaO2 : 19 ml/dl, CvO2 : 14 ml/dl 3. O2 content (CO2) Influenced by the PO2 and CO2 max The difference between CaO2 and CvO2 动静脉血氧差: 动脉血氧含量 - 静脉血氧含量

Cao2--Cvo2 Reflect the oxygen consumption rate of the tissue 19ml/dl 14mldl A 020 5ml/dl

19ml/dl 14ml/dl 5ml/dl A O2O2 O2O2 O2 V CaO2 -- CvO2 Reflect the oxygen consumption rate of the tissue

.O saturation ( SO) 指Hb结合氧的百分数 Amount of oxygen actually combined with Hb, expressed as a percentage of oxygen capacity. CO2-O, of physical solution 100% cO max Normal: Sa02% SvO2 75% Influenced by the Po2

4. O2 saturation ( SO2 ) Normal: SaO2 95% SvO2 75% Influenced by the PO2 指Hb结合氧的百分数 Amount of oxygen actually combined with Hb, expressed as a percentage of oxygen capacity. CO2 – O2 of physical solution CO2 max = 100%

1 Shift to left 90tiPaCOz lemperature 写 a0十4pH 742,3DPG shift to rIght 4PaC02 t Temperature 与囗 50 23-DPG Normal 10 1D2D3D真D百D6T0思10囗 PaO2〔mmHg

2,3 -DPG 2,3 -DPG P50
