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山东大学基础医学院:《生理学 Physiology》课程PPT教学课件_The Nervous System 神经系统(含感觉器官)神经系统对躯体运动功能调控 Control of Motor Function by Nervous System

⚫ Motor Unit and Final Common Pathway ⚫ Spinal Reflexes ⚫ Function of Brain Stem ⚫ Function of the Basal Ganglion ⚫ Function of Cerebellum ⚫ Function of the Cortex

Chapter 32 Control of Motor Function -by Nerous System-

Chapter 32 Control of Motor Function by Nervous System

Contents o Motor Unit and Final common Pathway ● Spinal reflexes o Function of Brain stem o Function of the Basal ganglion ● Function of cerebellun o Function of the cortex

Contents ⚫ Motor Unit and Final Common Pathway ⚫ Spinal Reflexes ⚫ Function of Brain Stem ⚫ Function of the Basal Ganglion ⚫ Function of Cerebellum ⚫ Function of the Cortex

organization of motor subsystems DESCENDING SYSTEMS upper Motor Neurons Motor Cortex BASAL GANGLIA Planning, initiating, and Gating proper initiation directing voluntary movements of movement Brainstem Centers CEREBELLUM Basic movements and Sensory motor postural control coordination Local circuit neurons Re Motor neuron pools flex coordination Lower Motor Neurons SPINAL CORD AND BRAINSTEM CIRCUITS SKELETAL MUSCLES o 2001 Sinauer Associates, Inc

organization of motor subsystems

Section 1. Motor Unit and Final Common Pathway

Section 1. Motor Unit and Final Common Pathway

Ventra root Ventral Lower he orn Mixed motor spinal Muscle neurons nerve fib er

Alpha motor neuron every striated muscle has encapsulated Gamma moto muscle fibers neuron scattered throughout the muscle called muscle spindles Extrafusal muscle fibers Extrafusal and muscle fibers intrafusal fibers

•Every striated muscle has encapsulated muscle fibers scattered throughout the muscle called muscle spindles. •Extrafusal and intrafusal fibers

Alpha motor neuron The extrafusal muscle fibers are innervated by alpha motor Gamma motor neuron neuron The intrafusal muscle fibers are innervated by gamma motor Extrafusal neurons muscle fibers Intrafusal muscle fibers

The extrafusal muscle fibers are innervated by Alpha motor neuron The intrafusal muscle fibers are innervated by Gamma motor neurons

Motor units A single motor neuron(a motor) and all (extrafusal) muscle fibers it innervates The physiological functional unit in muscle (not the cell All cells in motor unit contract synchronously

Motor units ⚫ A single motor neuron (a motor) and all (extrafusal) muscle fibers it innervates ⚫ The physiological functional unit in muscle (not the cell) ◼All cells in motor unit contract synchronously

Motor units and innervation ratio (A) (B) Motor neuron in spinal cord Innervation ratio Fibers per motor neuron Extraocular muscle 3: 1 Gastrocnemius 2000: 1 Muscle fibers innervated by a single motor neuron PUe织g164 o 2001 Sinauer Associates, Inc

Motor units and innervation ratio Purves Fig. 16.4 Innervation ratio Fibers per motor neuron Extraocular muscle 3:1 Gastrocnemius 2000:1

(B) Motor neuron in spinal cord · The muscle cells of a motor unit are not grouped but are interspersed among cells from other motor units Muscle fibers innervated by · The coordinated a single motor movement needs neuron the activation of several motors

•The muscle cells of a motor unit are not grouped, but are interspersed among cells from other motor units •The coordinated movement needs the activation of several motors
