山东大学基础医学院:《生理学 Physiology》课程PPT教学课件_The Nervous System 神经系统(含感觉器官)学习和记忆 Learning and Memory

Chapter 35 Learning and Memory
Chapter 35 Learning and Memory

Learning o The acquisition of knowledge or skill ● Types of learning Non-associative Habituation sensitization Associative Classical conditioning Operant Conditioning
Learning ⚫ The acquisition of knowledge or skill ⚫ Types of learning • Non-associative – Habituation, sensitization • Associative – Classical conditioning – Operant Conditioning

Nonassociative No paired stimulus/response habituation repeated exposure to a stimulus results in reduced responding to that stimulus generally neutral, non-noxious stimuli sensitization
Nonassociative ⚫No paired stimulus/response –habituation • repeated exposure to a stimulus results in reduced responding to that stimulus • generally neutral, non-noxious stimuli – sensitization

Associative o Paired stimulus/response classical conditioning (two stimuli are paired when the light shines-----get food operant conditioning( stimuli and response are paired; push lever= food
Associative ⚫Paired stimulus/response – classical conditioning (two stimuli are paired; when the light shines ----- get food) – operant conditioning (stimuli and response are paired; push lever = food

Classical Conditioning o Conditioned stimuli (no overt response) and unconditioned stimuli(gives an overt response not simply timing of events relative to each other we can detect a positive correlation between two stimuli(efficiency of pairing) Extinction can occur over time(unpaired
Classical Conditioning ⚫ Conditioned stimuli (no overt response) and unconditioned stimuli (gives an overt response) – not simply timing of events relative to each other – we can detect a positive correlation between two stimuli (efficiency of pairing) – Extinction can occur over time (unpaired)

Operant conditioning o trial-and-error learning a predictive relationship between response and a stimulus behaviors that are rewarded tend to be repeated those that cause aversive consequences are not repeated timing is important must have predictive element
Operant conditioning ⚫trial-and-error learning – A predictive relationship between response and a stimulus – behaviors that are rewarded tend to be repeated – those that cause aversive consequences are not repeated – timing is important – must have predictive element

Learning involves forming memorles
Learning involves forming memories

lI Memory o storage and retrieval of information
II Memory ⚫storage and retrieval of information

1. Stages of Memory o Short-term memory and long-term memory Short-term memory(STM, or working memory)-a fleeting memory of the events that continually happen lasts seconds to hours limited to 7 or 8(not more than 12 items) pieces of information Long-term memory (LTm) has limitless capacity can be blocked by blocking protein synthesis
1. Stages of Memory ⚫ Short-term memory and long-term memory – Short-term memory (STM, or working memory) – a fleeting memory of the events that continually happen – lasts seconds to hours – limited to 7 or 8 (not more than 12 items) pieces of information ⚫ Long-term memory (LTM) – has limitless capacity – can be blocked by blocking protein synthesis

Transfer from stm to LTM o Factors that affect transfer of memory from STM to ltm include Emotional state -we learn best when we are alert motivated. and aroused Rehearsal repeating or rehearsing material enhances memory Association -associating new information with old memories in LTM enhances memory Automatic memory -subconscious information stored in Ltm
Transfer from STM to LTM ⚫ Factors that affect transfer of memory from STM to LTM include: – Emotional state – we learn best when we are alert, motivated, and aroused – Rehearsal – repeating or rehearsing material enhances memory – Association – associating new information with old memories in LTM enhances memory – Automatic memory – subconscious information stored in LTM
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