山东大学基础医学院:《生理学 Physiology》课程PPT教学课件_The Nervous System 神经系统(含感觉器官)绪论、神经系统细胞及其功能

Section 9 The nervous system
Section 9 The Nervous System

Reference- Website and Textbook com 量通基等数“+一五国蜜划数材 卫“十一五”现划教材 国高等医药教材设研R会划数材 生理学双语课程 全国等学教 供8年制及7年制格床医学等专业用 付 作确录 五章呼吸系统 第2版 TYa整性黄语限 □高清版呼吸1呼吸系统削,肺血液环,可吸肌(1) 金程中卫照 G高请版呼吸2呼吸肌(2),肺通气,表面张力与者而活性物质(1) 生理学 高清版吸3表面张力与表面话性物质口,肺积与肺容量(1) □高清版呼吸4肺容积与肺容量(2) Physiology 高清版呼吸5肺酸应性,气道阻力(1) □高清版呼吸6气道阻力(2),用力肺活量(1 □高清版呼吸7用力肺括量(2)气体交换(1) 高清版呼吸8气体交换(2) 主煌曹济民小力王底槐 H高清版呼吸9气体交换(3),血液气体运轴(1) 高清版呼吸10血液气体运输(2) 高清版呼吸11血液气体运输(3) □高清版呼吸12呼吸功能调节(1) 四人庆卫“曲凰社
Reference – Website and Textbook

Chapter 29 Cells in Nervous System and Their Function ● Neurocyte ● Neuroglia( Glia cell)) glial cell
Chapter 29. Cells in Nervous System and Their Function ⚫ Neurocyte ⚫ Neuroglia (Glia cell)

The Nervous System Components Brain, spinal cord, nerves, sensory receptors Responsible for Sensory perceptions, mental activities, stimulating muscle movements, secretions of many glands Subdivisions Central nervous system(CNS) Peripheral nervous system(PNS)
The Nervous System • Components – Brain, spinal cord, nerves, sensory receptors • Responsible for – Sensory perceptions, mental activities, stimulating muscle movements, secretions of many glands • Subdivisions – Central nervous system (CNS) – Peripheral nervous system (PNS)

Central Nervous system Central nervous Consists of system B rain Spinal Brain cord Spinal cord Brain and spinal cord Continuous with each other Cranial Spinal nerves nerves Peripheral nervous system
Central Nervous System • Consists of – Brain – Spinal cord • Brain and spinal cord – Continuous with each other

Peripheral Nervous System Two subcategories Dorsal root of spinal nerve Dorsal root ganglion Sensory or afferent sEnsory neuron Motor neuron Motor or efferent Spinal Spinal nerve ·DiⅤ ISIons ord Spinal Spinalnerve Somatic nervous cord Sensory receptor system Ventral root Skeletal (b) of spinal nerve muscle Autonomic nervous Spinal nerve system(ANS) Spinal cord Autonomic ganglion >Sympathetic First motor neuron >> Parasympathetic Second motor neuron Effector organ(e.g, smooth > Enteric (c) muscle Large intestine
Peripheral Nervous System • Two subcategories – Sensory or afferent – Motor or efferent • Divisions – Somatic nervous system – Autonomic nervous system (ANS) »Sympathetic »Parasympathetic »Enteric

Nervous System Organization pynght e The McGraw-Hill Companies. inc Permission required for reproduction or display Stimulus Response(output) (input) Skeletal Cardiac muscle, muscle smooth muscle, and glands PNS Sensory division Somatic Autonomic Sensory conducts action nervous nervous receptors, potentials system system nerves from the t Motor division ganglia periphery conducts action potentials and plexuses to the periphery CNS Brain and Processing and integrating information spinal cord initiates responses, mental activity
Nervous System Organization

Cells of nervous system Neurons or nerve cells Receive stimuli and Neuron transmit action cell body Presynaptic terminals Dendrites potentials Schwann Node of Axon cell Ranvier Organization Cell body or soma Myelin Axon sheath Collateral Dendrites. Input hillock formed b axon Schwann cell\ Axons: Output Nissl bodies Nucleus Nucleolus euroglla or glial cells Dendritic spIne Golgi apparatus Support and protect Mitochondrion neurons
Cells of Nervous System • Neurons or nerve cells – Receive stimuli and transmit action potentials – Organization • Cell body or soma • Dendrites: Input • Axons: Output • Neuroglia or glial cells – Support and protect neurons

Part 1 Neuron Cell bod [) Presynaptic Dendrites Terminal Node of ranvier Axon Myelin 券紫 Nucleus
Part 1 Neuron

1. Structure and function Typical Neuron has 4 Regions Dendrite Cell Bod Nissl substance Axon hillock A Dendrites Collateral branch Axon Neurofibrils Presynaptic terminals Schwann Each region is specialized AXoN Node of for its particular function forming the myelin sheath on axon Information flows in a single direction
Typical Neuron has 4 Regions • Cell Body • Dendrites • Axon • Presynaptic Terminals Each region is specialized for its particular function Information flows in a single direction 1. Structure and Function
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