山东大学:《口腔组织病理学》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)第十八章 牙源性肿瘤和瘤样病变 Odontogenic tumor and tumor-like lesions_混合性牙源性肿瘤——牙本质生成性影细胞瘤 Dentinogenic ghost cell tumour

牙本质生成性影细胞瘤 Dentinogenic ghost cell tumour DGCT SHANDONG UNIVERSITY 1901 山东大学口腔医学院

(4e Dentinogenic ghost cell tumor 1901 G UN 2005 WHO Classification 定义 种具有局部侵袭性的肿瘤,在成熟的结缔组织间质 中可见成釉细胞瘤样上皮岛、影细胞和伴有不等量的 发育不良的牙本质。 Definition a locally invasive neoplasm characterised by ameloblastoma like islands of epithelial cells in a mature connective tissue stroma. aberrant keratinization may be found in the form of ghost cells in association with varying amounts of dysplastic dentin 牙源性肿瘤
2005 WHO Classification 定义 •一种具有局部侵袭性的肿瘤,在成熟的结缔组织间质 中可见成釉细胞瘤样上皮岛、影细胞和伴有不等量的 发育不良的牙本质。 Definition •A locally invasive neoplasm characterised by ameloblastomalike islands of epithelial cells in a mature connective tissue stroma. Aberrant keratinization may be found in the form of ghost cells in association with varying amounts of dysplastic dentin. 牙源性肿瘤 2

Dentinogenic ghost cell tumor 1901 G UN Bold 牙源性肿瘤 3
牙源性肿瘤 3
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