《论文写作》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Lecture 3 Abstract, Approach, and Introduction

Lecture 3 Abstract(), Approach, and Introduction
Lecture 3 Abstract (II), Approach, and Introduction

1 Abstract, A revisit
1. Abstract: A revisit

Abstract Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte, is one of the great curiosities, as it is one of the greatest masterpieces of literature. It was published in 1847, and for a long time, people did not know why the author created such a scoundrel protagonist-Heathcliff. Not until 1950s did it begin to be highly valued; and recently the western critics have exalted it as among the great novels of the Victorian age The story of Wuthering heights is mixed with love and hatred. This love is doomed to have no resulf. Heathcliff s humiliation and misery prompt him to spend most of the rest of his life seeking revenge on Hindly, his beloved Catherine, and their respective children( Hareton and young Catherine) However, love has passed away, Heathcliff could only regain what he has lost in the afterlife This thesis will analyze Heathcliff s complicated and mysterious life to explore the distortion of his humanity. It consists of three parts. Chapter One analyzes the causes for Heathcliffs distortion, in which Heathclifs personal background the injustice of society and the blow of the betrayed love are employed to serve as the main factors. Chapter Two deals with the manifestation of Heathcliff. Chapter Three studies the results of the distortion of heathcliffs humanit Key words: hatred revenge loss restoration
Abstract Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte, is one of the great curiosities, as it is one of the greatest masterpieces of literature. It was published in 1847, and for a long time, people did not know why the author created such a scoundrel protagonist—Heathcliff. Not until 1950s did it begin to be highly valued; and recently the western critics have exalted it as among the great novels of the Victorian age. The story of Wuthering Heights is mixed with love and hatred. This love is doomed to have no result. Heathcliff’s humiliation and misery prompt him to spend most of the rest of his life seeking revenge on Hindly, his beloved Catherine, and their respective children (Hareton and young Catherine). However, love has passed away, Heathcliff could only regain what he has lost in the afterlife. This thesis will analyze Heathcliff’s complicated and mysterious life to explore the distortion of his humanity. It consists of three parts. Chapter One analyzes the causes for Heathcliff’s distortion, in which Heathcliif’s personal background, the injustice of society, and the blow of the betrayed love are employed to serve as the main factors. Chapter Two deals with the manifestation of Heathcliff. Chapter Three studies the results of the distortion of Heathcliff’s humanity. Key words: hatred revenge loss restoration

摘要 艾米莉勃朗特的《呼啸山庄》是一部文学巨著,惊世之作。但在 1847年出版后很长 时间里,人们都质疑为什麽作者 这样 恶棍形象希克美。一直到20世纪50年代,老才受到人 门的高度评价并被西方评论家视为维多利亚时代最伟大的作品之一。 《呼啸山庄〉讲述了爱与恨交织的故事。这是一场注定没有结果 的爱情,而希思克利夫所遭受的屈辱和痛苦促使他用一生来报复辛 德雷、他所爱的凯瑟琳以及他们各自的 哈里顿和小凯瑟琳)。 然而,爱已逝去,他只有在死后与凯瑟琳团聚。 本论文通过分析希思克利夫曲折、神秘的一生来探讨人性如何在 各种因素下被扭曲。它包括三个部分:第一章从希思克利夫的出身 青景、在会的不公正、以及爱的青叛给希思克利买的致命打 方面,来分析希思克利夫人性扭曲的原因第 对希思克利夫人 性的扭曲的表现做了具体的描述;第三章刘自在探究希思克利夫人 性扭曲的结果。 关键词:仇恨复仇失落回归
摘 要 艾米莉·勃朗特的《呼啸山庄》是一部文学巨著,惊世之作。但在 1847年出版后很长一段时间里,人们都质疑为什麽作者塑造了这样 一个恶棍形象——希思克利夫。一直到20世纪50年代,它才受到人 们的高度评价并被西方评论家视为维多利亚时代最伟大的作品之一。 《呼啸山庄》讲述了爱与恨交织的故事。这是一场注定没有结果 的爱情,而希思克利夫所遭受的屈辱和痛苦促使他用一生来报复辛 德雷、他所爱的凯瑟琳以及他们各自的孩子(哈里顿和小凯瑟琳)。 然而,爱已逝去,他只有在死后与凯瑟琳团聚。 本论文通过分析希思克利夫曲折、神秘的一生来探讨人性如何在 各种因素下被扭曲。它包括三个部分:第一章从希思克利夫的出身 背景、社会的不公正、以及爱的背叛给希思克利夫的致命打击三个 方面,来分析希思克利夫人性扭曲的原因;第二章对希思克利夫人 性的扭曲的表现做了具体的描述;第三章则旨在探究希思克利夫人 性扭曲的结果。 关键词:仇恨 复仇 失落 回归

Abstract e focus of this paper is to present the pragmatic analysis of tautology a is A with the theories of the Cooperative Principle, Grice's Conversation Maxims and Language attitudes. Linguistic tautology is a fault of style in expression, the unnecessary repetition of an idea/meaning by using different words at the same time that mean the same thing The sentence structure A is A belongs to linguistic tautology. It seems just a simple meaningless repetition we only take it literally or separately from the context. But actually it dose have certain implicit meanings either with favorable declension or unfavorable declension according to the context. The implicit meaning with favorable declension refers to the favorable implicature the good/ strong side of A) beyond the literal meaning of the sentence, while the implicit meaning with unfavorable declension refers to the unfavorable implicit meaning(the undesirable/weak side of A). The further analysis aims at various attitudes of the speakers that tautology A is A conveys, such as attitudes of approval appreciation, gratefulness, admiration and care, etc. in terms of the implicit meaning with favorable declension or attitudes of disapproval dissatisfaction, hatred, disappointment and consideration, etc in terms of the implicit meaning with unfavorable declension Key words: tautology A is A pragmatic implicature attitudes
Abstract The focus of this paper is to present the pragmatic analysis of tautology A is A with the theories of the Cooperative Principle, Grice’s Conversation Maxims and Language attitudes. Linguistic tautology is a fault of style in expression, the unnecessary repetition of an idea / meaning by using different words at the same time that mean the same thing. The sentence structure A is A belongs to linguistic tautology. It seems just a simple meaningless repetition if we only take it literally or separately from the context. But actually it dose have certain implicit meanings either with favorable declension or unfavorable declension according to the context. The implicit meaning with favorable declension refers to the favorable implicature (the good/ strong side of A) beyond the literal meaning of the sentence, while the implicit meaning with unfavorable declension refers to the unfavorable implicit meaning (the undesirable / weak side of A). The further analysis aims at various attitudes of the speakers that tautology A is A conveys, such as attitudes of approval, appreciation, gratefulness, admiration and care, etc. in terms of the implicit meaning with favorable declension or attitudes of disapproval, dissatisfaction, hatred, disappointment and consideration, etc. in terms of the implicit meaning with unfavorable declension. Key words: tautology A is A pragmatic implicature attitudes

中文摘要 本文主要是从语用学的角度运用合作原则,会话准贝 和语言态度等理论分析了句型AisA。此句型在语 中是一种赘言现象,即在字面上重复使用意思相同的词。 如果单从字面上或是脱离语境去理解此句型,只是简单 而无意义的重复。但是事实上,在句子表面结构之下隐 语又上扬(A所包含的意思中语义较好的一方面或者语 义下 A所包含的意思中语义不太好的一方面)。本 文的进一步分析主要针对在句型AisA的表达过程中 由于语境的影响,说话者的不同会话态度情 含义属于语义上扬的情况时,根据语境说话者的言语态 度可能是赞同,欣赏,,感激,钦佩或关心 话含义 属子诺文下抑的情况时,根据语境说话者的言语态度可 能是反对,不满意,痛恨,失望等。本文将原理和大 例句相结合从语用学的角度对句型AisA进行了详细分 析
中文摘要 ◼ 本文主要是从语用学的角度运用合作原则, 会话准则 和语言态度等理论分析了句型A is A。此句型在语言学 中是一种赘言现象, 即在字面上重复使用意思相同的词。 如果单从字面上或是脱离语境去理解此句型,只是简单 而无意义的重复。但是事实上,在句子表面结构之下隐 藏着一定暗含的会话含义。 根据语境,该会话含义或者 语义上扬(A所包含的意思中语义较好的一方面)或者语 义下抑( A所包含的意思中语义不太好的一方面)。本 文的进一步分析主要针对在句型A is A的表达过程中, 由于语境的影响,说话者的不同会话态度情感。当会话 含义属于语义上扬的情况时,根据语境说话者的言语态 度可能是赞同,欣赏,感激,钦佩或关心;当会话含义 属于语义下抑的情况时,根据语境说话者的言语态度可 能是反对,不满意,痛恨,失望等。本文将原理和大量 例句相结合从语用学的角度对句型A is A进行了详细分 析

Abstract d lions, being a special and inseparable part of language, are the instrument and shell of thinking. There have existed a large number of idioms in both english and Chinese, which are set phrases or sentences abstracted from language. They form an essential part of the whole vocabulary of language, which reflect the national colors of the native speakers and are said to be considered as the sinew of the language This thesis is about Chinese translation of English idioms. After the general understanding and introduction to the sources of English idioms, the methods of translation are discussed from two perspectives. First, it is discussed according to the relationship between English idioms and Chinese idioms. Second, seven practical translating ways and skills are elaborated from the point of view of keeping the flavor of the english idioms as well as catering for Chinese readers Key words: English idioms Translating methods Categories
Abstract Idioms, being a special and inseparable part of language, are the instrument and shell of thinking. There have existed a large number of idioms in both English and Chinese, which are set phrases or sentences abstracted from language. They form an essential part of the whole vocabulary of language, which reflect the national colors of the native speakers and are said to be considered as the sinew of the language. This thesis is about Chinese translation of English idioms. After the general understanding and introduction to the sources of English idioms, the methods of translation are discussed from two perspectives. First, it is discussed according to the relationship between English idioms and Chinese idioms. Second, seven practical translating ways and skills are elaborated from the point of view of keeping the flavor of the English idioms as well as catering for Chinese readers. Key words: English idioms Translating methods Categories

摘 要 英语和汉语中都存在大量的习语,这些习语是从某种语 言中抽象出来的固定短语和句子,经过很长一段时间的 使用成为了语言的精华。习语在语言中占有举足轻重的 作用,它反映了一个国家的民族特色,因此有人将它称 作语言的精髓和源泉。 这篇论文是对英语习语汉译的浅析。首先对英语习语 做了总体上的介绍,同时介绍了英语习语的来源。接着 从两个角度分别讨论了习语的翻译方法。一是根据英语 习语和汉语习语的关系讨论了三种习语的翻译方法, 是从以保留英语习语地道的味道以及迎合中国读者的口 味为目的的角度,讨论了七种实用的翻译技巧。 关键词:英语习语翻译方法与技巧习语种类
摘 要 习语是语言中不可分割的部分,是思维的外壳和工具。 英语和汉语中都存在大量的习语,这些习语是从某种语 言中抽象出来的固定短语和句子,经过很长一段时间的 使用成为了语言的精华。习语在语言中占有举足轻重的 作用,它反映了一个国家的民族特色,因此有人将它称 作语言的精髓和源泉。 这篇论文是对英语习语汉译的浅析。首先对英语习语 做了总体上的介绍,同时介绍了英语习语的来源。接着 从两个角度分别讨论了习语的翻译方法。一是根据英语 习语和汉语习语的关系讨论了三种习语的翻译方法,二 是从以保留英语习语地道的味道以及迎合中国读者的口 味为目的的角度,讨论了七种实用的翻译技巧。 关键词: 英语习语 翻译方法与技巧 习语种类

Points to remind u Ine leng The key words The content of an abstract a The language style a The stance of the author ■ The use of verb tense
Points to remind ◼ The length ◼ The key words ◼ The content of an abstract ◼ The language style ◼ The stance of the author ◼ The use of verb tense

2. Finding an Approach for Your Thesis
2. Finding an Approach for Your Thesis
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