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华南师范大学:《教育心理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,英文版)Chapter 6 Constructivism

华南师范大学:《教育心理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,英文版)Chapter 6 Constructivism

Chapter 6 Constructivism Constructivism are based on the idea that unlike a computer disk or an empty container, students do not wait passively to be filled up with knowledge. rather, students actively build, or construct, their own knowledge teachers cannot entirely control their students ' learning expert teachers can do much to facilitate students own active learning processes. (C0bb,2000)

Chapter 6 Constructivism Constructivism are based on the idea that, unlike a computer disk or an empty container, students do not wait passively to be filled up with knowledge. Rather, students actively build, or construct, their own knowledge.Teachers cannot entirely control their students’ learning, expert teachers can do much to facilitate students’ own active learning processes. (Cobb,2000)

Chapter 6 Constructivism o6.1 constructivism an overview o Constructivism is a philosophy of learning founded on the premise that, by reflecting on our experiences, we construct our own understanding of the world we live in Each of us generates our own"rules"and imental models which we use to make sense of our experiences. Learning, therefore, is simply the process of adjusting our mental models to accommodate new experiences

Chapter 6 Constructivism ⚫ 6.1 constructivism: an overview ⚫ Constructivism is a philosophy of learning founded on the premise that, by reflecting on our experiences, we construct our own understanding of the world we live in. Each of us generates our own "rules" and "mental models," which we use to make sense of our experiences. Learning, therefore, is simply the process of adjusting our mental models to accommodate new experiences

Chapter 6 Constructivism o 6.1 constructivism an overview o The essence of constructivism is the idea that learners must individually discover and transform complex information if they are to make it their own. Constructivists theory sees learners as constantly checking new information against old rules and then revising the rules when they no longer work. This view has profound implications for teaching, as it suggests a far more active role for students in their own learning than is typical in the great majority of classrooms

Chapter 6 Constructivism ⚫ 6.1 constructivism: an overview ⚫ The essence of constructivism is the idea that learners must individually discover and transform complex information if they are to make it their own. Constructivists theory sees learners as constantly checking new information against old rules and then revising the rules when they no longer work. This view has profound implications for teaching, as it suggests a far more active role for students in their own learning than is typical in the great majority of classrooms

Chapter 6 Constructivism o6.1 constructivism an overview The verb to construct" comes from the latin con struer, which means to arrange or give structure. Ongoing structuring (organizing) processes are the conceptual heart of constructivism. o The words“ construct”and“ construction” have been in use for centuries, of course.But“ constructivism“”isa relatively new word. Yet it is appearing with an accelerating frequency in the titles of books and articles in psychology. Figure I shows the cumulative frequency with which construct-based terms have appeared in the titles or abstracts of articles appearing in psychology between 1974 and 2002

Chapter 6 Constructivism ⚫ 6.1 constructivism:an overview ⚫ The verb "to construct" comes from the Latin con struere, which means to arrange or give structure. Ongoing structuring (organizing) processes are the conceptual heart of constructivism. ⚫ The words “construct” and “construction” have been in use for centuries, of course. But “constructivism‘”is a relatively new word. Yet it is appearing with an accelerating frequency in the titles of books and articles in psychology. Figure 1 shows the cumulative frequency with which `construct-based' terms have appeared in the titles or abstracts of articles appearing in psychology between 1974 and 2002

Chapter 6 Constructivism 5000 4000 3000 2口囗 10口 1974197619781980198219841986198819901992194199619982000 Year

Chapter 6 Constructivism

Chapter 6 Constructivism o 6.2 Historical roots of constructivism: o x the influence of philosophy Socrates(470-399B.C): Knowledge is only perception. His approach essentially consisted of leading students through a series of questions in order to promote critical thin king. Popper(karIR. Popper): the philosophy of science. o We can not confirm whether a theory is true by experience but we can confirm whether it is false by experience Marx(K Marx): the importance of one's subjectivity and social interactions

Chapter 6 Constructivism ⚫ 6.2 Historical roots of constructivism: ⚫ *the influence of philosophy: ⚫ Socrates(470-399B.C): Knowledge is only perception.His approach essentially consisted of leading students through a series of questions in order to promote critical thinking. ⚫ Popper(Karl R. Popper): the philosophy of science. ⚫ We can not confirm whether a theory is true by experience, but we can confirm whether it is false by experience. ⚫ Marx(K. Marx): the importance of one’s subjectivity and social interactions

Chapter 6 Constructivism 06.2 Historical roots of constructivism: o x the influence of psychology (Itop-down processing o Top-down means that students begin with complex problems to solve and then work out or discover (with the teachers guidance) the basic skills required. For example, the students might be asked to write compositions and only later learn about spelling, grammer, and punctuation. o Constructivist approaches emphasizing discovery, experimentation, and open-ended problems have been successfully applied in mathematics, reading and in other subjects

Chapter 6 Constructivism ⚫ 6.2 Historical roots of constructivism: ⚫ *the influence of psychology: ⚫ (1)top-down processing ⚫ Top-down means that students begin with complex problems to solve and then work out or discover(with the teacher’s guidance) the basic skills required. For example, the students might be asked to write compositions and only later learn about spelling, grammer, and punctuation. ⚫ Constructivist approaches emphasizing discovery, experimentation, and open-ended problems have been successfully applied in mathematics, reading and in other subjects

Chapter 6 Constructivism 06.2 Historical roots of constructivism (2)generative learning o A central assumption of constructivist approaches is that all learning is discovered,even if we tell students something, they must perform mental operations with information to make it their 0wn

Chapter 6 Constructivism ⚫ 6.2 Historical roots of constructivism: ⚫ (2)generative learning ⚫ A central assumption of constructivist approaches is that all learning is “discovered”,even if we tell students something, they must perform mental operations with information to make it their own

Chapter 6 Constructivism o6.2 Historical roots of constructivism: (3) Scaffolding o Scaffolding is a practice based on Vygotsky's concept of assisted learning. According to Vygotsky, higher mental functions, including the ability to direct memory and attention is a purposeful way and think in symbols, are mediated behaviors. Mediated externally by culture, these and other behaviors become internalized in the learners's mind as psychological tools. o In assisted or mediated learning. the teacher is the cultural agent who guides instruction so that students will master and internalize the skills that permit higher cognitive function. The ability to internalize cultural tools relates to the learners age or stage of cognitive development. Once acquired, however, nternal mediators permits greater self-mediated learning

Chapter 6 Constructivism ⚫ 6.2 Historical roots of constructivism: ⚫ (3)Scaffolding ⚫ Scaffolding is a practice based on Vygotsky’s concept of assisted learning. According to Vygotsky, higher mental functions, including the ability to direct memory and attention is a purposeful way and think in symbols, are mediated behaviors. Mediated externally by culture, these and other behaviors become internalized in the learners’s mind as psychological tools. ⚫ In assisted or mediated learning , the teacher is the cultural agent who guides instruction so that students will master and internalize the skills that permit higher cognitive function. The ability to internalize cultural tools relates to the learner’s age or stage of cognitive development. Once acquired, however, internal mediators permits greater self-mediated learning

Chapter 6 Constructivism o 6.2 Historical roots of constructivism o In practical terms, scaffolding may include giving students more structure at the beginning of a set of lessons and gradually turning responsibility over to them to operate on their own. For example, student can be taught to generate their own questions about material they are reading. Early on, the teacher might suggest the questions, modeling the kinds of questions student might ask, but later, the students take over the question-generating task

Chapter 6 Constructivism ⚫ 6.2 Historical roots of constructivism ⚫ In practical terms, scaffolding may include giving students more structure at the beginning of a set of lessons and gradually turning responsibility over to them to operate on their own. For example, student can be taught to generate their own questions about material they are reading. Early on, the teacher might suggest the questions, modeling the kinds of questions student might ask, but later, the students take over the question-generating task
