华南师范大学:《教育心理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,英文版)Chapter 8 Learning strategies

Chapter 8 Learning strategies Illiteracy= not knowing how to learn
Chapter 8 Learning strategies Illiteracy = not knowing how to learn

Chapter 8 Learning strategies o 8.1 What are learning strategies o Learning strategies are specific methods of learning information that help them learn and remember things. The four commonly observed trends in the development of learning strategies o(rehearsal increases during the elementary school years. It is rare in kindergarten children but increases in frequency and effectiveness throughout the elementary school years
Chapter 8 Learning strategies ⚫ 8.1 What are learning strategies? ⚫ Learning strategies are specific methods of learning information that help them learn and remember things. The four commonly observed trends in the development of learning strategies ⚫ (1)rehearsal increases during the elementary school years. It is rare in kindergarten children but increases in frequency and effectiveness throughout the elementary school years

Chapter 8 Learning strategies o(2)organization improves throughout the elementary and secondary grades. Researches consistently show that organized information is learned more easily and remembered more completely than unorganized information o3)Elaboration emerges around puberty and increases throughout adolescence. Elaboration is a process of using what you already know to expand on new information. o(4)Learning strategies become increasingly efficient and effective
Chapter 8 Learning strategies ⚫ (2) organization improves throughout the elementary and secondary grades. Researches consistently show that organized information is learned more easily and remembered more completely than unorganized information. ⚫ (3) Elaboration emerges around puberty and increases throughout adolescence. Elaboration is a process of using what you already know to expand on new information. ⚫ (4)Learning strategies become increasingly efficient and effective

Chapter 8 Learning strategies o8.2 Effective learning strategies o(1 Identifying important information o The first sentence of a lesson or paragraph.(but not always) o Items that look different(italics or boldface type) o Items presented in more than one way o Items that are intrinsically interesting o How we help students learn more effectively by letting them know what ideas are most important in lectures and reading materials?
Chapter 8 Learning strategies ⚫ 8.2 Effective learning strategies ⚫ (1) Identifying important information ⚫ The first sentence of a lesson or paragraph. (but not always) ⚫ Items that look different(italics or boldface type) ⚫ Items presented in more than one way. ⚫ Items that are intrinsically interesting. ⚫ How we help students learn more effectively by letting them know what ideas are most important in lectures and reading materials?

Chapter 8 Learning strategies (1) Identifying important information ●大 Provide a list of obiectives for a lesson o x Write key concepts and major ideas on the chalkboard o X Ask questions that focus students's attention on important ideas (2)Taking notes o It serves two very important functions: first, it helps learners pay attention to and encode information, thus allowing for more effective storage in memory. Second. it provides a means of external storage for the information. Long-term memory is often unreliable, whereas notebooks are fairly dependable
Chapter 8 Learning strategies ⚫ (1) Identifying important information ⚫ *Provide a list of objectives for a lesson. ⚫ * Write key concepts and major ideas on the chalkboard. ⚫ * Ask questions that focus students’s attention on important ideas. ⚫ (2) Taking notes ⚫ It serves two very important functions: first, it helps learners pay attention to and encode information, thus allowing for more effective storage in memory. Second, it provides a means of external storage for the information. Long-term memory is often unreliable, whereas notebooks are fairly dependable

Chapter 8 Learning strategies o 3) Retrieving relevant prior knowledge. ●(4) Organizing X outlining the material o x making concept maps(a diagram that depicts the concepts of a unit and their interrelationships ●(5) Elaborating ●(6) summarizing x separating important from unimportant information o x Considering details into more general ideas. x Identifying important relationships among those eneral ideas
Chapter 8 Learning strategies ⚫ (3) Retrieving relevant prior knowledge. ⚫ (4) Organizing. ⚫ *outlining the material ⚫ *making concept maps(a diagram that depicts the concepts of a unit and their interrelationships) ⚫ (5) Elaborating ⚫ (6) summarizing ⚫ *separating important from unimportant information. ⚫ *Considering details into more general ideas. ⚫ *Identifying important relationships among those general ideas

Chapter 8 Learning strategies .(7 Comprehension monitoring o Check to make sure they understand what they are reading or hearing, and take steps to correct the situation when they dont comprehend, perhaps by rereading a section of a textbook or asking a question in class
Chapter 8 Learning strategies ⚫ (7) Comprehension monitoring ⚫ Check to make sure they understand what they are reading or hearing, and take steps to correct the situation when they don’t comprehend, perhaps by rereading a section of a textbook or asking a question in class

Chapter 8 Learning strategies 8.3 Factors afecting strategy use ●(1) knowledge base o(2)previous comprehension monitoring o 3)beliefs about the nature of knowledge and knowledge acquisition. (strategies training o time management, effective learning and reading strategies, note-ta king strategies, specific memory techniques, comprehension monitoring strategies, test-taking strategies
Chapter 8 Learning strategies ⚫ 8.3 Factors affecting strategy use ⚫ (1)knowledge base ⚫ (2) previous comprehension monitoring ⚫ (3)beliefs about the nature of knowledge and knowledge acquisition. ⚫ (4)strategies training. ⚫ time management, effective learning and reading strategies, note-taking strategies, specific memory techniques, comprehensionmonitoring strategies, test-taking strategies
- 华南师范大学:《教育心理学》课程教学资源(讲义,英文版)learning strategy.doc
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