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香港大学:Data Analysis - Factors Potentially Affecting Development

香港大学:Data Analysis - Factors Potentially Affecting Development

Mother baby project 2010 Theme 2-Development, Screening and Surveillance Presented by PCP-MB group 2

Theme 2 – Development, Screening and Surveillance Mother baby project 2010 Presented by PCP-MB Group 2 ?

Child development Contents = Introduction The larger social-structural Developmental milestone Factors affecting development Family School Primary caregiver Children Neonatal jaundice : Birth weight economIc political, Community Expose to smoke spiritual and cultural environment Developmental delay Source: Jessor. 1993. ur velence and screening Management plan in HK the various stages of physical, social, and psychological growth that occur from birth through young adulthoo References Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. C 2009, Elsevier

 the various stages of physical, social, and psychological growth that occur from birth through young adulthood Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. © 2009, Elsevier. Child Development Contents: => Introduction Developmental milestone Factors affecting development - Primary caregiver - Neonatal jaundice - Birth weight - Expose to smoke Developmental delay Surveilence and screening Management plan in HK - Screening - Mangagement plans - Support groups References

Child development Contents Common childhood concerns are often associated = Introduction with and in part attributable to life circumstances Developmental milestone interacting with genetic influences, which plays an Factors affecting development Primary caregiver important role in development Neonatal jaundice Birth weight When we look at different parameters, usually Expose to smoke matters represent a continuum rather than discrete Developmental delay diagnostic entities, with few exceptions ur velence and screening Management plan in HK A multifaceted integral approach may have important implications for prevention, identification investigation, and management of problems References

 Common childhood concerns are often associated with and in part attributable to life circumstances interacting with genetic influences, which plays an important role in development.  When we look at different parameters, usually matters represent a continuum rather than discrete diagnostic entities, with few exceptions.  A multifaceted, integral approach may have important implications for prevention, identification, investigation, and management of problems. Contents: => Introduction Developmental milestone Factors affecting development - Primary caregiver - Neonatal jaundice - Birth weight - Expose to smoke Developmental delay Surveilence and screening Management plan in HK - Screening - Mangagement plans - Support groups References Child Development

Age-Related Development Periods Contents = Introduction Developmental milestone a Newborn(ages 0-1 month) Factors affecting development Infant(ages 1 month-1 year Neonatal jaundice a Toddler(ages 1-3 years Birth weight Expose to smoke a Preschooler(ages 4-6years Developmental delay ur velence and screening N School-aged child (ages 6-13 years) Management plan in HK a Adolescent(ages 13-20) References Kail RE (2006). Children and Their Development(4 ed. Prentice hall

Age-Related Development Periods Newborn (ages 0–1 month) Infant (ages 1 month – 1 year) Toddler (ages 1–3 years) Preschooler (ages 4–6years) School-aged child (ages 6–13 years) Adolescent (ages 13–20). Kail RE (2006). Children and Their Development (4 ed.). Prentice Hall. Contents: => Introduction Developmental milestone Factors affecting development - Primary caregiver - Neonatal jaundice - Birth weight - Expose to smoke Developmental delay Surveilence and screening Management plan in HK - Screening - Mangagement plans - Support groups References

4 Major Fields of development areas assessed by developmental Milestones ontents Gross motor Introduction head control, sitting Language t hearing crawling, walking Developmental milestone Sound responses, vocalization sPeech Factors affecting de Primary caregiver Neonatal jaundice Birth weight Expose to smoke Developmental del ellence and screening ment in hK renli Fine motor+Ⅴ ISIon Social t emotional behavioural Visual following, reaching Emotion expression, play, feeding grasping, griping relationship References

4 Major Fields of Development & areas assessed by Developmental Milestones  Gross Motor  head control, sitting, crawling, walking  Language + Hearing  Sound responses, vocalization, speech  Fine motor +Vision  Visual following, reaching, grasping, griping  Social + Emotional + Behavioural  Emotion expression, play, feeding, relationship Contents: => Introduction Developmental milestone Factors affecting development - Primary caregiver - Neonatal jaundice - Birth weight - Expose to smoke Developmental delay Surveilence and screening Management plan in HK - Screening - Mangagement plans - Support groups References

Significance of Developmental Milestones Contents = Introduction e Tasks that a child normally acquire the ability to Developmental milestone perform at certain age ranges Factors affecting development Primary caregiver e Serves as indictors of developmental progress by Neonatal jaundice Age Birth weight equence Expose to smoke Pattern - any fields laging behind? Developmental delay ur velence and screening Allow for screening of delays Management plan in HK ● If Premature: Corrected Age calculated fr om the expected delivery dat References

Significance of Developmental Milestones  Tasks that a child normally acquire the ability to perform at certain age ranges.  Serves as indictors of developmental progress by:  Age  Sequence  Pattern – any fields laging behind?  Allow for screening of delays  If Premature:  Corrected Age → calculated from the expected delivery date. Contents: => Introduction Developmental milestone Factors affecting development - Primary caregiver - Neonatal jaundice - Birth weight - Expose to smoke Developmental delay Surveilence and screening Management plan in HK - Screening - Mangagement plans - Support groups References

Developmental Milestones Contents Mean age: = Introduction Definition The average age children in a population achieve Developmental milestone a milestone Factors affecting development Median Age: Primary caregiver Definition The age when 50% of children achieve a Neonatal jaundice milestone Birth weight Expose to smoke Both mean age and median age can be used to Developmental delay indicate when a child will likely achieve a milestone ur velence and screening Management plan in HK Limit age: Definition: 2SD from the mean age children achieve a milestone e Indicate possibility that child is abnormal A fraction of such children will have true disorders but some will still be References

Developmental Milestones  Mean Age:  Definition: The average age children in a population achieve a milestone  Median Age:  Definition: The age when 50% of children achieve a milestone Both Mean Age and Median Age can be used to indicate when a child will likely achieve a milestone  Limit Age:  Definition: 2SD from the mean age children achieve a milestone  Indicate possibility that child is abnormal.  A fraction of such children will have true disorders, but some will still be normal. Contents: => Introduction Developmental milestone Factors affecting development - Primary caregiver - Neonatal jaundice - Birth weight - Expose to smoke Developmental delay Surveilence and screening Management plan in HK - Screening - Mangagement plans - Support groups References

Developmental Progress of the Clients of our class

Developmental Progress of the Clients of our Class

Gross Motor milestones Contents Introduction ● Head Control = Developmental milestone Turn from supine to prone position Primary caregiver Turn from prone to supine position eonatal jaundice Sit with support Birth weight ● Sit without support E: to smoke ● Crawl Developmental del Sur velence and screening Stand alone Management plan in HK Walk with support Screenin Walk without support Mangagement plan Carries toy while walking eferences

Gross Motor Milestones  Head Control  Turn from supine to prone position  Turn from prone to supine position  Sit with support  Sit without support  Crawl  Stand alone  Walk with support  Walk without support  Carries toy while walking Contents: Introduction => Developmental milestone Factors affecting development - Primary caregiver - Neonatal jaundice - Birth weight - Expose to smoke Developmental delay Surveilence and screening Management plan in HK - Screening - Mangagement plans - Support groups References

Gross Motor milestones ◆ Mean value ■ Limit value Turn from supine Turn from prone Sit with Sit without Walk with to prone position to supine position support support Crawl Stand alone

Gross Motor Milestones -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Head control Turn from supine to prone position Turn from prone to supine position Sit with support Sit without support Crawl Stand alone Walk with support months
