上海交通大学:《基因与人 Genes and Human》课程教学资源_第一次科学素质测试点评

上游充通大¥ SHANGHAI JLAO TONG UNIVERSITY 什么才是可信的? —一第一次科学素质测验解析 周冰洁 漏 2017.09.26 月员是是
什么才是可信的? ——第一次科学素质测验解析 周冰洁 2017.09.26

你能否接近真相:从一道题说起 在你判断一篇研究性文章是否可信时,以下哪个因素最重要: a)有数据和图片 b)文章是被公正的第三方专家 评定过的:同行评议 2 第一题答题情况 c)研究者的声望 (总人数:90人) 2.22% d)文章的发表者 D 娜一个更可信呢? 3.33% 35 B 38.89% A 50 55.56%
你能否接近真相:从一道题说起 在你判断一篇研究性文章是否可信时,以下哪个因素最重要: a) 有数据和图片 b) 文章是被公正的第三方专家 评定过的:同行评议 c) 研究者的声望 d) 文章的发表者 第一题答题情况 (总人数:90人) A 55.56% B 38.89% C 3.33% 2.22% D

大家的理由 人都是会犯措的但是数据和事实不对,即使是某个领域领头的专家你也不能保证 他的所有结论都是正确的,同样,第三方专家即使公正也不代表他能做出绝对正 确的判断,何况这所谓的公正也设有一个万无一失的担保。因此图片和数据这些 自己能够亲眼见到亲自验证的,才是最可靠的 有图有真相,不管有没有第三方专家的评定,没有数据故支撑的研究结论都是没 有依据的,同样的满足后面两项也是没有事实依据的!! 1阅读文献时,判断文章可靠与否的标准是文章的实验方案是否合理,原始数据 与图表是否真实可信,实验是否可以重复2不少论文造假者在被发现前,都有经 同行评议之论文,业界声望高,作者道貌岸然,被发现作假后这些都不重要3我 虽然是本科生,但也参与了论文和专利的发表,编辑和律师受理与否的标准不是 你的背景,而是你的研究 首先,一篇研究性文章中大多数是有数据和图片的,方面直观地显示其研究结 果,但无法从中直接判断出其可信度;其次,研究者的声望也不能作为判断的标 准,数据的真实性有待考证,是否是该研究者的成果也同时需要确认;然后,一 篇文章的可信度与其发表者关系不大,其他文章的可信不代表此篇文章的科学 性,不能以偏概全;最后,选择第三方专家是因为很多论文或文章都是通过一些 权威性的机构发表,是经过反复校正和核对的,可以增加其可信度

有数据和图片就可信吗? John Bohannon Ocorrafoo Cobange Science AAAS ORG FEEDBACK HELP All Science Joumals Wassee DAAAS NEWS SCIENCE JOURNALS CAREERS An article Institute of SCience The World's Leading Journal of Original Scientific Medicine in Science Home Current Issue Previous Issues Science Express is Asmara Home Science Magazine 4 October 2013>Bohannon,342(6154):60-65 Science 4 October 2013: accepted! Article Views le of Contents Next Vol342n0.6154pp.60-65 D0t10.1126/science.342.6154.60 Leave Summary ,Full Text NEWS Full Text (PDF) Who's Afraid of Peer Review? Data and Documents John Bohannon Podcast Interview A spoof paper concocted by Science reveals little or no scrutiny at many open-access joura Article Tools Leave a comment(237) On 4 July,good news arrived in the inbox of Ocorrafoo Cobange,a SPECIAL SECTION biologist at the Wassee Institute of Medicine in Asmara.It was the Save to My Folders official letter of acceptance for a paper he had submitted 2 months COMMUNICATO Download Citation earlier to the Journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals,describing the IN SCIENCE Alert Me When Article is anticancer properties of a chemical that Cobange had extracted from a Cited lichen. PRESSURES Post to CiteULike In fact,it should have been promptly rejected.Any reviewer with more PREDATORS Article Usage Statistics than a high-school knowledge of chemistry and the ability to understand a basic data plot should have spotted the paper's short-comings E-mail This Page immediately.Its experiments are so hopelessly flawed that the results John Bohannon.Who's afraid of peer review?Science 4 October 2013:Vol.342 no.6154 pp.60-65
有数据和图片就可信吗? John Bohannon Ocorrafoo Cobange John Bohannon. Who’s afraid of peer review? Science 4 October 2013: Vol. 342 no. 6154 pp. 60-65 Wassee Institute of Medicine in Asmara An article is accepted!

同行评议的作用 假论文有图、有数据,但可以被审查出来 1.制造结论的大框架:地衣中的X分子可以抑制Y物种Z细胞系的生长。 2.编写一个程序,使用备选的X、Y、Z项目自动生成一堆论文。 3.随机搭配姓名簿,虚构非洲作者名和研究机构名。 4.故意制造描述错误:图片标题说有剂量依赖的作用,然而数据却显示作用都一 致。 有缺陷 评审的作用1 图和数据 结论(可能虚构) 图和数据 现象 评审的作用2 事实(真相)
同行评议的作用 假论文有图、有数据,但可以被审查出来 1.制造结论的大框架:地衣中的X分子可以抑制Y物种Z细胞系的生长。 2.编写一个程序,使用备选的X、Y、Z项目自动生成一堆论文。 3.随机搭配姓名簿,虚构非洲作者名和研究机构名。 4.故意制造描述错误:图片标题说有剂量依赖的作用,然而数据却显示作用都一 致。 ……………… 图和数据 结论(可能虚构) 图和数据 现象 有缺陷 事实(真相) 评审的作用2 评审的作用1

哪些杂志“中招”了? 哪里是假论文得手 的重灾区? 同行评议的杂志在“钓 鱼”测试中中招较少 Papers submitted Papers rejected Papers accepted Substantial peer review Superficial peer review 0 No peer review 2 16 121 Beall's list 3 3 DOAJ 304 98 157 Beall/DOAJ overlap total total total 47 29 28 28 167 64 12
哪些杂志“中招”了? 哪里是假论文得手 的重灾区? 同行评议的杂志在“钓 鱼”测试中中招较少

同行评议不是万能的 nature International weekly journal of science Home News Comment Research Careers Jobs Current Issue Archive Archive Volume 505 Issue 7485 Articles Article NATURE ARTICLE 日本語要钓 Stimulus-triggered fate conversion of somat into pluripotency Repr.. Haruko Obokata,Teruhiko Wakayama,Yoshiki Sasai,Koji Kojima,Martin P.Vacanti,Hitoshi Obokata Haruko Niwa,Masayuki Yamato Charles A.Vacanti Associated News View: 小保方晴子 Affiliations I Contributions I Corresponding authors Cell biology: 图/BBC news by Smith Nature 505,641-647 (30 January 2014)I doi:10.1038/nature12968 Received 10 March 2013 I Accepted 20 December 2013 I Published online 29 January 2014 Related Retraction (July,2014) a Lymphocyte FACS do d7 fraction sorting Plating 团PDF Citation 自Repri CD45· Remove supernata Abstract Spleen p州5.7 Resuspend in DMEM/F12 medium (Oct4-gfp) 37"C,25 min medium (B27+LIF) Abstract.Introduction.Low pH trig Obokata Haruko Stimulus-triggered fate conversion of somatic cells into pluripotency. Nature505.641-647.2014
同行评议不是万能的 Obokata Haruko Stimulus-triggered fate conversion of somatic cells into pluripotency. Nature 505, 641–647, 2014 Obokata Haruko 小保方晴子 图 / BBC news

科学无“争论”一—实验能否被重复成为关键 nature .lmage Problem International weekly journal of science Home News Comment Research Careers Jobs Current Issue Archive Audio Vide .Experimental Protocol News Comment News 2014 September Article NATURE I NEWS 炉 Acid-bath stem-cell study Experimental protocol The protocol might just be complicated-even Wakayama has been having trouble reproducing Japanese research institute launches inquiry the results.He and a student in his laboratory did replicate the experiment independently before blockbuster papers. publication,after being well coached by Obokata.But since he moved to Yamanashi,he has had David Cyranoski no luck."It looks like an easy technique-just add acid-but it's not that easy,"he says. 17 February 2014 Wakayama says that his independent success in reproducing Obokata's results is enough to Rights Permissions convince him that the technique works.He also notes that the cells produced by Obokata are the only ones known-aside from those in newly fertilized embryos-to be able to produce,for A leading Japanese research centre has opened example,placentas,so could not have been substituted cells."I did it and found it myself,"he says. an investigation into a groundbreaking stem-cell "I know the results are absolutely true." study after concerns were raised about the work's credibility. Several scientists have contacted one or more of the papers'authors for more details on the protocol,but have not yet received a response.Hongkui Deng,a stem-cell biologist at Peking The RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology in University in Beijing,was told that "the authors will publish a detailed protocol soon".Vacanti says Kobe announced on Friday that it is looking into that he has had no problem repeating the experiment but that he will let Obokata supply the protocol "to avoid any potential for variation that could lead to confusion
科学无“争论”——实验能否被重复成为关键 •Image Problem •Experimental Protocol

有可靠的数据和图片+同行评议也不是万能的 PNAS Genomic responses in mouse models greatly mimic human inflammatory diseases 文献检索:doi:10.1073/pnas.1401965111 The use of mice as animal models has long been considered essential in modern biomedical research,but the role of mouse models in research was 展开 PNAS Genomic responses in mouse models poorly mimic human inflammatory diseases 文献检索:doi10.1073/pnas.12228781 A cornerstone of modern biomedical research is the use of mouse models to explore basic pathophysiological mechanisms,evaluate new therapeutic 据开 同行评议的杂志,美国科学院院报 (PNAS)上也曾经 发表过标题和内容截然相反的两篇论文
有可靠的数据和图片+同行评议也不是万能的 同行评议的杂志,美国科学院院报(PNAS)上也曾经 发表过标题和内容截然相反的两篇论文

不要做标题党:与时俱进和盲人摸象 Genomic responses in mouse models poorly mimic human Genomic responses in mouse models greatly mimic human inflammatory diseases inflammatory diseases Junhee SeokH.Shaw WarrenAlexG.CuencaMichael N.Mindrinos 0.1 ab Henry V..Baker,°Weihong Xu2,Daniel R.Richards,Grace P.McDonald--Smith,°Hong Gad03 Keizo Takaoand Tsuyoshi Miyakawa h Laura Hennessy.Celeste C.FinnertyCecilia M.LopezShari Honan Emest E.Moore Author Affiliations n Joseph P.Minei',Joseph Cuschieri,Paul E.Bankey",Jeffrey L.Johnson,Jason Sperry', Avery B.Nathens TimothyRBiliar,MichaelA WestMarc.Jeschke Edited by Ruslan Medzhitov,Yale Univ y School of Medicine, New Haven,CT,and Matthew B.Klein' eview January 31.2014) K approved June 11.2014 (receivedf Richard L Gamelli,Nicole S.Gibran,Bemard H.BrownsteinCarol Miller-Graziano Steve ECalvano Philip H.MasonJ.Perren Cobb,Laurence .Rahme A correction has been published Stephen F.Lowry,Ronald V.Maier.Lyle L.Moldawer,David N.Herndon 「2 Abstract Full Text Authors Info Figures Sl Metrics Related Content PDF Ronald W.Davs Wenzhong i Ronald.Tompkinshenammaion and Host t3 PDF+SI Response to Injury,Large Scale Collaborative Research Program Significance Author Affiliations* The role of mouse models in biomedical research was recentty challenged by a renot Contributed by Ronald W.Da is,January 7,2013(sen or review December 6,2012) that genomic responses in mouse models poorly mimic human infammatory Abstract Full Text Authors Into Metrics Related Content PDF diseases.Here we reevaluated the same gene expression datasets used in the PDF+SI previous study by focusing on genes whose expression levels were significantly changed in both humans and mice.Contrary to the previous findings,the gene expression patterns in the mouse models showed extraordinarily significant Abstract correlations with those of the human conditions.Moreover.many pathways were A cornerstone of modern biomedical research is the use of mouse models to explore basic commonly regulated by multiple conditions in humans and mice.These findings pathophysiological mechanisms,evaluate new therapeutic approaches,and make go or no- demonstrate that gene expression pattems in mouse models dlosely recapitulate go decisions to carry new drug candidates forward into clinical trials.Systematic studies those in human inflammatory conditions and strongly argue for the utility of mice as evaluating how well murine models mimic human inflammatory diseases are nonexistent. animal models of human disorders. Here.we show that.although acute inflammatory stresses from different etiologies result in 发表较早2013年1月 发表较晚2014年1月 •不否认急性疼痛模型的作用 指出了引用,新的数据
不要做标题党:与时俱进和盲人摸象 •发表较早 2013年1月 •不否认急性疼痛模型的作用 •发表较晚 2014年1月 •指出了引用,新的数据
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