上海交通大学:《基因与人 Genes and Human》课程教学资源(课件讲义)09感知世界-实践标准
Dawei Li,Prof.daweili@situ.edu.cn Office:34204744 TA:Pinky Office:34205436 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Core General Course Genes and Human Sensing and Judging the World 感知与判断世界 7.How Genes Sense Their Environment? 2017112/5
2017/12/5 1 1 Genes and Human Sensing and Judging the World 感知与判断世界 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Core General Course Dawei Li , Prof. daweili@sjtu.edu.cn Office: 34204744 TA: Pinky Office: 34205436 7. How Genes Sense Their Environment?
Dawei Li,Prof.daweili@sjtu.edu.cn Office:.34204744 TA:Pinky Office:34205436 Sense and Results 1.Sensing the world:The only standard is the practical results 感知世界:实践是检验真理的唯一标准 Sensing the environment is for surviving and spread 感知世界是生命繁衍的需要 3. The Neuron system is the only choice for effective sensing 神经元是多细胞动物的必然选择 4.Brain is the information processing center for higher animals 201725 脑是高等生物的信息处理中心
2017/12/5 1 2 Sense and Results 1. Sensing the world: The only standard is the practical results 感知世界:实践是检验真理的唯一标准 2. Sensing the environment is for surviving and spread 感知世界是生命繁衍的需要 3. The Neuron system is the only choice for effective sensing 神经元是多细胞动物的必然选择 4. Brain is the information processing center for higher animals 脑是高等生物的信息处理中心 Dawei Li , Prof. daweili@sjtu.edu.cn Office: 34204744 TA: Pinky Office: 34205436
脑发育相关的新基因加速参与人类基因组 灵长类动物基因组中脑相关新基因是小鼠脑相关新基因的2倍 Accelerated Recruitment of New Brain Development Genes into the Human Genome Yong E.Zhang",Patrick Landback,Maria D.Vibranovski,Manyuan Long" Department of Ecology and Evolution,The University of Chicago,Chicago,llinois,United States of America Abstract How the human brain evolved has attracted tremendous interests for decades.Motivated by case studies of primate- specific genes implicated in brain function,we examined whether or not the young genes,those emerging genome-wide in the lineages specific to the primates or rodents,showed distinct spatial and temporal patterns of transcription compared to old genes,which had existed before primate and rodent split.We found consistent patterns across different sources of expression data:there is a significantly larger proportion of young genes expressed in the fetal or infant brain of humans than in mouse,and more young genes in humans have expression biased toward early developing brains than old genes. Most of these young genes are expressed in the evolutionarily newest part of human brain,the neocortex.Remarkably,we also identified a number of human-specific genes which are expressed in the prefrontal cortex,which is implicated in complex cognitive behaviors.The young genes upregulated in the early developing human brain play diverse functional roles,with a significant enrichment of transcription factors.Genes originating from different mechanisms show a similar expression bias in the developing brain.Moreover,we found that the young genes upregulated in early brain development showed rapid protein evolution compared to old genes also expressed in the fetal brain.Strikingly,genes expressed in the neocortex arose soon after its morphological origin.These four lines of evidence suggest that positive selection for brain function may have contributed to the origination of young genes expressed in the developing brain.These data demonstrate a striking recruitment of new genes into the early development of the human brain. Citation:Zhang YE,Landback P,Vibranovski MD,Long M(2011)Accelerated Recruitment of New Brain Development Genes into the Human Genome.PLoS Bial9(10h:e1001179.doi10.1371/journal.pbio.1001179 Academic Editor:Kenneth H.Wolfe,Trinity College Dublin,Ireland Received March 25,2011;Accepted September 8,2011;Published October 18,2011
脑发育相关的新基因加速参与人类基因组 (灵长类动物基因组中脑相关新基因是小鼠脑相关新基因的2倍)
“阿尔法狗”4:1胜李世石“新物种会让人类失业吗? Artificial Intelligence-Another Tool For Human Brain 讨论:人工智能胜人类高手说明什么?3分钟 Will artificial intelligence replacing human? 8-5wnh2016 Min 8
“阿尔法狗”4:1胜李世石 “新物种”会让人类失业吗? Artificial Intelligence-Another Tool For Human Brain 讨论:人工智能胜人类高手说明什么?3 分钟 Will artificial intelligence replacing human?
1.Sense the world:The only standard is the results Nature Laws Over Human Rules:The relation between the human interpretation and the facts 人类抽象思维不能代替和改变客观存在,人类可以不断认识客观世界 抽象思维-这是真实的吗-Is this abstract idea real? 想象不等于实际
1. Sense the world:The only standard is the results Nature Laws Over Human Rules:The relation between the human interpretation and the facts 人类抽象思维不能代替和改变客观存在,人类可以不断认识客观世界 抽象思维-这是真实的吗-Is this abstract idea real? 想象不等于实际
人类思维的检验标准是实践 Human Ideas Must Be Tested and Verified By Practice 人脑的抽象思维与真实世界不存在的抽象维度 哪些是自然界不存的抽象维度? Abstract Thinking:Ability and Trap
人类思维的检验标准是实践 Human Ideas Must Be Tested and Verified By Practice 哪些是自然界不存的抽象维度? 人脑的抽象思维与真实世界不存在的抽象维度 Abstract Thinking: Ability and Trap
人类行为与认知的社会进化 唯一神-The God 天子/皇帝/国君 自然规律-Natural Laws 祖先/先贤/圣人 真理-The Truce,Facts 人说过什么? 事实是什么? 三八二十三 No Four Three bryanridgley.com
唯一神-The God 自然规律-Natural Laws 真理-The Truce, Facts 天子/皇帝/国君 祖先/先贤/圣人 人说过什么? 事实是什么? 三八二十三 人类行为与认知的社会进化
谁具有科学素质? +S 3过家14GdE.l83%■06:46 手机凤凰网 凤凰FM 注册/登录 ie ng 风服首席古学大师字易步 用好五行 g 立享优惠 骑单车。 ¥99.0 原价¥198 171551 就得往前走 精品凤凰首席风水师李嘉林:学会五行人生稳 赢 本课程共30期,每周更新2期。一次购买,可收听后续全部内容。 已播放5.9万次 月销227 ★★★★★5.0 详情 课程 评论 试听 ¥99.0立即购买
2、感知世界是生命繁衍的需要 Sensing The Environment For Survival 脑的感受不能改变事实 To Bite or Not to Bite? 错误认知世界的代价是什么 The Cost of Wrong Decision
2、感知世界是生命繁衍的需要- Sensing The Environment For Survival 脑的感受不能改变事实 错误认知世界的代价是什么 The Cost of Wrong Decision To Bite or Not to Bite?
决定生死的感知与判断 Sensing and Judgment Determines Life and Death Number of individuals Decisions,decisions...! Always Yes Always No Take the bait?
决定生死的感知与判断 Sensing and Judgment Determines Life and Death Always No Always Yes Take the bait? Number of individuals Decisions, decisions…!
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