上海交通大学:《基因与人 Genes and Human》课程教学资源(问卷资料)A Test of Undergraduate's Scientific Literacy Skills-2

A Test of Undergraduate's Scientific Literacy Skills-2 Attention:This questionnaire consists of 4 questions.Each question has 4 possible answers. Pleases choose the most reasonable answer.The correctness of your answers is not important for your score,but the attitude of yourself.You can write reasons for your choices in short sentences so that we can further understand what you think.The attendance(4')and performance(4')will be calculated in your final scores.DEADLINE:2017-10-16. l.Name:[填空题][必答题] 2.Student ID:[填空题][必答题] 3.Which of the following is a behavior of effective scientific programs?()[单选题][必答题] OA.A governmental institution relies on the funding from two industrial researches,one is the discovery of a plastic chemical substance which is safety to human body.The other is to omit those researches on chemicals substances that may be harmful to human body. B.Journalists may provide the same degree of reliability to both the two opposite sides of a scientific news,although one of which has been disproved by many experiments. O C.A governmental institution decides to revise the information of public health under the pressure of the committee of a baby milk manufacturer. O D.Some researches on a new drug has been reported that it is effective to autism,but government refused to approve this drug because the long-term effects have not been clear. 4.Why you Choose this answer?[填空题][必答题] 5.The following graph shows in a paper which describes the influence from several kinds of pesticides to tadpole.As beetles are predators for leopard frog tadpoles,when Malathion is added,the results are different. Which of the following is a reasonable explanation?()[单选题][必答题]
A Test of Undergraduate’s Scientific Literacy Skills-2 Attention: This questionnaire consists of 4 questions. Each question has 4 possible answers. Pleases choose the most reasonable answer. The correctness of your answers is not important for your score, but the attitude of yourself. You can write reasons for your choices in short sentences so that we can further understand what you think. The attendance(4') and performance(4') will be calculated in your final scores. DEADLINE: 2017-10-16. 1. Name: [填空题] [必答题] _________________________________ 2. Student ID: [填空题] [必答题] _________________________________ 3. Which of the following is a behavior of effective scientific programs? ( ) [单选题] [必答题] ○ A. A governmental institution relies on the funding from two industrial researches, one is the discovery of a plastic chemical substance which is safety to human body. The other is to omit those researches on chemicals substances that may be harmful to human body. ○ B. Journalists may provide the same degree of reliability to both the two opposite sides of a scientific news, although one of which has been disproved by many experiments. ○ C. A governmental institution decides to revise the information of public health under the pressure of the committee of a baby milk manufacturer. ○ D. Some researches on a new drug has been reported that it is effective to autism, but government refused to approve this drug because the long-term effects have not been clear. 4. Why you Choose this answer? [填空题] [必答题] _________________________________ 5. The following graph shows in a paper which describes the influence from several kinds of pesticides to tadpole. As beetles are predators for leopard frog tadpoles, when Malathion is added, the results are different. Which of the following is a reasonable explanation? ( ) [单选题] [必答题]

0 No pesticide Malathion Roundup de No pes Malathion Roundup No predator Newts Beetles Fig 2 Total survival of Leopard frog tadpoles livingin ponds with 2 pesticides added (Malathion and Roundup)and 2 tadpole predators present(newts and beetles) O A.Malathion kills tadpoles,which leads to the starvation of beetles,and they may predate more tadpoles. O B.Malathion kills tadpoles,which leads to more food for beetles,thus their population is increased. O C.Malathion kills tadpoles,which leads less tadpoles to be predated O D.Malathion kills tadpoles,which leads to the mutual predate in tadpole groups. 6.Why you Choose this answer?[填空题][必答题] 7.Which of the following is the best explanation for the following graph?()[单选题][必答题] Type A Type B ☑Lymphoma 18% 32% Carcinoma 40% ■Adenoma, Luna ▣Sarcoma 4% 73% 8% ☒No tumor 16% Tumors found in type A and type B mice.Pie chart depicts relative incidence of tumors. Numbers outside each slice denote the percentage of specific tumor type. O A.A type lymphoma mice are more usual than no tumor type
○ A. Malathion kills tadpoles, which leads to the starvation of beetles, and they may predate more tadpoles. ○ B. Malathion kills tadpoles, which leads to more food for beetles, thus their population is increased. ○ C. Malathion kills tadpoles, which leads less tadpoles to be predated. ○ D. Malathion kills tadpoles, which leads to the mutual predate in tadpole groups. 6. Why you Choose this answer? [填空题] [必答题] _________________________________ 7. Which of the following is the best explanation for the following graph? ( ) [单选题] [必答题] ○ A. A type lymphoma mice are more usual than no tumor type

O B.B type mice are more likely to suffer from tumor than A type mice. C.Lymphoma appears in A type mice is as usual as that in B type O D.Only in B type mice,carcinoma is less likely to appear than lymphoma. &.Why you Choose this answer'?[填空题][必答题] 9.The manufacturer of"Shanking Dumbbell"announced that their products generate unbelievable power. Which of the following can provide the strongest evidence to support that"Shanking Dumbbell"can enhance muscular power?()[单选题][必答题] A.Data reported that the user of Shanking Dumbbell use this product 6 days per week while that for normal dumbbell user is 3 days per week. O B.In the comparison with normal dumbbells user,the user of Shanking Dumbbell has a 300%fold increase in their blood flow in muscle. O C.Observation data shows that users of Shanking Dumbbell has obvious muscle tone than that of normal user. OD.In the comparison with normal dumbbell user,the user of Shanking Dumbbell can lift heavier stuffs after 8 weeks of training. l0.Why you Choose this answer?[填空题][必答题] l1l.Please give us some advices on our recent classes:[填空题][必答题] Reference:CBE-Life Sciences Education Vol.11,364-377,Winter 2012,Developing a Test of Scientific Literacy Skills(TOSLS):Measuring Undergraduates'Evaluation of Scientific Information and Arguments Cara Gormally,*Peggy Brickman,andMary Lutz*Georgia Institute of Technology,School of Biology, Atlanta,GA 30322;Department of Plant Biology and Department of Educational Psychology and Instructional Technology,University of Georgia,Athens,GA 30602
○ B. B type mice are more likely to suffer from tumor than A type mice. ○ C. Lymphoma appears in A type mice is as usual as that in B type. ○ D. Only in B type mice, carcinoma is less likely to appear than lymphoma. 8. Why you Choose this answer? [填空题] [必答题] _________________________________ 9. The manufacturer of “Shanking Dumbbell” announced that their products generate unbelievable power. Which of the following can provide the strongest evidence to support that “Shanking Dumbbell” can enhance muscular power? ( ) [单选题] [必答题] ○ A. Data reported that the user of Shanking Dumbbell use this product 6 days per week while that for normal dumbbell user is 3 days per week. ○ B. In the comparison with normal dumbbells user, the user of Shanking Dumbbell has a 300% fold increase in their blood flow in muscle. ○ C. Observation data shows that users of Shanking Dumbbell has obvious muscle tone than that of normal user. ○ D. In the comparison with normal dumbbell user, the user of Shanking Dumbbell can lift heavier stuffs after 8 weeks of training. 10. Why you Choose this answer? [填空题] [必答题] _________________________________ 11. Please give us some advices on our recent classes: [填空题] [必答题] _________________________________ Reference: CBE—Life Sciences Education Vol. 11, 364–377,Winter 2012,Developing a Test of Scientific Literacy Skills (TOSLS): Measuring Undergraduates’ Evaluation of Scientific Information and Arguments Cara Gormally,* Peggy Brickman,† andMary Lutz‡ *Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Biology, Atlanta, GA 30322; †Department of Plant Biology and ‡Department of Educational Psychology and Instructional Technology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602
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