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上海交通大学:《医学微生物》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)英文版 chaper 11 Vibrio sp

Gram-negative rods Curves or comma shaped Non-spore forming Highly motile-single polar flagella Associated with salt water Oxidase positive Facultative anaerobe Tolerate alkaline conditions to

丿briO Vibrio cholerae - gastroenteritis Vibrio parahaemolyticus-gastroenteritis, wound infection. bacteremia Vibrio vuLnificus -wound infection, bacteremia

Vibrio • Vibrio cholerae -gastroenteritis • Vibrio parahaemolyticus -gastroenteritis, wound infection, bacteremia • Vibrio vulnificus -wound infection, bacteremia

Vibrio sp Gram-negative rods Curves or comma shaped Non-spore forming Highly motile-single polar flagella Associated with salt water 1.000%100000 900,000 Oxidase positive 800000 300000 Facultative anaerobe 700.000 500.000 Tolerate alkaline conditions to 2,800000 100000 00.000 2,600000、 willie 300,000 pH9.0 400.000 2.500.000 60000 Readily cultivated, simple 700.000 2,200.000 nutritional requirements 三 800000 2.100.000 2000,000 1000000 1,100,000 180000Ⅲ1 1200000 1.700000 300.000 6000150000

Vibrio sp. Gram-negative rods Curves or comma shaped Non-spore forming Highly motile-single polar flagella Associated with salt water Oxidase positive Facultative anaerobe Tolerate alkaline conditions to pH9.0 Readily cultivated, Simple nutritional requirements

丿 brio cholerae · Antigenic structure Common heat-la bile flagellar h antigen O lipopolysaccharide confers serologic specificity More than 1500 antigen serogroups Only o-I and o139 serogroups cause asiatic cholera .Three serotypes; Ogawa, Inaba, Hikojima Two biovars: classic and El tor

Vibrio cholerae • Antigenic structure – Common heat-labile flagellar H antigen – O lipopolysaccharide confers serologic specificity • More than 150 O antigen serogroups • Only O-1 and 0139 serogroups cause Asiatic cholera ❖Three serotypes; Ogawa, Inaba, Hikojima ❖Two biovars; classic and El Tor

2 biotypes of serogroup o-1 Classical biotype El Tor biotype Serogroup 13

• 2 biotypes of serogroup O-1 Classical biotype El Tor biotype. • Serogroup 139

V cholerae- Transmission feces water fresh -salt food

V. cholerae - Transmission food feces water – fresh – salt

丿 brio cholerae Epidemiology Epidemic cholera-spread by contaminated water under conditions of poor sanitation Endemic-consumption of raw seafood C copepods

Vibrio cholerae • Epidemiology – Epidemic cholera-spread by contaminated water under conditions of poor sanitation – Endemic-consumption of raw seafood – Copepods

97D 1063 19r1 196566 1970 196566 1364 7361 1830 t63 1971 1971

Vibrio cholerae Pathogenesis Ingest 108-100 organisms Non invasive infection of small intestine Organisms secrete enterotoxin Watery diarrhea

Vibrio cholerae • Pathogenesis – Ingest 108 -1010 organisms – Non invasive infection of small intestine – Organisms secrete enterotoxin – Watery diarrhea

Virulence factors of vcholerae o1 and o139 Ⅴ irulence factor Biological effect Cholera toxin Hypersecretic of electrolytes and water Coregulated pilus Adherence to mucosal cells adhesin Accessory colonization factor adhesin Hemagglutination protease Releases bacteria from mucosal cells Zona occludens Exotoxin Accessory cholera enterotoxin Exotoxin Flagellum Motility Siderophores Iron sequestration

Virulence factors of V.cholerae O1 and O139 Virulence factor Biological effect Cholera toxin Hypersecretic of electrolytes and water Coregulated pilus Adherence to mucosal cells adhesin Accessory colonization factor adhesin Hemagglutination protease Releases bacteria from mucosal cells Zona occludens Exotoxin Accessory cholera enterotoxin Exotoxin Flagellum Motility Siderophores Iron sequestration
