上海交通大学:《医学微生物》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)英文版 chaper 4 Disinfection and Sterilization

3 Disinfection and sterilization
3. Disinfection and Sterilization

Basic terms ■ sterilization灭菌 ■ disinfection消毒 ■ Antisepsis防腐 ■ Bacteriostasis抑菌 ■ Asepsis无菌
Basic terms ◼ sterilization灭菌 ◼ disinfection消毒 ◼ Antisepsis 防腐 ◼ Bacteriostasis抑菌 ◼ Asepsis 无菌

sterilization灭菌 a The process of destroying all microbial forms a sterile object is one free of al microbial forms, including bacterial spores
sterilization灭菌 ◼ The process of destroying all microbial forms. A sterile object is one free of all microbial forms, including bacterial spores

disinfection消毒 a The reduction or elimination of pathogenic microorganisms in or on materials, so they are no longer a health hazard
disinfection消毒 ◼ The reduction or elimination of pathogenic microorganisms in or on materials, so they are no longer a health hazard

Antisepsis防腐 a Use of chemical agents on skin or other living tissue to inhibit or eliminate microbes, no sporicidal (杀芽胞的 action is implied
Antisepsis 防腐 ◼ Use of chemical agents on skin or other living tissue to inhibit or eliminate microbes; no sporicidal (杀芽胞的 )action is implied

Bacteriostasis抑菌 a Inhibits the growth of microorganisms
Bacteriostasis抑菌 ◼ Inhibits the growth of microorganisms

Asepsis无菌 a No living microorganisms exists
Asepsis 无菌 ◼ No living microorganisms exists

Controlling Microorganisms By Physical Agents ■ High Temperature ■ Radiation辐射 ■ Filtration过滤 ■ LOW Temperature Desiccation干燥
Controlling Microorganisms By Physical Agents ◼ High Temperature ◼ Radiation 辐射 ◼ Filtration 过滤 ◼ Low Temperature ◼ Desiccation干燥

High Temperature Optimum temperature of growth [37C] Minimum temperature Maximum of gro'w tem 8°C operato of growth +8°cj static action cidal action
High Temperature static action cidal action

Dry heat干热: protein oxidation □ Hot air sterilization干烤 口 Incineration焚化 口 red heat赤热 口 flaming烧灼
◼ Dry heat干热:protein oxidation Hot air sterilization干烤 Incineration焚化 red heat赤热 flaming烧灼
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