上海交通大学:《医学微生物》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)英文版 chaper 9 Morphology & Identification

Hyaluronic acid capsule Streptococcus pyogenes Chains (streptococci Plane of division (perpendicular to long axis of chain) Polysaccharide Streptococcus capsule pneumoniae Pairs (diplococci Staphylococcus aureus Clusters (staphylococci)

The Staphylococci
The Staphylococci

Morphology ldentification 鑾事 令露 容溶 Gram positive Facultative anaerobes Grape like-clusters Catalase positive Major components of normal flora skin nose Catalase test(过氧化氢
Morphology & Identification ➢ Gram positive ➢ Facultative anaerobes ➢ Grape like-clusters ➢ Catalase positive ➢ Major components of normal flora ➢skin ➢nose Catalase test(过氧化氢 酶) (-) (+)

Staphylococcus aureus 8
Staphylococcus aureus

Antigenic structure Capsule or polysaccharide slime layer Peptidoglycan Polysaccharide A teichoic acid Protein A Cytoplasmic membrane umping
Antigenic Structure

Pathogenesis Staphylococcus Effects on Host(local and systemic). Catalase C Hyaluronidase and lipase Hemolysin or sphingomyelinase C Protein A Cell membrane dama ∵ Antigens Leukocidin Antiphagocytic defenses a and.,. Mediator and cytokine releas Exfoliative Toxin Superantigen’;y by platelets and leukocytes Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin (superantigen) Enterotoxins Adhesion damaged tissue T Cell Fe receptor Antigen fragment PHAGOCYTE immunoglobulin Antigen binding groove ProteinA BACTERIUM Antigen Presenting Cell
Pathogenesis • Catalase • Coagulase • Hyaluronidase and Lipase • Hemolysin or sphingomyelinase C • Leukocidin • Exfoliative Toxin • Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin (superantigen) • Enterotoxins Protein A immunoglobulin Fc receptor BACTERIUM PHAGOCYTE

Pathogenesis of staphylococcal infections 1 Ent (nasal or mucosal 3. Diseases I V. drug abus Boil, carbuncle 4. Exit Impetigo Endocarditis Pneumonia 2. Spread Emesis Diarrhea Toxic shock and bladder infections Stye:麦粒肿 Rash (scalded skin syndrome) Carbuncle:痈 Osteomyelitis Genito- impetigo:脓疱疮 urinary
Pathogenesis of staphylococcal infections Stye:麦粒肿 Carbuncle:痈 Impetigo:脓疱疮

Suppurative ·Skin Staphylococcal Infection: Impetigo a Furuncle; Protein A, Leukocidin, Hemolysin 令Stye; lipase 8 Impetigo; contagious Epidermal necrolysis Exfoliative Dermatitis(6, 7, 8); Exfoliative toxin ☆ Mastitis .g Abscess(deep tissue); granulation; coagulase, hyaluronidase(burn, wound · Systemic Bactermia (from abscess, wound, burn), Osteomyelitis(tibia), Pneumonia
Suppurative • Skin ❖ Furuncle; Protein A, Leukocidin, Hemolysin ❖ Stye; lipase ❖ Impetigo; contagious ❖ Epidermal necrolysis ❖ Exfoliative Dermatitis (6,7,8); Exfoliative toxin ❖ Mastitis ❖ Abscess (deep tissue); granulation; coagulase, hyaluronidase (burn, wound) • Systemic Bactermia (from abscess, wound, burn) , Osteomyelitis (tibia) ,Pneumonia

not a human infection Food poisoning food contaminated from humans growth enterotoxin onset and recovery both occur within few hours Vomiting/ nausea/ diarrhea/ abdominal/pain Toxic shock syndrome fever scarlatiniform ra sh desquamation vomiting di anthea REly myalgias babies scalded skin syndrome Exfoliatin
• Food poisoning • Toxic shock syndrome • babies – scalded skin syndrome * Exfoliatin • fever • scarlatiniform rash • desquamation • vomiting • diarrhea • myalgias • not a human infection • food contaminated from humans – growth – enterotoxin • onset and recovery both occur within few hours • Vomiting/ nausea/ diarrhea/ abdominal /pain

Artificial ear Hydrocephalus shunt Cochlear implant Intraocular lens Nose implant. Orbital floor Dental implant Artificial chin Mandibular mesh Shoulder prosthesis Pacemaker Artificial heart Pectus implant Breast prosthesis Artificial arm Elbow prosthesis Soft-tissue patch Dialysis shunt Vascular prosthesis Absorbable pins Spinal fixation device Temporary tendon Artificial ligament Hip implant rtificial l Finger- joint Ankle implant Infections associated with indwelling devices
Infections associated with indwelling devices
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