上海交通大学:《医学微生物》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)英文版 chaper 1 Medical Microbiology and Parasitology

病原生物学 Medical microbiology and Parasitology Part I: Medical Microbiology Part ll: Medical Parasitology Ebola virus Virus Bacterium Rotavirus Friend or Foe?
病原生物学 Medical Microbiology and Parasitology Part I: Medical Microbiology Part II: Medical Parasitology

Medical microbiology Xiao- Huiguo(郭晓奎) Dept of medical Microbiology and parasitology E mail: xkguolashsmu.edu.cn Tel:776712 Office: 5-511
Medical Microbiology Xiao-Kui GUO(郭晓奎) Dept. of medical Microbiology and Parasitology E.mail: xkguo@shsmu.edu.cn Tel: 776712 Office: 5-511

Introduction Microorganisms(Microbes ◆ Microbiology Medical microbiology
Introduction Microorganisms(Microbes) Microbiology Medical Microbiology

Animals Halophiles ThermophilesMethanogens Choanoflagellate (protista) Fung ARCHAEA Plants Green algae Chromista EUKARYOTES Cyanotrophic Testaceafilosea bacteria Radiolaria EUBACTERIA Heterotrophic Alveolates bacteria Rhodophyta Slime molds Flagellates, amebae

S工a吧 s between archaea and Eukaryotes EUbacteria archaea 上 uFcaryo tes h h rte mbnane-bound Nucleosorresfhistones No ○ perons polycistronic Kes h mrnAs Introns yes TATA Box birdi es es proteln res- mitochondria Organelles o endoplastic reticulum Chromosomes One Circular One Circular More than one More than one llore than RNA polyrnerase One (simple x) cople) Complex) Prote ir initiator N-formyl Methionine Methionine amino ac id methionine Wrote in synthesi to Insensitive Sensitie diphtheria toxin Pe peptidoglycan Yes 1111七工at工a士at工三 ribosomal proteins elongati on factors Prote in synthe sis of archaea are more similar to those of eukaryotes than eubacteria

The parts Flagellum of a cell Nucleus Granular inclusion Ribosomes 2 Microtubule 3. Mitochondrion 4. Rough endoplasmic 28 5 Lysosome 6. Microfilaments Cell wall /outer 7 Vacuole nembrane(if 8. Ribosomes present Golgi complex 10. Cell membrane Cytoplasmic membrane Capsule Nucleoid 11. Centrosome Mesosome

What is microorganisms 4 Microorganisms are creatures that are not directly visible to the unaided eye, with dramatical biologic diversity. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and some algae are all in this category All with the exception of plants and animals
What is Microorganisms Microorganisms are creatures that are not directly visible to the unaided eye, with dramatical biologic diversity. Viruses , bacteria, fungi, protozoa and some algae are all in this category All with the exception of plants and animals

Domins Kingdom Type of cells Microorangisms pathogen eucarya Animal eukaryotic Helminths Helminths Plant Protist Protozoa Protozoa Fungi fungi fungi Slime molds Bactenia Prokaryote Prokaryotic Bacteria bacteria Archae Archaebacteria viruses inus noncellular Subyiruses viroids Prions pron

Distribution of microorganisms ◆Air ◆So Water ◆ Animals ◆ Human body
Distribution of microorganisms Air Soil Water Animals Human body

Habitat Approximate nuber of bacteria Garden soil(surface) 9.7X105/ Garden soil (30 cm deep) 5.7×10/g Lakewater(shallow) 104m Lakewater(deep) 102m Seawater 1.1×10°/m1 Human skin Human mouth 10m Human intestine 4×10/g Milk 103to106m Cheese g Sunlit surface few Air few
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