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郧阳医学院:《人体解剖学——局部解剖学》第二讲 静脉 The Veins

概述 General description 静脉是运送血液回心的血 管,起于毛细血管,止于心房。 结构和配布特点如下:

第四节静脉 Section e veins 郧阳学隗解别学教研宦 讲博春

郧阳医学院解剖学教研室 主讲:李文春 第四节 静 脉 Section 4 The Veins

概述 General description 静脉是运送血液回心的血 管,起于毛细血管,止于心房。 结构和配布特点如下: ①管径越来越大属支 ②壁薄、腔大、弹性小、压力低 特点」③有静脉瓣 venous valve ④分深、浅两类 ⑤吻合丰害 ⑥特殊结构:如硬脑膜窦

Up down 概述 General description 静脉是运送血液回心的血 管,起于毛细血管,止于心房。 结构和配布特点如下: ①管径越来越大 属支 ②壁薄、腔大、弹性小、压力低 特点 ③有静脉瓣venous valve ④分深、浅两类 ⑤吻合丰富 ⑥特殊结构:如硬脑膜窦

Sinus of dura mater Diploic vein

Sinus of dura mater Diploic vein Up down

The general feature of vein Thin wall, larger lumen Ⅴ enous valve Venous rete, venous plexus Superficial vein wo sets Deep vein Special structures sinus of dura mater diploic vein

The general feature of vein Thin wall, larger lumen Venous valve Venous rete, venous plexus Superficial vein Two sets Deep vein Special structures sinus of dura mater diploic vein Up down

、肺循环的静脉 Veins of pulmonary circulation 左上、下肺静脉 肺静脉 右上、下肺静脉

二、肺循环的静脉 Veins of pulmonary circulation 左上、下肺静脉 肺静脉 右上、下肺静脉 Up down

、体循环的静脉 Veins of systemic circulation 上腔静脉系 Superior vena cava system 下腔静脉系 Inferior vena cava system 心静脉系 Cardiac vein system

二、体循环的静脉 Veins of systemic circulation 上腔静脉系 Superior vena cava system 下腔静脉系 Inferior vena cava system 心静脉系 Cardiac vein system Up down

(一)上腔静脉系 Superior vena cava systen 1.头颈部静脉 Veins of head and neck 面静脉 facial vein危险三角 下颌后静脉 合成 terior 下 颈外静脉{注入:锁骨下静脉或静脉角 甲状猕 意义:静脉穿刺

(一)上腔静脉系Superior vena cava system 1.头颈部静脉Veins of head and neck 面静脉 facial vein 危险三角 下颌后静脉 合成 颈外静脉 注入:锁骨下静脉或静脉角 意义:静脉穿刺。 Up down

)上腔静脉系 Superior vena cava system 1.头颈部静脉 Ⅴ eins of head and neck 颈前静脉 颈内静脉 internal jugular vein 空气栓塞 锁骨下静脉 subclavian vein 甲状粽上 锁骨下静脉和颈内静脉汇合处 甲状狠中 的夹角称静脉角 venous angle

(一)上腔静脉系Superior vena cava system 1.头颈部静脉 Veins of head and neck 颈前静脉 颈内静脉internal jugular vein 空气栓塞 锁骨下静脉 subclavian vein 锁骨下静脉和颈内静脉汇合处 的夹角称静脉角venous angle Up down

2上肢静脉 Veins of upper limb 头静脉 cephalic 贵要静脉 basilica v 浅静脉肘正中静脉 median cubital 前臂正中静脉 深静脉 Deep vein: have the same names as their companion arteries

2.上肢静脉 Veins of upper limb 头静脉cephalic v 贵要静脉basilica v 浅静脉 肘正中静脉 median cubital v. 前臂正中 静脉 深静脉Deep vein: have the same names as their companion arteries Up down

3胸部静脉Ⅴ eins of thorax 头臂静脉 brachiocephalic vein 上腔静脉 superior vena cava由 左右头臂静脉汇合而成。 奇静脉 azygos vein 半奇静脉 hemiazygos v. 副半奇静脉 accessory hemiazygos v 脊栏静脉 veins of vertebral colum

3.胸部静脉Veins of thorax 头臂静脉 brachiocephalic vein 上腔静脉superior vena cava 由 左右头臂静脉汇合而成。 奇静脉 azygos vein 半奇静脉hemiazygos v. 副半奇静脉accessory hemiazygos v. 脊柱静脉veins of vertebral column Up down
