《医学遗传学 Medical Genetics》课程授课教案(PPT课件讲稿)第十六章 肿瘤遗传学(二)

Medical Genetics 16遗传与肿瘤发生 Cancer genetics
Medical Genetics 16 遗传与肿瘤发生 Cancer Genetics

Medical Genetics The ancient greeks believed that cancer was caused by too much body fluid they called black bile
Medical Genetics The ancient Greeks believed that cancer was caused by too much body fluid they called "black bile

Medical Genetics Doctors in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries suggested that parasites caused cancer. Today doctors understand more about the ink between cancer and genetics
Medical Genetics Doctors in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries suggested that parasites caused cancer. Today, doctors understand more about the link between cancer and genetics

Medical Genetics Viruses, ultraviolet (Uv) radiation, and chemicals can all damage genes in the human body. If particular genes are affected a person can develop cancer. Understanding how genes cause cancer though, first requires a basic understanding of several genetic terms and concepts
Medical Genetics Viruses, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and chemicals can all damage genes in the human body. If particular genes are affected, a person can develop cancer. Understanding how genes cause cancer, though, first requires a basic understanding of several genetic terms and concepts

Medical Genetics 1 General Cancer is a very common disease, affecting about 1 in 3 individuals, and about half the people that contract cancer will die as a direct result of their disease
Medical Genetics 1. General Cancer is a very common disease, affecting about 1 in 3 individuals, and about half the people that contract cancer will die as a direct result of their disease

Medical Genetics For the most part, cancer arises from a single cell, that is, cancer is a clonal disease. The average human being contains about 1014 cells(i.e 100000,000,000,000 cells), any one of which could in principle, become a cancer cell, if it acquired the right sort of mutations while it still had the potential to proliferate
Medical Genetics For the most part, cancer arises from a single cell, that is, cancer is a clonal disease. The average human being contains about 1014 cells (i.e., 100,000,000,000,000 cells), any one of which could, in principle, become a cancer cell, if it acquired the right sort of mutations while it still had the potential to proliferate

Medical Genetics Therefore the cancer cell arises and progresses once out of a possible 1014 cellular targets. That only happens in 1 in 3 people. Even then it usually takes 60 or 70 years to occur
Medical Genetics Therefore, the cancer cell arises and progresses once out of a possible 1014 cellular targets. That only happens in 1 in 3 people. Even then it usually takes 60 or 70 years to occur

Medical Genetics Normal ololojoooojo-Nomal Ceis Basement Membrane onnective Tissue Single Hyperproliferative loloooloolo! Cell Smal okoro o Adenoma Adenoma 》 o plus Carcinoma
Medical Genetics

Medical Genetics Tumors are hereditary Hereditary retinoblastoma is an autosomal dominant trait in which susceptibility to retinoblastoma is inherited. This is an unusual dominant trait in that a mutation in one rb gene is not sufficient to cause symptoms, but mutations in the second allele often arise during development
Medical Genetics Tumors are hereditary Hereditary retinoblastoma is an autosomal dominant trait in which susceptibility to retinoblastoma is inherited. This is an unusual "dominant" trait in that a mutation in one RB gene is not sufficient to cause symptoms, but mutations in the second allele often arise during development

Medical Genetics
Medical Genetics
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