郧阳医学院:《人体解剖学——局部解剖学》英文版 Chapter 7 The Urinary System

Chapter 7 The Urinary System Instructor. Zhenghong Zhang (张正洪)
Chapter 7 The Urinary System Instructor: Zhenghong Zhang (张正洪)

Composition Two kidneys Two ureters Bladder Urethra
Composition Two kidneys Two ureters Bladder Urethra

Section1 The Kidneys肾 I. General features Bean shaped, reddish brown organs a Superior extremity Inferior extremity Anterior surface Posterior surface Lateral border
Section 1 The Kidneys 肾 Ⅰ.General features ◼ Bean shaped, reddishbrown organs ◼ Superior extremity ◼ Inferior extremity ◼ Anterior surface ◼ Posterior surface ◼ Lateral border

Medial border 口 Renal hilum肾门 renal pedicle肾蒂, o Order of structures in the renal pedicle from anterior to posterior V.A. P o from superior to inferior-A. V P
◼ Medial border ❑ Renal hilum 肾门 renal pedicle肾蒂, ❑ Order of structures in the renal pedicle from anterior to posterior- V. A. P.; ❑ from superior to inferior-A. V. P

口 Renal sinus肾窦
❑ Renal sinus 肾窦

Ⅱ. Position and adjacency Left kidney lies at the level from the lower border of tll to L2: the 12th rib is behind its middle part of the post surface Right kidney at the level from the lower border of T12 to L3: the 12th rib is behind its upper part of the post surface
Ⅱ.Position and adjacency ◼ Left kidney lies at the level from the lower border of T11 to L2; the 12th rib is behind its middle part of the post surface ◼ Right kidney at the level from the lower border of T12 to L3; the 12th rib is behind its upper part of the post surface

Renal hilum at the level ofli is about 5cm from the posterior median line ■ enal region the area between 12th rib Ar and the lateral margin of erector spinae
◼ Renal hilum at the level of L1, is about 5cm from the posterior median line ◼ Renal region the area between 12th rib and the lateral margin of erector spinae

Adjacency of the kidneys Superiorly- suprarenal gland Posteriorly Three muscles Three nerves Medial
Adjacency of the kidneys ◼Superiorly- superarenal gland ◼Posteriorly Three muscles Three nerves ◼Medial

Anterior a Left kidney Stomach(superior), Pancreas(middle), Loops of intestine and left colic flexure (inferiorly 口 Right kidney Right lobe of liver superior Right colic flexure (inferior) Descending part of duodenum(medially)
◼ Anteriorly ❑ Left kidney ◼ Stomach (superior), ◼ Pancreas (middle), ◼ Loops of intestine and left colic flexure (inferiorly) ❑ Right kidney ◼ Right lobe of liver (superior) ◼ Right colic flexure (inferior) ◼ Descending part of duodenum (medially)

Il The Coverings of kidneys Fibrous capsule纤维囊 Fatty renal capsule脂肪囊 Renal fascia肾筋膜
Fibrous capsule 纤维囊 Fatty renal capsule 脂肪囊 Renal fascia 肾筋膜 Ⅲ.The Coverings of kidneys
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