Looking forward and outside:the value of Academic Libraries

CONFERENCIA Advocacy for libraries Auditorio da Biblioteca Nacional 16 e 17 de setembro de 2014 Universidade do Minho Servicos de documentacao Looking forward and outside: the value of academic libraries Eloy rodrigues -eloy@sdum minho pt Universidade do Minho Servicos de documentacao
Looking forward and outside: the value of Academic Libraries Eloy Rodrigues – eloy@sdum.uminho.pt

Agenda Universidade do Minho Servicos de Documentacao Introduction Defining advocacy Problems, challenges and opportunities for Portuguese academic libraries Advocacy in practice What can/should we do? a What are we doing in portugal? a Concluding remarks Universidade do Minho Servicos de Documentacao
Agenda ▪ Introduction ▪ Defining advocacy ▪ Problems, challenges and opportunities for Portuguese academic libraries ▪ Advocacy in practice ▪ What can/should we do? ▪ What are we doing in Portugal? ▪ Concluding Remarks

Acknowledgments/Thank you Universidade do Minho Servicos de Documentacao Ana Bela Martins(UA) Antonia Correia(UNL holanda Silva( UMa) Maria Eduarda rodrigues(IPCB Maria Joao Mocho (UAc) Universidade do Minho Servicos de Documentacao
Acknowledgments/Thank you ▪ Ana Bela Martins (UA) ▪ Antónia Correia (UNL) ▪ Iolanda Silva (UMa) ▪ Maria Eduarda Rodrigues (IPCB) ▪ Maria João Mocho (UAc)

Introduction Universidade do Minho Servicos de Documentacao Defining advocacy… not a simple task There is no similar/equivalent word in Portuguese Universidade do Minho Servicos de Documentacao
Introduction ▪ Defining advocacy… ▪ … not a simple task ▪ There is no similar/equivalent word in Portuguese

Introduction Universidade do Minho Servicos de Documentacao Defining advocacy… provide value to your users Find evidence of that value Communicate! Universidade do Minho Servicos de Documentacao
Introduction ▪ Defining advocacy… ▪ … provide value to your users ▪ … Find evidence of that value ▪ ... Communicate!

The context Universidade do Minho Servicos de Documentacao Portuguese academic libraries Global/structural challenges and problems Local/conjunctural challenges and problems a Opportunities Universidade do Minho Servicos de Documentacao
The context ▪ Portuguese academic libraries ▪ Global/structural challenges and problems ▪ Local/conjunctural challenges and problems ▪ Opportunities

Portuguese academic libraries Universidade do Minho Servicos de Documentacao Globalstructural trends, challenges and problems Disruptive technologies ( numerous & frequent) Acceleration of the transition from physical to digital Disintermediation Uncontrolled cost growth of information resources Deep changes in higher education(new teaching/learning practices, diversification of public/students and courses, MooS, globalization and competition, etc Deep changes in research and scholarly communication (Open Access open Science, data Universidamanagement/curation, etc
Portuguese academic libraries ▪ Global/structural trends, challenges and problems ▪ Disruptive technologies (+ numerous & + frequent); ▪ Acceleration of the transition from physical to digital ▪ Disintermediation ▪ Uncontrolled cost growth of information resources ▪ Deep changes in higher education (new teaching/learning practices, diversification of public/students and courses, MOOCs, globalization and competition, etc.) ▪ Deep changes in research and scholarly communication (Open Access & Open Science, Data management/curation, etc.)

Portuguese academic libraries Universidade do Minho Servicos de Documentacao Local(Portugal) and conjunctural (crisis), challenges and problems Severe budget cuts and staff constraints Stagnation of student population(despite"new students"-structural demography economic difficulties, emigration, etc.) Historical deficit of visibility/recognition institutional"weight" and autonomy of academic libraries within their institutions Excess of " inside focus and deficit of outward looking cooperation and networking Universidade do Minho Servicos de Documentacao
Portuguese academic libraries ▪ Local (Portugal) and conjunctural (crisis), challenges and problems ▪ Severe budget cuts and staff constraints; ▪ Stagnation of student population (despite “new students” - structural demography, economic difficulties, emigration, etc.); ▪ Historical deficit of visibility/recognition, institutional “weight” and autonomy of academic libraries within their institutions; ▪ Excess of “inside” focus and deficit of “outward looking”, cooperation and networking;

Challenges/opportunities for academic libraries Universidade do Minho Servicos de Documentacao Using our strenghts, skills and know how (analysis representation dissemination and management of information, user and service orientation, etc to reshape our libraries Assuming new roles of intermediation(inside-out)and valorization of the knowledge and contents produced in our organizations Institutional Repositories/Open Access (Support to) Publishing(books, journals, etc. ) Research data management Assuming"new/reinforced roles in learning/teaching processes( information literacy "embedded librarian", etc Diversifying the set of services, physical spaces and functionalities offered to our growingly diverse Unive communities icos de Documentacao
Challenges/Opportunities for academic libraries ▪ Using our strenghts, skills and know how (analysis, representation, dissemination and management of information, user and service orientation, etc.) to reshape our libraries ▪ Assuming new roles of intermediation (inside-out) and valorization of the knowledge and contents produced in our organizations: ▪ Institutional Repositories/Open Access; ▪ (Support to) Publishing (books, journals, etc.); ▪ Research data management; ▪ Assuming “new”/reinforced roles in learning/teaching processes (information literacy, “embedded librarian”, etc.) ▪ Diversifying the set of services, physical spaces and functionalities offered to our growingly diverse communities

Advocacy in/for academic libraries onte o te a What can/should we do? a What are we doing Universidade do Minho Servicos de Documentacao
Advocacy in/for academic libraries ▪ What can/should we do? ▪ What are we doing?
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