中国高校课件下载中心 》 教学资源 》 大学文库


第一节 心脏的泵血功能 第二节 心脏的生物电活动 第三节 血管生理 第四节 心血管活动的调节 1、神经调节 2、体液调节 3、自身调节 第五节 器官循环 器官血流量 Q=△P/ R 各器官的血液循环有其自身特点


血 液 循 环 Circulation 安徽医科大学 生理学专业

第一节心脏的泵血功能 右心:泵血入肺循环;左心:泵血入体循环。 L atrium L. ventricle R ventricle 8=

第一节 心脏的泵血功能 右心:泵血入肺循环;左心: 泵血入体循环

血液循环的功能 血液循环的功能运输: 气体(O2、CO2) 营养物质和代谢产物 激素 热量 免疫物质 心脏为血液循环提供动力 血管—引导和分配血流到全身各处

血液循环的功能 心脏——为血液循环提供动力 血管——引导和分配血流到全身各处 血液循环的功能——运输: 气体(O2、CO2) 营养物质和代谢产物 激素 热量 免疫物质

鸽一节心脐的要血功能 Trachea Thyroid gland First rib(cut) ung Diaphragm Apexof heart The heart is on the ventral side of the thoracic cavity, sandwiched between the lungs

第一节 心脏的泵血功能

Superior view of transverse plane in (B) Aorta Esophagus (segment Pulmonary ed) remove artery (③ ary Pulmona ve Left atrium Superior vena cava Left Right ventricle atrium Right Pericardial cavity ventricle Pericardium

Superior view of transverse plane

Aorta Superior. Pulmonary artery vena cava Right Left atrium atrium Left Right ventricle ventricle □ The ventricles occupy the bulk of the heart The arteries and veins all attachto the base of the heart

Anatomy of the Heart

o Atrioventricular(Av)valveal vena cava Guard the passageway between semilunar valve the atria and the ventricles Right pulmonary arteries o Tricuspid valve between right atrium and right ventricle veins Bicuspid(mitral) valve between left atrium and left Cuspof left AV ventricle Chordae Cuspof rightAI ◆ Semilunar valves (tricuspid)valve Between ventricles and muscles Inferi arteries ventricle o Pulmonary valve between Descending right ventricle and pulmonary artel One-way fiow thoughthe heartis ensured by two setsof valves. e Aortic valve between left ventricle and aorta

◆ Valves Atrioventricular(AV) valves Guard the passageway between the atria and the ventricles ♥ Tricuspid valve between right atrium and right ventricle ♥ Bicuspid (mitral) valve between left atrium and left ventricle ◆Semilunar valves Between ventricles and arteries ♥ Pulmonary valve between right ventricle and pulmonary artery ♥ Aortic valve between left ventricle and aorta

心动周期( cardiac cycle) ◆心脏每收缩和舒张一次构成一个机械活动周期 ◆分为收缩期( systole)和舒张期( diastole)。 ◆心动周期时程的长短与心率有关,心动周期与心率 呈互为倒数的关系

一、心动周期 (cardiac cycle) ◆ 心脏每收缩和舒张一次构成一个机械活动周期。 ◆ 分为收缩期(systole)和舒张期(diastole)。 ◆ 心动周期时程的长短与心率有关,心动周期与心率 呈互为倒数的关系

Cardiac cycle 成年人安静时的心率约为75次/min,心动周期为0.8s 心房收缩期占0.1s,舒张期为0.7s。 心房进入舒张期的同时,心室开始收缩。 ◆心室收缩期持续0.3s后,转为心室舒张期,约为0.5s。 心室舒张期的前0.4秒为全心舒张期。 心室舒张期 心房舒张期 心房收缩期 心室收缩期 0.秒

◆ 成年人安静时的心率约为75 次/min,心动周期为0.8 s。 ◆ 心房收缩期占0.1 s,舒张期为0.7 s。 ◆ 心房进入舒张期的同时,心室开始收缩。 ◆ 心室收缩期持续0.3 s后,转为心室舒张期,约为0.5 s。 ◆ 心室舒张期的前0.4秒为全心舒张期。 Cardiac cycle 心房收缩期 心室舒张期 心房舒张期 心室收缩期 0.1秒

Systole and Diastole Pulmonary valve Pulmonary, Aortic closed valve oper valve open Aortic valve closed RA Atrial systole Atrial diastole Ventricular ventricular systole diastole Tricuspid and Tricuspid and bicuspid valves closed bicuspid valves open o The term systole means to contract, and diastole means to dilate o Atrial systole is contraction of the atrial myocardium, and atrial diastole is relaxation of the atrial myocardium Similarly, ventricular systole is contraction of the ventricular myocardium, and ventricular diastole is relaxation of the ventricular myocardium

Systole and Diastole ◆ The term systole means to contract, and diastole means to dilate. ◆ Atrial systole is contraction of the atrial myocardium, and atrial diastole is relaxation of the atrial myocardium. ◆ Similarly, ventricular systole is contraction of the ventricular myocardium, and ventricular diastole is relaxation of the ventricular myocardium
