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上海交通大学:《医学微生物》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)英文版 Laboratory Diagnosis

Category of sample Blood, Urine, Stool, nasal washing, nasal swab, throat swab, saliva, sputum, rectal swab, vesicle fluid scraping or swab) tissue, brain biopsy, cerebrospinal fluid, et

Laboratory Diagnosis

1 Laboratory Diagnosis

Category of Sample Blood, Urine, Stool, nasal washing, nasal swab, throat swab, saliva sputum, rectal swab, vesicle fluid scraping or swab), tissue brain biopsy, cerebrospinal fluid, et al

2 Category of Sample • Blood, Urine, Stool, nasal washing, nasal swab , throat swab, saliva , sputum, rectal swab, vesicle fluid( scraping or swab), tissue ,brain biopsy, cerebrospinal fluid, et al

Laboratory Diagnosis Microscopy Identification Virus isolation and identification Detection of viral proteins( antigens and enzymes )] Detection of viral genetic material Serologic procedures

3 Laboratory Diagnosis • Microscopy Identification • Virus isolation and identification • Detection of viral proteins( antigens and enzymes)] • Detection of viral genetic material • Serologic procedures

Microscopy Identification Light microscopy Fluorescent microscopy Electron microscopy

4 Microscopy Identification • Light microscopy • Fluorescent microscopy • Electron microscopy

Light microscopy Characteristic CPE Inclusion bodies

5 Light microscopy • Characteristic CPE • Inclusion Bodies

Cell death Cell rounding Degeneration Aggregation Loss of attachments to substrate Characteristic histological changes inclusion bodies in the nucleus or cytoplasm, margination of chromatin Syncytia: multinucleated giant cells caused by virus induced cell-cell fusion

6 • Cell death Cell rounding Degeneration Aggregation Loss of attachments to substrate • Characteristic histological changes:inclusion bodies in the nucleus or cytoplasm, margination of chromatin • Syncytia: multinucleated giant cells caused by virus￾induced cell-cell fusion

Fluorescent microscopy Fluorescent-antibody staining

7 Fluorescent microscopy • Fluorescent-antibody staining

Electron microscopy Direct detection: Human rotavirus: HAV HBV, Smallpox virus; Herpes virus Immune Electron micros copy Human rotavirus: HAV

8 Electron microscopy • Direct detection : Human rotavirus; HAV; HBV; Smallpox virus; Herpes virus. • Immune Electron microscopy: Human rotavirus; HAV;

Laboratory Diagnosis Microscopy Identification Virus isolation and identification Detection of viral proteins( antigens and enzymes )] Detection of viral genetic material Serologic procedures

9 Laboratory Diagnosis • Microscopy Identification • Virus isolation and identification • Detection of viral proteins( antigens and enzymes)] • Detection of viral genetic material • Serologic procedures

Viral isolation and dentification Viral growth and Cell culture Viral detection Viral Identification Interpretation of culture results

10 Viral isolation and Identification • Viral Growth and Cell culture • Viral Detection • Viral Identification • Interpretation of culture results
