上海交通大学:《医学微生物》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)英文版 Campylobacter

Campylobacter 人

Campylobacter P Among the most widespread cause of nfection in the world Cause both diarrheal and systemic diseases e Campylobacter jejuni
Campylobacter Among the most widespread cause of infection in the world. Cause both diarrheal and systemic diseases Campylobacter jejuni

Typical organisms e Gram-negative rods With comma, s or RT gu|wng” shapes Motive, with a single polar flagellum e No spore &no capsule
Typical Organisms Gram-negative rods with comma, S, or “gull-wing” shapes. Motive, with a single polar flagellum No spore & no capsule

Culture An atmosphere with reduced O2(5%O2) with added CO2(10% CO2 At 42C (for selection) e Several selective media can be used (eg, Skirrow medium ● TWo types of colonies e watery and spreading e round and convex
Culture An atmosphere with reduced O2 (5% O2 ) with added CO2 (10% CO2 ) At 42 ℃ (for selection) Several selective media can be used (eg, Skirrow’s medium) Two types of colonies: ☺ watery and spreading ☺ round and convex

Virulence Factor Lipopolysaccharides(LPS)with endotoxic activity Cytopathic extracellular toxins and enterotoxins have been found
Virulence Factor Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) with endotoxic activity Cytopathic extracellular toxins and enterotoxins have been found

Pathogenesis The infection by oral route from food, drink, or contact with infected animals or animal products(Milk, meat products Susceptible to gastric acid(about 102 organisms) e Multiply in the small intestine invade the epithium produce inflammation, cause bloody stools e Occasionally, the bloodstream is invaded
Pathogenesis The infection by oral route from food, drink, or contact with infected animals or animal products(Milk, meat products ). Susceptible to gastric acid (about 104 organisums) Multiply in the small intestine invade the epithium produce inflammation cause bloody stools Occasionally, the bloodstream is invaded

Campylobacter - symptoms · Incubation:4-8d Acute enteritis lw diarrhea stools remain positive for. malaise 3 W o fever · Acute colitis abdominal pain Acute abdominal pain usually self-limiting Bacteremia: <1% C antibiotics juni occassionally Septic a borton bacteremia Reactive arthritis. smallminority
• diarrhea • malaise • fever • abdominal pain • usually self-limiting • antibiotics occassionally • bacteremia –small minority Campylobacter-symptoms • Incubation: 4-8d • Acute enteritis: 1w, stools remain positive for 3 w • Acute colitis • Acute abdominal pain • Bacteremia: <1% C. jejuni • Septic abortion • Reactive arthritis

Diagnostic Laboratory Tests Specimens: Diarrheal/ stools Smears: Gram-stained smears of stool may show the typical"gull-shaped?" rods e Culture: (have been described above)
Diagnostic Laboratory Tests Specimens: Diarrheal stools Smears: Gram-stained smears of stool may show the typical “gull-shaped” rods. Culture: (have been described above)

Control The source of infection may be food(eg milk, under-cooked fowl)or contract With infected animals or humans and their excreta
Control The source of infection may be food (eg, milk, under-cooked fowl) or contract with infected animals or humans and their excreta

Helicobacter pylori e Curved bacilli e Former name Campylobacter pylori, eH. pylori Barry Robin Marshall Warren Royal Perth Hospital, Australian 198
Curved bacilli – Former name - Campylobacter pylori, ⚫H. pylori Helicobacter pylori
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