上海交通大学:《医学微生物》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)英文版 Gastrointestinal Viruses

Gastrointestinal Viruses
Gastrointestinal Viruses

Viral gastroenteritis It is thought that viruses are responsible for up to 3 /4 of all infective diarrhoeas Viral gastroenteritis is the second most common viral illness after upper respiratory tract infection In developing countries, viral gastroenteritis is a major killer of infants who are undernourished Rotaviruses are responsible for half a million deaths a year Many different types of viruses are found in the gut but only some are associated with gastroenteritis
Viral Gastroenteritis ◼ It is thought that viruses are responsible for up to 3/4 of all infective diarrhoeas. ◼ Viral gastroenteritis is the second most common viral illness after upper respiratory tract infection. ◼ In developing countries, viral gastroenteritis is a major killer of infants who are undernourished. Rotaviruses are responsible for half a million deaths a year. ◼ Many different types of viruses are found in the gut but only some are associated with gastroenteritis

Associated with gastroenteritis ■ Rotaviruses ■ Adenoviruses4041 ■ Caliciviruses嵌杯病毒 Norwalk like viruses or SRSV(Small Round Structured Viruses ■ Astroviruses SRV( Small Round Viruses) ■ Coronaviruses ■ Noroviruses
Associated with gastroenteritis ◼ Rotaviruses ◼ Adenoviruses 40 41 ◼ Caliciviruses嵌杯病毒 ◼ Norwalk like viruses or SRSV (Small Round Structured Viruses) ◼ Astroviruses ◼ SRV (Small Round Viruses) ◼ Coronaviruses ◼ Toroviruses

Found in the gut, not normally associated with gastroenteritis Polio Coxsackie a Coxsackie B ■Echo Enteroviruses 68-71 ■ Hepatitis a Hepatitis E ■ Adenoviruses1-39 ■ Reoviruses
Found in the gut, not normally associated with gastroenteritis ◼ Polio ◼ Coxsackie A ◼ Coxsackie B ◼ Echo ◼ Enteroviruses 68-71 ◼ Hepatitis A ◼ Hepatitis E ◼ Adenoviruses 1-39 ◼ Reoviruses

Found in the gut as opportunistic infection CMV ■HSV ■VZV ■H|V
Found in the gut as opportunistic infection ◼ CMV ◼ HSV ◼ VZV ◼ HIV

Gastrointestinal Viruses Virus genome Typical disease incubation Duration Rotaviruses: ds-segmented Major cause of 1-3 days 5-8 days GroupA,B, RNA diarrhea in children 24-56h3-7 days Caliciviruses ssRNA Infects adults and 1-3 days 1-3 days Norwalk children 18-24h 12-48h agents Epidemic viral gastroenteritis EAd 40, 41 Linear diarrhea in 7-8 days d dsRNA children Astrovirus +ssRNA Infects mainly 1-4 days 1-4 d children and elderly
Gastrointestinal Viruses Virus Genome Typical disease incubation Duration Rotaviruses: Group A, B, C ds-segmented RNA Major cause of diarrhea in children 1-3 days 24-56 h 5-8 days 3-7 days Caliciviruses Norwalk agents ssRNA Infects adults and children Epidemic viral gastroenteritis 1-3 days 18-24 h 1-3 days 12-48 h EAd 40,41 Linear dsRNA diarrhea in children 7-8 days 8-12 d Astrovirus +ssRNA Infects mainly children and elderly 1-4 days 1-4 d

Gastrointestinal viruses Infants: Rotavirus a: Adenovirus 40.41 Coxsackie A24 virus Infants children and adults Norwalk virus; Calicivirus嵌杯病毒 astrovirus: rotavirus b: Reovirus
Gastrointestinal Viruses ◼ Infants: Rotavirus A; Adenovirus 40,41; Coxsackie A24 virus ◼ Infants, children, and adults Norwalk virus; Calicivirus嵌杯病毒; astrovirus; Rotavirus B; Reovirus

Human rotavirus
Human Rotavirus

mportant Characteristics 70 nm round double shelled enclosing a genome of 11 segments of double stranded rna
Important Characteristics ◼ 70 nm round, double shelled, enclosing a genome of 11 segments of double stranded RNA

(P Serotype Subgrou niger Neutralization indigen G Serotype
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