上海交通大学:《医学微生物》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)英文版 Actinomyces Nocardia

actinomyces Nocardia
Actinomyces & Nocardia

Actinomyces ■ A israelii A naeslundii Gram positive sulfur granule; Related to decay tooth and peridentitis
Actinomyces ◼ A.israelii, A.naeslundii; ◼ Gram positive; sulfur granule; ◼ Related to decay tooth and peridentitis

ACTINOMYCES Anaerobic, filamentous, gram positive bacillus Exhibit true branching Mykes"-Greek for " fungus Thought by early microbiologist to be fungi because of: Ky Morphology Disease they cause 关
ACTINOMYCES Anaerobic, filamentous, gram positive bacillus • Exhibit true branching ◼ “Mykes” – Greek for “fungus” ◼ Thought by early microbiologist to be fungi because of: • Morphology • Disease they cause

Clinical specimens: Actinomycosis-pus
Clinical specimens:Actinomycosis-pus

ACTINOMYCOSIS Not highly virulent (Opportunist Component of Oral Flora Periodontal pockets a Dental plaque Tonsilar crypts Take advantage of injury to penetrate mucosal barriers Coincident infection Trauma irgerv
ACTINOMYCOSIS Not highly virulent (Opportunist) • Component of Oral Flora ◼ Periodontal pockets ◼ Dental plaque ◼ Tonsilar crypts • Take advantage of injury to penetrate mucosal barriers ◼ Coincident infection ◼ Trauma ◼ Surgery

Actinomycosis A chronic suppurative and granulomatous 芽肿 disease of the cervico- facial, thoracic or abdominal areas
Actinomycosis ◼ A chronic suppurative and granulomatous肉 芽肿disease of the cervico-facial, thoracic or abdominal areas

ACTINOMYCOSIS Form indurated masses with fibrous Walls and central loculations with pus Pus contains Sulfur granules Gritty, yellow white Average diameter -2mm Composed of mineralized "mycelial"mass Chronic infection Form burrowing sinus tracts to skin or mucus membranes Discharge purulent material
ACTINOMYCOSIS Form indurated masses with fibrous walls and central loculations with pus • Pus contains "Sulfur Granules" ◼ Gritty, yellow white ◼ Average diameter - 2mm ◼ Composed of mineralized “mycelial” mass Chronic infection • Form burrowing sinus tracts to skin or mucus membranes ◼ Discharge purulent material

Actinomycosis- sulfur granule Ce1995 Robert C Mellors MD/PhD,CUMC
Actinomycosis - sulfur granule

Pulmonary actinomycosis 15 of cases Aspiration of organism from the oropharynx Slowly progressive process involving lung and pleura May be mistaken for malignancy a Chest pain, fever, wgt loss and hemoptysis
Pulmonary Actinomycosis ◼ 15% of cases ◼ Aspiration of organism from the oropaharynx ◼ Slowly progressive process involving lung and pleura • May be mistaken for malignancy ◼ Chest pain, fever, wgt loss and hemoptysis

Mycetoma (足菌病) Streptomyces species?
Mycetoma (足菌病) Streptomyces species?
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