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上海交通大学:《医学微生物》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)英文版 Overview of Hepatitis virus

Human cytomegalovirus Epstein-Barr- virus Herpes simplex virus Yellow fever virus Rubella.

Hepatitis virus

Hepatitis virus

Overview of hepatitis virus Virus Virus group Nucleic Mode of infection Severit acid (chronicity) HAV Enterovirus RNA Fecal-oral acute 72(hepatovirus) HBV hepadnavirus DNA Percutaneous ++(chronic) Permucosal HCV FlaviⅤirus RNA Blood(transfusion- +(chronic) associated) HDV B-dependent RNA blood +(chronic) small virus HEⅤ Calicivirus RNA Fecal-oral +(acute) HGV RNA Blood

Overview of Hepatitis Virus Virus Virus group Nucleic acid Mode of infection Severity (chronicity) HAV Enterovirus 72(heptovirus) RNA Fecal-oral +(acute) HBV hepadnavirus DNA Percutaneous; Permucosal ++(chronic) HCV Flavivirus RNA Blood(transfusion￾associated) + (chronic) HDV B-dependent small virus RNA blood + (chronic) HEV Calicivirus RNA Fecal-oral +(acute) HGV ? RNA Blood ?

Viral Hepatitis-Overview Type of Hepatitis Source of feces blood/ blood/ feces blood-derived blood-derived blood-derived body fluids body fluids body fluids Route of fecal-oral percutaneous percutaneouspercutaneous fecal-oral transmission permucosal permucosal permucosal Chronic no yes no infection Prevention pre/post pre/post- blood donor pre/post- ensure safe exposure exposure screenIng, exposure drinking immunization immunization risk behavior immunization water modification risk behavior modification

Viral Hepatitis - Overview A B C D E Source of virus feces blood/ blood-derived body fluids blood/ blood-derived body fluids blood/ blood-derived body fluids feces Route of transmission fecal-oral percutaneous permucosal percutaneous permucosal percutaneous permucosal fecal-oral Chronic infection no yes yes yes no Prevention pre/post￾exposure immunization pre/post￾exposure immunization blood donor screening; risk behavior modification pre/post￾exposure immunization; risk behavior modification ensure safe drinking water Type of Hepatitis

o Human cytomegalovirus e Epstein-Barr virus Herpes simplex virus ● Yellow fever virus o rubella

 Human cytomegalovirus  Epstein-Barr virus  Herpes simplex virus  Yellow fever virus  Rubella

Hepatitis a virus

Hepatitis A virus

Structure Capsid e Small non ssRNA enveloped [7478 bases) icosahedral particle, 27 nm e 27nm in diameter ● SSRNA

Structure  Small, non￾enveloped icosahedral particle,  27 nm in diameter  ssRNA

Replication o Unlike other picornaviruses, however, HAV is not cytolytic and is released by exocytosis Laboratory isolates of hav have been adapted to growth in primary and continuous monkey kidney cell lines, but clinical isolates are very difficult to grow in cell culture

Replication  Unlike other picornaviruses, however, HAV is not cytolytic and is released by exocytosis.  Laboratory isolates of HAV have been adapted to growth in primary and continuous monkey kidney cell lines, but clinical isolates are very difficult to grow in cell culture

Resistance Stable to: acid at ph 3 Solvents(ether, chloroform) detergents saltwatergroundwater(months) drying(stable) temperature 4C: weeks 56C for 30minutes: stable 61C for 20minutes: partial inactivation

Resistance Stable to: acid at pH 3 Solvents(ether,chloroform) detergents saltwater,groundwater(months) drying(stable) temperature 4℃: weeks 56℃for 30minutes: stable 61℃for 20minutes: partial inactivation

Resistance Inactivated by chlorine treatment of drinking water formalin(0.35%/, 37C, 72hours) acetic acid(2%0, 4hours) B-propiolactone丙内酯(0.25%1 hours Ultraviolet radiation(2p w/cm/min

Resistance Inactivated by: chlorine treatment of drinking water formalin(0.35%,37℃,72hours) acetic acid(2%,4hours) B-propiolactone丙内酯(0.25%,1hours) Ultraviolet radiation(2μW/㎝2 /min)
