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上海交通大学:《医学微生物》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)英文版 EBNA Antibody

Properties of herpesviruses Enveloped double stranded DNA viruses. Genome consisits of long and short fragments which may be orientated in either direction, giving a total of 4 isomers.

EBV infects EBV shed Transmission (oropharynx) Saliva) Differentiating EBV replicates Basal layer(CD21+) Persistent infection B Cell (CD21+)Lymph nodes Liver Blood EBv-infected b cells Spleen Activated T cells Polyclonal activation Atypical lymphocytes Immunoglobulin secrection Heterophile agglutinin Cytotoxicity Immunosuppression

Disease Cells infected Infectious mononucleosis B cell Nasopharyngeal epithelium Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Nasopharyngeal epithelium (especially in South-east Asia) (long latent period: 30+ years Burkitt's lymphoma Monoclonal B cell tumor (Endemic African form)(short latent period: 5+ years Immunoblastic lymphoma B lymphocytes (post-transplant/ AIDS Hodgkins diease Hodgkin Reed-Sternberg cells T cell lymphoma T cell lymphoma Oral hairy leucoplakia(AIDS) Epithelium along edge of tongue

Infectious mononucleosis Casusal: acute primary infection a Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 100% EBV-positive cells especially in South-east Asia) Cofactor(s)+ genetic risk Burkitt's lymphoma 100% EBV-positive Endemic African form) immunocompromised by malaria Immunoblastic lymphoma 70-100%EBV-positive cells (post-transplant/AlDS) Immunodeficiency genetic defect Hodgkin's disease 30-90% EBV-positive cells in subsets T cell lymphoma 30-100% EBV-positive cells in subsets Oral hairy leucoplakia(AIDS) EBV recurrence in immunodeficiency

EBNA Antibody EBV VCA lqG t EBV VCA laM Heterophile Agglutinin + Acute Recovery Later 2 3 Weeks Months Years



Properties of herpesviruses o Enveloped double stranded dna viruses Genome consisits of long and short fragments which may be orientated in either direction, giving a total of 4 isomers ● Three subfamilies: Alphaherpesviruses-HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV Betaherpesviruses -CMV HHV-6, HHV-7 Gammaherpesviruses -EBV HHv-8 o Set up latent or persistent infection following primary infection o Reactivation are more likely to take place during periods of Immunosuppression o Both primary infection and reactivation are likely to be more serious in immunocompromised patients

Properties of herpesviruses ⚫ Enveloped double stranded DNA viruses. ⚫ Genome consisits of long and short fragments which may be orientated in either direction, giving a total of 4 isomers. ⚫ Three subfamilies: – Alphaherpesviruses - HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV – Betaherpesviruses - CMV, HHV-6, HHV-7 – Gammaherpesviruses - EBV, HHV-8 ⚫ Set up latent or persistent infection following primary infection ⚫ Reactivation are more likely to take place during periods of immunosuppression ⚫ Both primary infection and reactivation are likely to be more serious in immunocompromised patients

Herpesvirus Size: 180-200nm Replication: Nuclear Assembly: Nuclear Envelope: Present; associated glycoproteins e Tegument: Protein-filled region between capsid and envelope Capsid: Icosahedral, 95-105nm diameter; 162 hexagonal capsomers o Core: DNA around protein, 75nm e Genome: Linear, d/s DNA, 105-235kbp Common Antigens: None Herpes viruses can replicate in human diploid cells except of BBV e Produce cytopathic effect(CPe) o Intranuclear acidophilicinclusion bodies

Herpesvirus ⚫ Size: 180-200nm ⚫ Replication: Nuclear. ⚫ Assembly: Nuclear. ⚫ Envelope: Present; associated glycoproteins. ⚫ Tegument: Protein-filled region between capsid and envelope. ⚫ Capsid: Icosahedral, 95-105nm diameter; 162 hexagonal capsomers. ⚫ Core: DNA around protein , ~75nm ⚫ Genome: Linear, d/s DNA, 105-235kbp ⚫ Common Antigens:None ⚫ Herpes viruses can replicate in human diploid cells except of BBV ⚫ Produce cytopathic effect(CPE) ⚫ Intranuclear acidophilic inclusion bodies

Categories of herpes virus e Alphaherpesvirinae Sim plexvirus: human herpesvirus 1, 2(HSV-1, HSV-2) o Varicellovirus human herpesvirus 3 (VZv) Betaherpesvirinae: Cytomegalovirus: human herpesvirus 5 (HCMV e Muromegalovirus: mouse cytomegalovirus o Roseolovirus human herpesvirus 6, 7(HHV-6, HHV-7 ● Gammaherpesvirinae: o Lymphocryptovirus human herpesvirus 4(EBv Rhadinovirus human herpesvirus 8(HHV-8

Categories of herpes virus

正式命名 常用名 病毒亚科 重要生物学性状 所致疾病 人类疱疹病毒1型单纯疱疹病毒1型 繁殖快、杀细胞性感染唇疱疹、龈口炎、角膜结膜炎 (HHV-1) (HSV-1) 感觉神经节中潜伏 脑炎等 人类疱疹病毒2型单纯疱疹病毒2型 同上 生殖器疱疹、新生儿疱疹 (HHV-2) (HSV-2) 人类疱疹病毒3型水痘-带状疱疹病毒 同上 水痘、带状疱疹、脑炎 (HHV-3) (VZV 人类疱疹病毒4型 Epstein-Barr病毒 淋巴细胞中繁殖与潜伏传染性单核细胞增多症 (HHV-4) (EBV) Burkitt淋巴瘤、鼻咽癌(? 人类疱疹病毒5型人类巨细胞病毒 常在淋巴细胞、肾脏及先天性巨细胞包涵体病、单核细 (HHV-5) 分泌腺体中潜伏 胞增多症、间质性肺炎、先 天性畸形、肝炎 人类疱疹病毒6型人类疱疹病毒6型 同人巨细胞病毒 婴儿急疹、间质性肺炎、骨髓抑 (HHV-6) 人类疱疹病毒7型人类疱疹病毒7型 同人巨细胞病毒 未明确 (HHV-7) 人类疱疹病毒8型人类疱疹病毒8型 同EB病毒 Kaposi肉瘤 (HHV-8) 弥猴疱疹病毒1猿猴B病毒 同HsV 脊髓炎、出血性脑炎

正式命名 常用名 病毒亚科 重要生物学性状 所致疾病 人类疱疹病毒1型 (HHV-1) 单纯疱疹病毒1型 (HSV-1)  繁殖快、杀细胞性感染 感觉神经节中潜伏 唇疱疹、龈口炎、角膜结膜炎、 脑炎等 人类疱疹病毒2型 (HHV-2) 单纯疱疹病毒2型 (HSV-2)  同上 生殖器疱疹、新生儿疱疹 人类疱疹病毒3型 (HHV-3) 水痘-带状疱疹病毒 (VZV)  同上 水痘、带状疱疹、脑炎 人类疱疹病毒4型 (HHV-4) Epstein-Barr病毒 (EBV)  淋巴细胞中繁殖与潜伏 传染性单核细胞增多症、 Burkitt淋巴瘤、鼻咽癌(?) 等 人类疱疹病毒5型 (HHV-5) 人类巨细胞病毒  常在淋巴细胞、肾脏及 分泌腺体中潜伏 先天性巨细胞包涵体病、单核细 胞增多症、间质性肺炎、先 天性畸形、肝炎 人类疱疹病毒6型 (HHV-6) 人类疱疹病毒6型  同人巨细胞病毒 婴儿急疹、间质性肺炎、骨髓抑 制 人类疱疹病毒7型 (HHV-7) 人类疱疹病毒7型  同人巨细胞病毒 未明确 人类疱疹病毒8型 (HHV-8) 人类疱疹病毒8型  同EB病毒 Kaposi肉瘤 弥猴疱疹病毒1 猿猴B病毒  同HSV 脊髓炎、出血性脑炎

1 Herpes Simplex Viruses

1 Herpes Simplex Viruses
