广州医科大学(广州医学院):《病理学》课程教学资源(PPP课件,英文版)endochine system

endocine system Department of pathology Li shuhua
Department of pathology Li shuhua

nontoxic goiter Toxic goiter adenoma adenocarcinoma
nontoxic goiter Toxic goiter adenoma adenocarcinoma

2 图13-1甲状腺 1滤泡上皮2胶质↑滤泡旁细胞(吉医图)

Diffuse nontoxic goiter Pathogenesis Dietary iodine deficiency -endemic Not apparent - sporadic Impaired synthesis of thyroid hormone Rise tsh level in serum Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of thyroid follicular cells Gross enlargement of the thyroid gland
Diffuse nontoxic goiter Pathogenesis: Dietary iodine deficiency endemic Not apparent sporadic Impaired synthesis of thyroid hormone Rise TSH level in serum Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of thyroid follicular cells Gross enlargement of the thyroid gland

morpholog Diffuse hyperplastic goiter Diffuse colloid goiter Nodular goiter
morphology Diffuse hyperplastic goiter Diffuse colloid goiter Nodular goiter

Diffuse hyperplastic goiter 1. Diffuse, symmetric enlargement of the gland; <150g 2. follicle are lined by crowded columnar cells, which may pile up and form projections. There is only little colloid in the follice
Diffuse hyperplastic goiter 1. Diffuse,symmetric enlargement of the gland; <150g 2. follicle are lined by crowded columnar cells, which may pile up and form projections. There is only little colloid in the follice

非毒性甲状 腺肿

Diffuse colloid goiter 1. Cut surface: brown, glassy, translucent: 200-300 Colloid is abundant in the follicles 3. follicular epithelium are flattened or cuboidal or hyperplasia
Diffuse colloid goiter 1. Cut surface: brown, glassy, translucent; 200-300g 2. Colloid is abundant in the follicles; 3. follicular epithelium are flattened or cuboidal or hyperplasia


Nodular goiter macroscopically: Multilobulated, asymmetrically enlarged glands Cut surface: irregular nodules containing variable amount of brown, gelatinous colloid
Nodular goiter macroscopically: • Multilobulated, asymmetrically enlarged glands • Cut surface: irregular nodules containing variable amount of brown,gelatinous colloid;
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