郧阳医学院:《人体解剖学 Vertebral Region》(双语版)Chapter 4 The Respiratory System

Chapter 4 The respiratory System 主讲人李文春
Chapter 4 The Respiratory System 主 讲 人 李文春

The General Description Composition Respiratory tract ose Pharynx/ upper respiratory tract Larynx Trachea lower respiratory tract Bronchi Paired lungs Up ction
The General Description Composition Respiratory tract Nose Pharynx upper respiratory tract Larynx Trachea lower respiratory tract Bronchi Paired Lungs Function Up

Section1 The nose鼻 L External nose Root of nose Back of nose A pex of nose Alae of nasi Nasal cavity-divided into two halves by the nasal septum Little region (翼突内侧板 U
Section 1 The Nose 鼻 I.External nose: Root of nose Back of nose Apex of nose Alae of nasi II.Nasal cavity –divided into two halves by the nasal septum Little region Up

Two parts Nasal vestibule Proper nasal cavi Lateral wall Nasal conchae Nasal meatus Sphenoethmoidal recess U
Two parts: Nasal vestibule. Proper nasal cavity Lateral wall Nasal conchae Nasal meatus Sphenoethmoidal recess Up

Remove the middle nasal conchae Semilunar hiatus Ethmoidal infundibulum Ethmoidal bulla Nasolacrimal canal
Remove the middle nasal conchae Semilunar hiatus Ethmoidal infundibulum Ethmoidal bulla Nasolacrimal canal Up

Mucous membrane of nose Olfactory region嗅区 Respiratory region呼吸区
Mucous membrane of nose ◼ Olfactory region嗅区 ◼ Respiratory region 呼吸区 Up

The paranasal sinuses and their site of drainage into the nose Frontal sinus Ethmoidal sinuses Sphenoid sinus 法在 Maxillary sinus U
Frontal sinus Ethmoidal sinuses Sphenoid sinus Maxillary sinus III.The paranasal sinuses and their site of drainage into the nose Up

Section2 The larynx喉 Position--situated in the anterior part of the neck(below the hyoid bone) and extends from vertebral level of C3 to c6
Section 2 The Larynx 喉 Position-situated in the anterior part of the neck (below the hyoid bone), and extends from vertebral level of C3 to C6 Up

I. Layngeal cartilages (Thyroid cartilage Shield-shaped cartilage Laryngeal prominence (D)Cricoid cartilage Complete ring of cartilage (Shaped like a signet ring
I.Layngeal cartilages (I)Thyroid cartilage Shield-shaped cartilage Laryngeal prominence (II)Cricoid cartilage Complete ring of cartilage (shaped like a signet ring) Up

(ARytenoid Paired, pyramid shaped (ePiglottic cartilage leaf-shaped elastic cartilage
(III)Arytenoid Paired, pyramid shaped (IV)Epiglottic cartilage leaf-shaped elastic cartilage Up
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