郧阳医学院:《人体解剖学 Vertebral Region》(双语版)颅 The Skull

The skull颅 主讲:李文春 down
The Skull 颅 主讲:李文春 down

目的和要求】 1.掌握颅的组成,脑颅、面颅的划分、名称、位置。 2.掌握颅底内面观的主要结构。 3.掌握眶、骨性鼻腔的形态特征和交通。骨性鼻旁窦 的名称、位置及开口。 4.了解新生儿颅骨的特征及生后变化 down
【目的和要求】 1.掌握颅的组成,脑颅、面颅的划分、名称、位置。 2.掌握颅底内面观的主要结构。 3.掌握眶、骨性鼻腔的形态特征和交通。骨性鼻旁窦 的名称、位置及开口。 4.了解新生儿颅骨的特征及生后变化。 Up down

The skull颅 The skull contains 骨大翼 e Grester war 23 bones The skull is is divided into two parts cerebral cranium脑颅and mporal bone facial cranium面颅 Ext acoustic down
The skull 颅 The skull contains 23 bones .The skull is is divided into two parts :cerebral cranium脑颅 and facial cranium面颅 Up down

Sap, temperal lne ()The cerebral cranium 香大 Greater win The cerebral cranium consists of eight cranial bones fronta额骨 Cribriform pl ethmoid筛骨 Unpaired| sphenoid蝶骨 occipital枕骨 parietal顶骨 paired temporal颞骨 down
(一)The cerebral cranium The cerebral cranium consists of eight cranial bones . Up down frontal额骨 ethmoid筛骨 Unpaired sphenoid蝶骨 occipital枕骨 parietal顶骨 paired temporal颞骨

()The facial cranium The facial cranium are fifteen in number. maxillae上颌骨 palatine腭骨 paired zygomatic颧骨 bonesnasal鼻骨 lacrimal bones泪骨 inferior nasal conchae下鼻甲 Anew et vomer梨骨 Unpaired mandible下颌骨 bones hyoid舌骨 down
(二)The facial cranium The facial cranium are fifteen in number. Up maxillae上颌骨 palatine 腭骨 paired zygomatic 颧骨 bones nasal 鼻骨 lacrimal bones泪骨 inferior nasal conchae下鼻甲 vomer 梨骨 Unpaired mandible下颌骨 bones hyoid 舌骨 down

(二) The facial cranium 。 The mandible angle of mandible 大 2. The hyoid Cornu minus down
(二)The facial cranium 1. The mandible Up down 2. The hyoid angle of mandible

(三) The skull as a whole颅的整体观 IThe superior aspect of the skull The skull is generally ovoid when from above and is wider behind than in front it formed by four cranial bones. coronal suture冠状缝 sagittal suture矢状缝 lambdoid suture人字缝 down
(三)The skull as a whole颅的整体观 1.The superior aspect of the skull Up coronal suture冠状缝 sagittal suture矢状缝 lambdoid suture人字缝 down The skull is generally ovoid when from above, and is wider behind than in front. It formed by four cranial bones

2.The posterior aspect of the skull The most outstanding feature of the occipital bone is external occipital protuberance 枕外隆凸 The ridge骨嵴 passing on each side laterally of the protuberance is the superior umn nuchalline上项线 down
Up 2.The posterior aspect of the skull down The most outstanding feature of the occipital bone is external occipital protuberance 枕外隆凸. The ridge骨嵴 passing on each side laterally of the protuberance is the superior nuchal line上项线

3. The internal surface of the base of skull 一c电数mm 交叉前普 undue It is divided into three s fossa. These are the anterior the middle and the posterior cranial fossa. 神经香 anal 嘴宴沟 Sulcus for trar down
3.The internal surface of the base of skull Up down It is divided into three fossa. These are the anterior, the middle and the posterior cranial fossa

(1) The anterior cranial fossa颅前窝 孔 交叉前 frontal crest额嵴 foramen cecum盲孔 crista gal鸡冠 cribriform plat筛板 cribriform foramina筛孔 大孔 down ramen magnum 丶枕内障凸
Up down frontal crest额嵴 foramen cecum盲孔 crista galli鸡冠 cribriform plat 筛板 cribriform foramina筛孔 (1) The anterior cranial fossa颅前窝
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