郧阳医学院:《人体解剖学 Vertebral Region》(双语版)The femate Reproductive system

The rel Repr。 duce/syste Yunyang Medical College 余明华
The Female Reproductive System Yunyang Medical College 余 明 华

The Internal Reproductive Organs The Ovary卵巢 The Uterine tube输卵管 The Uterus子宫 The Vagina阴道 The Accessory Gland附属腺 The External Reproductive Organs
The Internal Reproductive Organs The Ovary 卵巢 The Uterine tube 输卵管 The Uterus 子宫 The Vagina 阴道 The Accessory Gland 附属腺 The External Reproductive Organs

I The Internal Reproductive Organs I)Ovary卵纂 1. Position-lies in the ovarian fossa 2. Shape-an ovoid organ Superior andInferior poles Anterior and posterior borders >Medial and lateral surfaces
Ⅰ﹚ Ovary 卵巢 1.Position-lies in the ovarian fossa 2.Shape-an ovoid organ ➢Superior andInferior poles ➢Anterior and posterior borders ➢Medial and lateral surfaces ⅠThe Internal Reproductive Organs

3. Supporting structures of ovary > Suspensory ligament of ovary 卵巢悬韧带 Proper ligament of ovary卵巢固有韧带 Produce ova and secrete estrogens
3.Supporting structures of ovary ➢Suspensory ligament of ovary 卵巢悬韧带 ➢Proper ligament of ovary 卵巢固有韧带 Produce ova and secrete estrogens

Ⅱ) Uterine tube輪卵管 1. General features >About 10cm long Located at upper edge of broad ligament of uterus between the two layers
Ⅱ) Uterine tube 输卵管 1.General features ➢About 10cm long ➢Located at upper edge of broad ligament of uterus between the two layers

2. Four parts >Infundibulum of uterine tube输卵管漏斗 Ampulla of uterine tube输卵管壶腹 Fertilization of the ovum >Isthmus of uterine tube输卵管峡 The tubal ligation place Uterine part子宫部
2.Four parts ➢Infundibulum of uterine tube 输卵管漏斗 ➢Ampulla of uterine tube 输卵管壶腹 Fertilization of the ovum ➢Isthmus of uterine tube 输卵管峡 The tubal ligation place ➢Uterine part 子宫部

Ⅲ) Uterus子宫 IThree parts > Fundus of uterus子宫底 Body of uterus子宫体 Neck of uterus子宫颈 Vaginal parts of cervix 子宫颈阴道部 Supra vaginal parts of cervix子宫颈阴道上部 > Isthmus of uterus子宫峡 transition between the body and the neck of uterus
Ⅲ) Uterus 子宫 1.Three parts ➢ Fundus of uterus 子宫底 ➢ Body of uterus 子宫体 ➢ Neck of uterus 子宫颈 ➢ Vaginal parts of cervix 子宫颈阴道部 ➢ Supra vaginal parts of cervix 子宫颈阴道上部 ➢ Isthmus of uterus 子宫峡 transition between the body and the neck of uterus

2.Interior cavity > Cavity of uterus子 宫腔 The cavity of body of uterus Canal of cervix of uterus子宫颈管 The cavity of the neck
2.Interior cavity ➢ Cavity of uterus 子 宫腔 The cavity of body of uterus ➢ Canal of cervix of uterus 子宫颈管 The cavity of the neck

3. Position Lies in the center of the pelvic cavity, between the bladder(膀胱) and the rectum(直肠) usually it is anteversion前倾and anteflexion前屈 Ⅴ esicouterine pouch 膀胱子宫陷凹 Rectouterine pouch 900 1700 直肠子宫陷凹
3. Position Lies in the center of the pelvic cavity, between the bladder (膀胱 ) and the rectum (直肠) usually it is anteversion 前倾 and anteflexion 前屈 Vesicouterine pouch 膀胱子宫陷凹 Rectouterine pouch 直肠子宫陷凹 90 o 170 o

4. Supports of uterus Ligaments Broad ligament of uterus子宫阔韧带 Round ligament of uterus子宫圆韧带 Cardinal ligament of uterus子宫主韧带 Uterosacral ligament of uterus骶子宫韧带
4. Supports of uterus Ligaments Broad ligament of uterus 子宫阔韧带 Round ligament of uterus 子宫圆韧带 Cardinal ligament of uterus 子宫主韧带 Uterosacral ligament of uterus 骶子宫韧带
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