北京大学:《病理学》课程PPT教学课件(双语版)Alzheimer’ s disease

§5 Alzheimers disease Degenerative disease 选择性地累及某1~2个功能系统的神经细胞 老年性痴呆 临床表现: progressive dementia CNS功能的全面衰退,记忆和认知功能逐渐丧失, 直至痴呆而死亡。7~10年以上
§5 Alzheimer’s disease •Degenerative disease 选择性地累及某1~2个功能系统的神经细胞。 •老年性痴呆 临床表现:progressive dementia CNS功能的全面衰退,记忆和认知功能逐渐丧失, 直至痴呆而死亡。7~10年以上

Alzheimer's disease (AD) 1907 AlOis alzheimer报告:51岁,女性,多疑, 记忆力障碍,时间、地点、定向力障碍,4年 半后死亡 目前西方:5%65岁以上, 上海:3%65岁以上,4.69%70岁以上
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) 1907 AlÖis Alzheimer 报告:51岁,女性,多疑, 记忆力障碍,时间、地点、定向力障碍,4年 半后死亡。 目前 西方:5% 65岁以上, 上海:3% 65岁以上,4.69% 70岁以上

Alzheimer 's disease 病因发病 不明,4个AD相关基因 编码蛋白 基因定位 APP gene amyloidβ- protein precursor 21q112 21q22.1 ApoE 载脂蛋白E 19q13-132 PSI 早老蛋白1( Presenilin1)14q243 PS2 早老蛋白2 lq31-42
Alzheimer’s disease 病 因 发 病 不明,4个 AD相关基因 编码蛋白 基因定位 APP gene amyloid -protein precursor 21q11.2- 21q22.1 ApoE 载脂蛋白E 19q13-13.2 PS1 早老蛋白1(Presinilin 1) 14q24.3 PS2 早老蛋白2 1q31-42

细胞外细胞膜细胞内 C端 APP 非A生成途径 C APPs P3 :P7 PcT: AB生成途径 AR APP水解及AB生成模式图 AcT
N 端 C 端 细胞外 细胞膜 细胞内 APP P3 P7 P3CT P7 A4CT APPs

Alzheimer 's disease 病理变化 肉眼 Brain atrophy 组织学 Neurofibrillary tangles神经原纤维缠结 Senile plaques 老年斑 Amyloid angiopathy淀粉样血管病 Granulovacuolar degeneration颗粒空泡 变性 Loss of neurons
Alzheimer’s disease 病 理 变 化 肉眼 Brain atrophy 组织学 Neurofibrillary tangles 神经原纤维缠结 Senile plaques 老年斑 Amyloid angiopathy 淀粉样血管病 Granulovacuolar degeneration 颗粒空泡 变性 Loss of neurons

In this case of alzheimer's disease. there is more marked atrophy seen superiorly and laterally, with sparing of the occipital region. 78
In this case of Alzheimer's disease, there is more marked atrophy seen superiorly and laterally, with sparing of the occipital region. 178

神 g This is a neurofibrillary "tangle"of Alzheimer's 原 disease. The tangle appears as long pink filaments 4t in the cytoplasm. They are composed of gr cytoskeletal intermediate filaments. 结 098
This is a neurofibrillary "tangle" of Alzheimer's disease. The tangle appears as long pink filaments in the cytoplasm. They are composed of cytoskeletal intermediate filaments. 098

Neurofibrillary Ag impregnation

Senile plaque The plaques of Alzheimers disease are seen here with a silver stain. Such plaques are most numerous in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. This dementia is marked mainly by progressive memory loss. 091
The plaques of Alzheimer's disease are seen here with a silver stain. Such plaques are most numerous in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. This dementia is marked mainly by progressive memory loss. 091

86 Tumors 分类 发病率 Primary intracranial tumor: Glioma胶质瘤(40%) Meningioma脑膜瘤(15%) Acoustic neurinoma听神经瘤(8%) Metastatic tumors: lung, breast children: glioma, medulloblastoma髖母细胞瘤
• Primary intracranial tumor: Glioma 胶质瘤(40%) Meningioma 脑膜瘤(15%) Acoustic neurinoma 听神经瘤(8%) Metastatic tumors: lung, breast §6 Tumors 分类 发病率 children: glioma, medulloblastoma 髓母细胞瘤
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