郧阳医学院:《人体解剖学 Vertebral Region》(双语版)Clavicle锁骨

The Bones of limbs 郧阳医学院解剖教研室 张良
The Bones of Limbs 郧阳医学院 解剖教研室 张 良

目的与要求 1.掌握上肢带骨、自由上肢骨、下肢带骨、 自由下肢骨的位置和形态及上、下肢骨的重要体 表标志。 2.了解腕骨、掌骨、指骨及跗骨、跖骨、趾 骨的位置和排列
目的与要求 ◼ 1.掌握上肢带骨、自由上肢骨、下肢带骨、 自由下肢骨的位置和形态及上、下肢骨的重要体 表标志。 ◼ 2.了解腕骨、掌骨、指骨及跗骨、跖骨、趾 骨的位置和排列

Bones of upper imbs Composition: Shou| der gird|e上肢带骨 clavic|e锁骨, scapula肩 胛骨 a Bones of free upper imb 自由上肢骨 口 Humerus肱骨 In arm a Radius桡骨 and ulna尺 骨 in forearm a carpal腕骨, metacar pals掌骨and pha l anges指骨 in hand
Bones of upper limbs Composition: ◼ Shoulder girdle 上肢带骨 clavicle锁骨,scapula肩 胛骨 ◼ Bones of free upper limb 自由上肢骨 ❑ Humerus肱骨 in arm ❑ Radius桡骨 and ulna尺 骨 in forearm ❑ Carpal腕骨, metacarpals掌骨 and phalanges指骨 in hand

Clavicle锁骨 Sterna end胸骨端 medial ly and acron i al end肩峰 端 latera “S” shaped, medial2/3 convex forward and lateral 1/3 convex backward
Clavicle 锁骨 ◼ Sternal end胸骨端 medially and acromial end肩峰 端 laterally ◼ “S” shaped, medial 2/3 convex forward and lateral 1/3 convex backward


Scapula肩胛骨 Three borders 口 Super|or: scapular notch 肩胛切迹 coracoid process喙突 口 Lateral ax l ary. border腋缘 口 Media (vertebraL border脊柱缘
Scapula 肩胛骨 ◼ Three borders ❑ Superior: scapular notch 肩胛切迹 coracoid process 喙突 , ❑ Lateral (axillary) border腋缘 ❑ Medial (vertebral) border脊柱缘

Scapula肩胛骨 Three angles a Super ior opposite to the 2nd rib o Inferior opposite to the 7th rib o Lateral gleno I a cavity关节 孟
Scapula 肩胛骨 ◼ Three angles ❑ Superior: opposite to the 2nd rib ❑ Inferior: opposite to the 7th rib ❑ Lateral: glenoid cavity关节 盂

Scapula肩胛骨 Two surfaces o Anterior surface concave subscapu lar fossa肩胛下窝 o Poster ior surface suprasp Inous fossa and nfrasp inous fossae冈上、下窝, spine of scapu l a 肩胛冈, acromion 肩峰
Scapula 肩胛骨 ◼ Two surfaces ❑ Anterior surface concave: subscapular fossa肩胛下窝 ❑ Posterior surface: supraspinous fossa and infraspinous fossae冈上、下窝, spine of scapula 肩胛冈, acromion 肩峰

Humerus肱骨 Upper end: head of humerus肱骨头, anatomi ca neck解剖颈, greater and lesser tubercles大、小结节, surgica neck外科颈 Shaft: deltoid tuberosity三角肌粗隆on lateral surface, and a groove for rad a nerve 桡神经沟on poster ior sur face
Humerus 肱骨 ◼ Upper end: head of humerus肱骨头, anatomical neck解剖颈, greater and lesser tubercles大、小结节, surgical neck外科颈 ◼ Shaft: deltoid tuberosity三角肌粗隆on lateral surface, and a groove for radial nerve桡神经沟 on posterior surface

Humerus肱骨 ower end: capitulum肱 骨小头, trochlea肱骨滑 车窝 coran i d fossa冠突 and radi a fossa桡窝 (anter ior l y)and o lear anon y a鹰嘴窝 (posterior I lateral and medial epicondy les 内、外上髁, and sulcus for ulnar nerve尺神经沟
Humerus 肱骨 ◼ Lower end: capitulum 肱 骨小头, trochlea 肱骨滑 车, coranoid fossa 冠突 窝and radial fossa 桡窝 (anteriorly) and olecranon fossa鹰嘴窝 (posteriorly), lateral and medial epicondyles 内、外上髁, and sulcus for ulnar nerve 尺神经沟
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