复旦大学附属中山医院:《内科学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)甲亢 Hyperthyroidism(于明香)

大大 euthyroidism Endocrinology Department Zhong shan Hospital, Fuclan University 于明香 羊长 但大学属中医
复旦大学附属中山医院 Hyperthyroidism 于明香 Endocrinology Department Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University

大大 Introduction o Definition Function of thyroidism metabolism many systems excitability o Most common is diffuse toxic goiter(Graves disease, GD),85% ★x 大学刚属中山医
复旦大学附属中山医院 Introduction l Definition:Function of thyroidism metabolism many systems excitability l Most common is diffuse toxic goiter (Graves disease, GD) , 85%

大 ★ Various causes o Graves disease: 85% o Autonomous toxic adenomas of the thyroid Plummer's disease or toxic multinodular goiter Jodbasedow disease(lodine-induced HT Functioning thyroid carcinoma o TSH hy persecretion by the pituitary e Struma ovarii o Subacute thyroiditis Hashimoto's thyroiditis o Thyrotoxicosis factitia ★x o Carcinoma accompanying thyrotoxicosis 大学刚属中山医
复旦大学附属中山医院 Various causes =Graves disease: 85% =Autonomous toxic adenomas of the thyroid: Plummer's disease or toxic multinodular goiter = Jodbasedow disease(Iodine-induced HT) = Functioning thyroid carcinoma =TSH hypersecretion by the pituitary =Struma ovarii =Subacute thyroiditis =Hashimoto's thyroiditis =Thyrotoxicosis factitia =Carcinoma accompanying thyrotoxicosis

大大 Graves disease ●85% ●Ma| e to female1:46 o Chief clinical findings Symptoms due to Hypermetabolism goiter A Ophthalmopathy 羊长 但大学属中医
复旦大学附属中山医院 =85% =Male to female 1:4-6 =Chief clinical findings Graves disease X Symptoms due to Hypermetabolism X goitor X Ophthalmopathy

★ Etiology and Pathophysiology o Abnormal immune: trab o Heredity o Infection: Molecular mimicry Cytokine Superantigen o Spirit irritation ★x 大学刚属中山医
复旦大学附属中山医院 = Abnormal immune: TRAb = Heredity = Infection: Molecular mimicry Cytokine Superantigen = Spirit irritation Etiology and Pathophysiology

大 ★ Clinical manifestation Common o Symptoms due to Hy per metabolism: Heat intolerance, excessive perspiration, warm moist smooth skin, fatigue, weight loss o Goitor: Enlargement or nodules o Ophthalmopathy: A sense of irritation in eyes, excessive tearing, exophthalmos, blurred vision, easy tiring of the eyes, double vision. 居中山医
复旦大学附属中山医院 Clinical manifestation Common =Symptoms due to Hyper metabolism: Heat intolerance, excessive perspiration, warm moist smooth skin, fatigue, weight loss. =Goitor: Enlargement or nodules =Ophthalmopathy: A sense of irritation in eyes, excessive tearing, exophthalmos, blurred vision, easy tiring of the eyes, double vision

图1 图3 图2 图4
图1 图2 图3 图4

大 ★ Clinical manifestation Common o Nervous system: Nervousness, emotional lability, irritability, fine tremor of hands o Cardiovascular: Palpitation, tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, widened pulse pressure o Gastrointestinal: Increased appetite, Hyperdefecation, diarrhea o Hematologic system: Moderate neutropenia, mild anemia o Others: Muscle atrophy, oligomenorrhea
复旦大学附属中山医院 =Nervous system: Nervousness, emotional lability, irritability, fine tremor of hands. =Cardiovascular: Palpitation, tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, widened pulse pressure. =Gastrointestinal: Increased appetite, Hyperdefecation, diarrhea =Hematologic system: Moderate neutropenia, mild anemia. = Others: Muscle atrophy, oligomenorrhear. Clinical manifestation Common

大 ★ Clinical manifestation Exceptive o T3 Toxicosis: initial phases or a relapse of GD ●T4 Toxicosis o Apathetic hy perthyroidism ● Thyrotoxic crisis o Thyrotoxic myopathy: Hypokalemic periodic paralysis etc. o Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy ★x o Cardiac complications: atrial fibrillation 居中山医
复旦大学附属中山医院 Clinical manifestation Exceptive =T3 Toxicosis: initial phases or a relapse of GD =T4 Toxicosis =Apathetic hyperthyroidism =Thyrotoxic crisis =Thyrotoxic myopathy: Hypokalemic periodic paralysis etc. =Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy =Cardiac complications: atrial fibrillation

★ Laboratory Diagnosis ● Serum T3,T4,FT3,FT4 o Sensitive TSH assay e Serum TRAb o Test of trh irritation o Radioactive iodine otake: Normal: 3h 5-25%, 24h 20-45%, peak at 24h o Thyroid scan: 131, 99mTc 居中山医
复旦大学附属中山医院 Laboratory Diagnosis =Serum T3, T4, FT3, FT4 =Sensitive TSH assay =Serum TRAb =Test of TRH irritation =Radioactive iodine uotake: Normal: 3h 5-25%, 24h 20-45%, peak at 24h =Thyroid scan: 131I, 99mTc
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