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临床医学专业02级七年制《内科学》教案 姓名於强业务职称 教授 聘任授课职位 教授 授课题目 SLE 学时数 授课班级 02级七年制(1)(2)3)(4)(56)班 授课日期 、教学目的(掌握、熟悉、了解的具体内容) 1.掌握SLE累及多系统多脏器损害的临床表现、实验室检査及血淸免疫学检测临 床意义 2.熟悉SLE的诊断依据、治疗原则 3.了解SLE疾病的特点、诱发因素及病理学特征 purpose 1. To palmar grasp clinical menifestations of SLE Immunology laboratory findings are interpreted by laboratorg analysi 2. To acquaint with criteria for classification and diagnosis of sle therapeutic principle osle 3. To comprehend features of SLE. Pathogenic factors and pathological characteristics of SLE 、执行方案: (一)内容及时间分配 (3ˆ)1.SLE疾病的特征多种自身抗体病变部位流行病学特征 (3)2.病因多种理化环境因素致病(遗传、食物、药物、性激素) (3)3.发病机理未明指出自身免疫参与脏器损害 (3)4.病理(1)特征性病理改变苏木紫小体洋葱皮改变 (2)基本病理改变血管炎 (3)肾脏病理改变 (123)5.临床表现 (1)关节病变 (2)皮肤粘膜病变特征性(蝶形红斑、盘状红斑) (3)肾损害 (4)心血管病变全心炎 (5)肺损害胸膜炎间质性肺炎 (6)神经系统中枢神经损害的致死性周围神经损害 (7)消化系统 (8)血液系统IIP溶贫 (5)6.实验室检查 (1 ANA (2)抗ds-DNA抗体 (3)SM抗体 4)RNP抗体

临床医学专业 02 级七年制《内科学》教案 姓 名 於 强 业务职称 教授 聘任授课职位 教授 授课题目 SLE 学时数 1 授课班级 02 级七年制(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)班 授课日期 一、教学目的(掌握、熟悉、了解的具体内容) 1. 掌握 SLE 累及多系统多脏器损害的临床表现、实验室检查及血清免疫学检测临 床意义。 2. 熟悉 SLE 的诊断依据、治疗原则。 3. 了解 SLE 疾病的特点、诱发因素及病理学特征。 一 purpose 1. To palmar grasp clinical menifestations of SLE Immunology laboratory findings are interpreted by laboratorg analysis。 2. To acquaint with criteria for classification and diagnosis of SLE therapeutic principle of SLE 3. To comprehend features of SLE . Pathogenic factors and pathological characteristics of SLE. 二、执行方案: (一) 内容及时间分配 (3’) 1. SLE 疾病的特征 多种自身抗体 病变部位 流行病学特征 (3’) 2. 病因 多种理化环境因素致病(遗传、食物、药物、性激素) (3’) 3. 发病机理 未明 指出自身免疫参与脏器损害 (3’) 4. 病理 (1)特征性病理改变 苏木紫小体 洋葱皮改变 (2)基本病理改变 血管炎 (3) 肾脏病理改变 (12’) 5. 临床表现 (1)关节病变 (2)皮肤粘膜病变 特征性(蝶形红斑、盘状红斑) (3)肾损害 (4)心血管病变 全心炎 (5)肺损害 胸膜炎 间质性肺炎 (6)神经系统 中枢神经损害的致死性 周围神经损害 (7)消化系统 (8)血液系统 ITP 溶贫 (9)眼 (5’) 6. 实验室检查 (1)ANA (2)抗 ds—DNA 抗体 (3)SM 抗体 (4)RNP 抗体

(5)抗磷脂抗体 (7)抗血小板抗体 (8)补体 (9)病理狼疮带及肾活检 (10)器械检查 (5)7.诊断按1982年ARA关于SLE的11条诊断标准 8.治疗 (1)一般及去病因治疗 (2)轻症或皮肤型红斑狼疮治疗非甾体抗炎药+抗疟药 (3)系统性中等剂量激素(lmg/kg/d)+细胞毒药 (4)简要介绍SLE治疗进展 预后 二 Planning C contents and time distributed (3)1 Target tissue damage Predominantly population morbidity (3) 2. etiological factor Sex hornor Infections agents (3) 3. pathogenesis unclear (3,) 4. Pathology specific features (12)5.Clinical menifestations SLE specific features malar rash (3) Kid (4) Heart pericarditis (5) Lungs acute lupus penumonitis (6) Neuropsychiatric involvement CNS

(5)抗磷脂抗体 (6)RF (7)抗血小板抗体 (8)补体 (9)病理 狼疮带及肾活检 (10)器械检查。 (5’) 7. 诊断 按 1982 年 ARA 关于 SLE 的 11 条诊断标准 (5’) 8. 治疗 (1)一般及去病因治疗 (2)轻症或皮肤型红斑狼疮治疗 非甾体抗炎药+抗疟药 (3)系统性 中等剂量激素(1mg/kg/d)+细胞毒药 (4)简要介绍 SLE 治疗进展 (1’) 9. 预后 二 Planning (一)contents and time distributed (3’) 1. Characteristic of disease multi-antibody Target tissue damage Predominantly population morbidity (3’) 2. etiological factor Susceptibility gene Environmental Factors Sex hormone Infections agents (3’) 3. pathogenesis unclear (3’) 4. Pathology specific features vasculitis lupus nephritis (12’) 5. Clinical menifestations of SLE (1)Joint and muscle (2)Skin and mucosa specific features malar rash discoid rash (3)Kidney (4)Heart pericarditis (5)Lungs pleuritis acute lupus penumonitis (6)Neuropsychiatric involvement CNS peripheral nervous system

(8)Hematologic system hemolytic anemia (5) 6. Laboratory findings (1) ANA (2) anti ds-DNa antibody (3)SM antibod (4)RNP antibody (5,)7. Diagno The 1982 Revised Criteria for Classification of sle (5)8. Management of slE nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs antimalarials(chloroquine (3) SLE glt ytotoxic drugs(cyclophosphamide) moderate dose Gc Img/kg/d (1)9.P (二)重点和难点 重点SLE的临床表现及诊断标准 难点血清免疫学检测意义及发病机制 point focal point: clinical manifestations of SlE criteria for classification and diagnosis of sle

mental disorder (7)Digestive system (8)Hematologic system ITP hemolytic anemia (9)eye (5’) 6. Laboratory findings (1)ANA (2)anti ds—DNA antibody (3)SM antibody (4)RNP antibody (5)Antiphospholipid antibody (6)RF (7)Complement (8)Pathology (9)check in device (5’) 7. Diagnosis The 1982 Revised Criteria for Classification of SLE (5’) 8. Management of SLE (1)remove the cause (2)Discoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs + antimalarials (chloroquine) (3)SLE glucocorticoid (GC) + cytotoxic drugs(cyclophosphamide) moderate dose GC 1mg/kg/d (4)progress of therapy (1’) 9. Prognosis (二)重点和难点 重点 SLE 的临床表现及诊断标准 难点 血清免疫学检测意义及发病机制 (二)focal point and difficulty focal point:clinical manifestations of SLE criteria for classification and diagnosis of SLE difficulty: immunology laboratory findings are interpreted by laboratorg analysis pathogenesis

(三)中文和英文关键词 红斑狼疮系统性 (四)复习和思维题 1.SLE的临床表现 SLE实验室血清学意义 3.SLE的诊断标准 4.SLE的治疗原则 (py) review and thinking 1. Clinical menifestations of SlE 2. immunology laboratory findings are interpreted by 3. criteria for classification and diagnosis of sle 4. therapeutic principles of slE 、参考书及文献目录 ok CC, Lau CS. Pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus. J Clin pathol.2003,56:481-90 Jimenez s, Cervera R Font J et al. The epidemiology of sy lupus erythematosus. Clin Rev Allerey Immuol. 2003, 25: 3-12 3. Geboes K, Dalle I. Autoantibodies to ds-DNA Ro/La in systemic lupus x erythematosus Ady Clin chem. 2003: 37: 129-72 Wallace DJ stemic lupus erythematosus. Druge Today. 2002; 38 259-63 内科学系制

(三)中文和英文关键词 红斑狼疮 系统性 systemic lupus erythematosus (四)复习和思维题 1.SLE 的临床表现 2.SLE 实验室血清学意义 3.SLE 的诊断标准 4.SLE 的治疗原则 (四) review and thinking 1. Clinical menifestations of SLE 2. immunology laboratory findings are interpreted by laboratorg analysis。 3. criteria for classification and diagnosis of SLE 4. therapeutic principles of SLE 三、参考书及文献目录 1. Mok CC, Lau CS. Pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus. J Clin pathol. 2003, 56: 481-90. 2. Jimenez S, Cervera R, Font J The epidemiology of systemic lupus erythematosus. Clin Rev Allerey Immuol. 2003, 25: 3-12. 3. Geboes K, Dalle I. Autoantibodies to ds-DNA Ro/La in systemic lupus erythematosus. Adv Clin chem. 2003; 37: 129-72. 4. Wallace DJ. systemic lupus erythematosus. Druge Today. 2002; 38: 259-63. 内科学系制
