复旦大学附属中山医院:《内科学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)系统性红斑狼疮 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus(於强)

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Zhongshan Hospital 於强
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Zhongshan Hospital 於强

Types of lupus ▲ Discoid ▲ Systemic Drug-induced
一. Types of lupus ▲ Discoid ▲ Systemic ▲ Drug-induced

Characteristic of disease Atuoimmune a Target tissue damage connection tissue(shin、 Joint、 muscles) A Predominantly population women during their reproductive year 90% A morbidity 70 per 100,000
二. Characteristic of disease: ▲ Atuoimmune ▲ Target tissue damage: connection tissue (shin、Joint、 muscles) ▲ Predominantly population: women during their reproductive year 90% ▲ morbidity:70 per 100,000

Pathogenic factor A Susceptibility gene: HLA-DR3 A Environmental Factors a. ultraviolet light food C drugs hydralazine procainamide D-penicillamine Sex hormone Infections agents
三. Pathogenic factor ▲ Susceptibility gene:HLA-DR3 ▲ Environmental Factors: a. ultraviolet light b. food c. drugs hydralazine procainamide D-penicillamine ▲ Sex hormone ▲ Infections agents

四. pathogenesis unclear
四. pathogenesis unclear

Susceptibility gene Environmental Factors/ Sex hormone Helper T cell activity Hyperactivated B cell Immune complex Self antibody t self antigens Multiple system involvement vasculitis
Susceptibility gene Environmental Factors Sex hormone Helper T cell activity Hyperactivated B cell Immune complex Self antibody + self antigens Multiple system involvement vasculitis

五. Pathology 1. vasculitis 2. lupus nephritis a. minimal change b. mesangial proliferative C focal segmental lesions d diffuse e, membranous f. sclerosing
五. Pathology 1. vasculitis 2. lupus nephritis a. minimal change b. mesangial proliferative c. focal segmental lesions d. diffuse e. membranous f. sclerosing

A Clinical menifestations Of sle Multiple system involvement
六.Clinical menifestations of SLE -----Multiple system involvement

1. Nonspecific symptom o fever o loss of weight o inertia
1. Nonspecific symptom ● fever ● loss of weight ● inertia

2 Skin and mucosa o skin symptoms in 80% of patients ● specIfIC features:40% malar rash discoid rash o nonspecific features 60% ● photosensitivity40% o baldness 40% oral ulcer 60% Raynaud's phenomenon
2.Skin and mucosa ● skin symptoms in 80% of patients ● specific features: 40% malar rash discoid rash ● nonspecific features 60% ● photosensitivity 40% ● baldness 40% ● oral ulcer 60% ● Raynaud’s phenomenon
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