上海医学院:《内科学》课件_理化因素所致疾病 Diseases caused by physical and chemical factors
理化因素所致疾病 (Diseases caused by physical and chemical factors) 上海医学院内科学系
理化因素所致疾病 上海医学院内科学系 (Diseases caused by physical and chemical factors)
概述( introduction) Factors cause diseases chemicals physical biological psychological chemicals: occupational non-occupational physical: occupational, non-occupational
概述(introduction): Factors cause diseases: chemicals physical biological psychological chemicals:occupational, non-occupational. physical:occupational, non-occupational
Occupational Medicine today Toxicology Diagnosis Treatment antidotes
Occupational Medicine today: ⚫ Toxicology ⚫ Diagnosis ⚫ Treatment ⚫ antidotes
Physical factors: aser VDT(video display terminal) Electromagnetic field
Physical factors: ⚫ Laser ⚫ VDT (video display terminal) ⚫ Electromagnetic field
诊断原则 Diagnosis: 1.明确病因( causation) 环境和/或生物体液中存在可测的物化因素 (analysis of toxicants) 2.出现特定靶器官损害表现( clinical manifestation 3.呈剂量一效应关系(dose- effective relationship) 流行病学调查( epidemiological study
诊断原则 Diagnosis: 1.明确病因(causation): 环境和/或生物体液中存在可测的物化因素 (analysis of toxicants) 2 . 出 现 特 定 靶 器 官 损 害 表 现 ( clinical manifestation) 3 . 呈 剂 量 一 效 应 关 系 ( dose-effective relationship) 4.流行病学调查(epidemiological study)
治疗原则 (principal of treatment 1.脱离有害物理、化学因素的继续危害 stop contac t) 2.急、重危病人密切观察,维持生命体征 (rescue-airway, blood pressure, circulation 3.特效治疗的应用( antidotes 4.对症处理 (other treatment
治疗原则 (principal of treatment): 1.脱离有害物理、化学因素的继续危害 (stop contact) 2.急、重危病人密切观察,维持生命体征 (rescue-airway, blood pressure, circulation) 3.特效治疗的应用 (antidotes) 4.对症处理(other treatment
中毒 (poisoning)
中 毒 (poisoning)
概述( definition) 化学物进入人体,在效应部位产生损害,引起 疾病一—中毒。这种化学物称毒物。毒物在效应部位, 必须积累到一定量,才会发生中毒。 Toxicants dose-related hazards to the body
概述 (definition): 化学物进入人体,在效应部位产生损害,引起 疾病――中毒。这种化学物称毒物。毒物在效应部位, 必须积累到一定量,才会发生中毒。 Toxicants dose-related hazards to the body
毒物来源( chemicals): industrial、 medicine pesticide、 plants、 animals 毒物作用部位 (organ or tissue): cardiovascular respiratory, nerve, liver, kidney, blood 中毒原因 (causation): occupational, daily life 起病方式( onset): acute, subacute, chronic
毒物来源 (chemicals):industrial、medicine、 pesticide、plants、animals 毒物作用部位 (organ or tissue):cardiovascular、 respiratory, nerve, liver, kidney, blood 中毒原因 (causation): occupational, daily life 起病方式 (onset):acute, subacute, chronic
发病机制( mechanisms 毒物的吸收( absorb)、代谢 ( metabo|ic和排泄( excretion) 入侵途径 approach) 呼吸道( (respiratory tract,, occupational) 消化道( digestive tract, daily life)) 皮肤(skin) 乳汁( latex) ●●●●●
发病机制 (mechanisms): 一 、 毒 物 的 吸 收 ( absorb)、 代 谢 (metabolic)和排泄(excretion) 入侵途径(approach): 呼吸道 (respiratory tract, occupational) 消化道(digestive tract, daily life) 皮肤 (skin) 乳汁 (latex) ……
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