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北京大学:《病理生理学 Pathophysiology》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第二章 疾病概论 General concept of disease

第一节 健康与疾病的概念 (Concepts of health and disease) 第二节 病因学 (Etiology) 第三节 发病学 (Pathogenesis) 第四节 疾病的转归 (Outcome of disease)

第二章疾病概论 General concept of disease 病理生理教研宣 吴立玲

(General concept of disease) 第二章 疾病概论 病理生理教研室 吴立玲

疾病概论 疾病的概念、疾病发生 发展和转归的普遍规律和机制。 健康与疾病的概念 病因学 发病学

疾病概论 ◆ 健康与疾病的概念 ◆ 病因学 ◆ 发病学 疾病的概念、疾病发生、 发展和转归的普遍规律和机制

第一节 健康与疾病的概念 (Concepts of health and disease) Is health simply the absence of disease?

(Concepts of health and disease) 第一节 健康与疾病的概念

Case stud. 35 years old man, smokes several packs of cigarettes a day, has three or more drinks every evening, is overweight, and is often anxious The other does not smoke, drinks alcohol arely, exercises regularly, and is relaxed and confident Both people pass all laboratory tests and are declared free of disease Question Are they equally healthy?

35 years old man, smokes several packs of cigarettes a day, has three or more drinks every evening, is overweight, and is often anxious. The other does not smoke, drinks alcohol rarely, exercises regularly, and is relaxed and confident. Both people pass all laboratory tests and are declared free of disease. Question Are they equally healthy? Case study

健康的概念 (Concept of health) 健康不仅是没有疾病,而且是一种 身体上、精神上和社会上的完好状态。 Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

(Concept of health) 健康不仅是没有疾病,而且是一种 身体上、精神上和社会上的完好状态。 Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well￾being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. 一、健康的概念

疾病的概念 Concept of disease) 在致病因素的损伤与机体的 抗损伤作用下,因自稳调节紊乱 而发生的异常生命活动过程

(Concept of disease) 在致病因素的损伤与机体的 抗损伤作用下,因自稳调节紊乱 而发生的异常生命活动过程。 二、疾病的概念

症状( symptom) 病人主观感觉的异常。 Subjective feeling of discomfort that can be reported by the affected individual

症状(symptom) 病人主观感觉的异常。 Subjective feeling of discomfort that can be reported by the affected individual

体征(sign) 患病机体客观存在的异常。 Objectively identifiable aberration of the disease

体征 (sign) 患病机体客观存在的异常。 Objectively identifiable aberration of the disease

综合征( syndrome) 疾病中的一组复合的弄 有内在联糸的症状和体征。 A collection of different signs and symptoms that occur together in specific disease

综合征(syndrome) 疾病中的一组复合的并 有内在联系的症状和体征。 A collection of different signs and symptoms that occur together in specific disease

第二节病因学 (Etiology 研究疾病发生的原因 与条件及其作用的规律

研究疾病发生的原因 与条件及其作用的规律。 第二节 病因学 (Etiology)
