复旦大学:《商务智能》课程PPT教学课件(商务数据分析)09 搜索引擎优化 Search Engine Optimization

搜索引擎优化 Search Engine optimization 赵卫东博士 复旦大学软件学院 2009-1023 Ebusiness
搜索引擎优化 Search Engine Optimization 赵卫东 博士 复旦大学软件学院 2009-10-23

It is not easy to design a good website? user pers pective search engine -Internet marketing Ebusiness
It is not easy to design a good website? -user perspective -search engine -Internet marketing

search engine a web search engine has the following three components 1. Crawler/spider Find content 2. Indexer Make searching fast 3. Search Query algorithm Interpret user intent Spider SE Web SE Browser SE Search resurts Ebusiness
A web search engine has the following three components... 1. Crawler/spider 2. Indexer 3. Search Query Algorithm Find content Make searching fast Interpret user intent search engine Indexing Web Algorithm Log Index SE Spider Search results Browser SE SE

What is seo? Search engine optimization(SEO)is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via" natural" search results Wikipedia, 2009 Make it easier for search engines to discover the content on our site, which is most relevant to a user's search query Chris moore, 2009 Ebusiness
“Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" search results.” —Wikipedia, 2009 “Make it easier for search engines to discover the content on our site,which is most relevant to a user’s search query.” —Chris Moore, 2009 What is SEO?

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The improvement of the search engines directly impacts the evolution of SeO 1993 Aliweb 2004 JumpStation Yahoo! Search 1994 Niranjan Infoseek Lycos 2005 MSN Search 1995 Alta Vista Ask.com Open-Text Goodsearch Magellan SearchMe 2006 wikiseek Quaero 1996 Dogpile Live Search 1997 2007 wikiseek 1998 Google Wikia Search 1999 AlltheWeb Blacklecom Genieknows 2008 overset Viewzi Vivisimo Boogami 2000 Baidu VADLO Spersel Search Searchme Ebusiness
1993 Aliweb JumpStation 1994 Niranjan Infoseek Lycos 1995 AltaVista Open Text Magellan Excite SAPO 1996 Dogpile Inktomi HotBot Ask Jeeves 1997 Northern Light Yandex 1998 Google 1999 AlltheWeb GenieKnows Naver Teoma Vivisimo 2000 Baidu Exalead 2003 Info.com 2004 Yahoo! Search A9.com Sogou 2005 MSN Search Ask.com GoodSearch SearchMe 2006 wikiseek Quaero Ask.com Live Search ChaCha Guruji.com 2007 wikiseek Sproose Wikia Search Blackle.com 2008 Powerset Viewzi Cuil Boogami LeapFish VADLO Sperse! Search Duck Duck Go Searchme 2009 Bing The improvement of the search engines directly impacts the evolution of SEO

Crawling xIng Searchi Hoo Google bing Baid百 Guides and hints about the algorithms SEO Rules Measure search Measure impact of successful Create web page engine performance Optimise page share results with SEO Professionals ebusiness Hanly
Create web page Measure search engine performance Optimise page Measure impact of optimisations Document successful optimisations and share results with community SEO Rules Guides and hints about the algorithms Crawling Indexing Searching SEO Professionals

Google Relevance Degree to which the content matches what the user query intention and terms The relevance is higher if the terms appear multiple times, and if they show up in the title or other important sections of the page Popularity pageRank) This is a measure of the relative importance of a page Importance of a page is measured by number of, and importance of the pages linking to it Ebusiness
Training Relevance • Degree to which the content matches what the user query intention and terms. • The relevance is higher if the terms appear multiple times, and if they show up in the title or other important sections of the page. Popularity ( PageRank) • This is a measure of the relative ‘importance’ of a page • Importance of a page is measured by number of, and importance of the pages linking to it

Google Page 1 High PageRank Page How to troubleshoot possible causes of internet connection e EA admt internet Connection problems wth FFA were there faut to find ways to fo then Thas a an eract om a thead in the FFA 10 Secan. Oyeufy Posed by EA-BeMMwa Hey 0uy1.S动a Trouthlshentnt int inter met ection Problems The purose df this section is to ma genera Hotspo internet connecton probiems-Wirdows Visa Network 22 Tmuteghogtinn intemet connection a钙哪 AOL Nenear DGB34G, No internet connecton problems. AVForums com 3如a Fiser at the ghs oe协ha Video resuls for internet connection problems emmet connection reconnection problem pole. Support-Dscus5Ions.10 57 internet connection ection problems Era以 407 15.be aeat Amazon cook cIs ns Wil FDg Internet Connection connection problems Did thr Back te F0usP的ge How co you x internet connecton problems?.Yahoot Answers nternet connection problems 3A92009Helo. have just changed my intenet connection tom的的特的mt Genera Networking Lan wWan internet Conned uii be a s Orth ons-IBook G4 interm PC Ptstop Internet Connection Center Vista Sleep Hberrale and Internet Connecton Problem-visal action problems tor your home or offce syst ermet detal mp·C·n Vala swep/ Heamwe and Intermet Conection Protem, Vista Hasten Dices Got you Lower PageRank to internet connection mpm足 DIsCUssIon. Intemet conn ""y
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Algorithms are a sECret Domain authorit YAHOO! Relevance oing Trust rank 3aidu百度 Browse rank Google PageRank Ebusiness
Algorithms are a SECRET PageRank Browse Rank Trust Rank Relevance Domain Authority
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