复旦大学:《商务智能》课程PPT教学课件(商务数据分析)06 数据挖掘应用

数据挖掘应用 Enterprise iner For Windows 赵卫东博士 复旦大学软件学院 wdzhao@fudan.edu.cn Warn J0
数据挖掘应用 赵卫东 博士 复旦大学软件学院 wdzhao@fudan.edu.cn


顾客生命周期 衰退期二次开发 成期距伸 盈利 投 出 全股入 获取 时间)成长期 成熟期 有退期 终止期 收入 寿命 支出 寿命 获取消费者 保持消费者 消费者分析和恢复
顾客生命周期 寿命 盈利 获取消费者 保持消费者 消费者分析和恢复 收入 支出 寿命

顾客生命周期中的数据挖掘支撑 客户价值 阶段A: 阶段B::阶段C: 阶段D: 阶段E: (Acquisition)i(Build-up):(Climax) :(Decline) :(Exit) 客户获取 喜户提升!成期 衰退期 喜户流失 客户生命周期管理(CLM) 定位潜在日标客:识别客户价值!客户细分 识别高危客户:客户挽回 动态客户细分!交叉销售 客户保留 提升销售 提升销售 啊应模型:价值评估关联分析模型答模型 细分极型 )@形

顾客数据 年龄性别客户名称 工作日呼叫次数 呼出次数 呼入次数 开户日期 客户状态 工作日呼叫时间 国内长途国际长途 客户使用产品 增值业务使用情况 经常活动基站 客户类型 资费模式 呼入/呼出比例 客户付款方式 通话时长 IP呼叫 设备数量 设备状态 拨打固话 拨打移动 网内外呼叫次数 宽带速率上网浏览内容 不同上网方式 终端类型 呼叫服务热线次数 每次通话时长呼转类型 繁忙时段呼叫次数

数据挖掘在CRM中的应用 Classification Clustering customer identi cation Target customer Anatyus customer segmentation AssoCialion customer Develo pment customer attraction Custe mer Customer Lierne value Uncross seting Management Darsct Marketing Market BasketAndysis customer Re benton one-to-one Markeing VisesaIrrztion complaints Management Regression equence iscovery

Customer i fication CRM begins with customer identification This phase involves targeting the population who are most likely to become customers or most profitable to the company It also involves analyzing customers who are being lost to the competition and how they can be won back Elements for customer identification include target customer analysis and customer segmentation
Customer identification ◼ CRM begins with customer identification. This phase involves targeting the population who are most likely to become customers or most profitable to the company. ◼ It also involves analyzing customers who are being lost to the competition and how they can be won back. ◼ Elements for customer identification include target customer analysis and customer segmentation

Customer attraction Organizations can direct effort and resources into attracting the target customer segments Direct marketing is a promotion process which motivates customers to place orders through various channels direct mail or coupon
Customer attraction ◼ Organizations can direct effort and resources into attracting the target customer segments. ◼ Direct marketing is a promotion process which motivates customers to place orders through various channels. ◼ direct mail or coupon

目标营销 怎样最大限度地发挥 我的销售力量为商业用 客户信息 户服务? 销售人员档案 经理、决策人员 应用 Value prediction算法 对客户提供的服 预测购买有针对性的促销方案 务及其被使用率 我应该提供什么 的可能性 数据 样的新服务?那些 户是我的目标? Customer Segmentation算法 对不同的客户细分群使 用不同的销售人员 Product Associations算法 针对客户购买行为推出新的产品组合 数据仓库

Customer retention Central concern for crm Customer satisfaction is the essential condition for retaining customers Elements of customer retention include one-to-one marketing loyalty programs and complaints management. One-to-one marketing refers to personalized marketing campaigns which are supported by analyzing, detecting and predicting changes in customer behaviors. Loyalty programs involve campaigns or supporting activities which aim at maintaining a long term relationship with customers Churn analysis, credit scoring service quality or satisfaction form part of loyalty programs
Customer retention ◼ Central concern for CRM. ◼ Customer satisfaction is the essential condition for retaining customers. ◼ Elements of customer retention include one-to-one marketing, loyalty programs and complaints management. ◼ One-to-one marketing refers to personalized marketing campaigns which are supported by analyzing, detecting and predicting changes in customer behaviors. ◼ Loyalty programs involve campaigns or supporting activities which aim at maintaining a long term relationship with customers. Churn analysis, credit scoring, service quality or satisfaction form part of loyalty programs
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