《商务智能:数据分析的管理视角 Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science:A Managerial Perspective》教学资源(PPT课件,第3版)Chapter 03 Business Reporting, Visual Analytics, and Business Performance Management

Business Intelligence: A Managerial Perspective on Analytics(3rd Edition) hin上sn INTELLIGENCE Chapter 3: Business Reporting, DURSIN DELEN EFRAI TURBAN Visual Analytics, and Business Performance Management
Chapter 3: Business Reporting, Visual Analytics, and Business Performance Management Business Intelligence: A Managerial Perspective on Analytics (3rd Edition)

Learning Objectives Define business reporting and understand its historical evolution Recognize the need for and the power of business reporting Understand the importance of data/information visualization Learn different types of visualization techniques Appreciate the value that visual analytics brings to bl/Ba Continued.) Copynight@ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc Slide 3-2
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Slide 3- 2 Learning Objectives ▪ Define business reporting and understand its historical evolution ▪ Recognize the need for and the power of business reporting ▪ Understand the importance of data/information visualization ▪ Learn different types of visualization techniques ▪ Appreciate the value that visual analytics brings to BI/BA (Continued…)

Learning Objectives Know the capabilities and limitations of dashboards Understand the nature of business performance management (BPM) Learn the closed-loop BPM methodology Describe the basic elements of balanced scorecards Copynight@ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc Slide 3-3
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Slide 3- 3 Learning Objectives ▪ Know the capabilities and limitations of dashboards ▪ Understand the nature of business performance management (BPM) ▪ Learn the closed-loop BPM methodology ▪ Describe the basic elements of balanced scorecards

Opening Vignette Self-Service Reporting Environment Saves Millions For Corporate Customers Background Business Challenge Solution Results Answer discuss the case questions Copynight@ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc Slide 3-4
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Slide 3- 4 Opening Vignette… Self-Service Reporting Environment Saves Millions For Corporate Customers ▪ Background ▪ Business Challenge ▪ Solution ▪ Results ▪ Answer & discuss the case questions

Questions for the Opening Vignette 1. What does Travel and Transport, Inc, do? 2. Describe the complexity and the competitive nature of the business environment in which Travel and Transport, Inc, functions 3. What were the main business challenges? 4. What was the solution? How was it implemented? 5. Why do you think a multi-vendor, multi-tool solution was implemented? 6. List and comment on three main benefits of the implemented system Copynight@ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc Slide 3-5
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Slide 3- 5 Questions for the Opening Vignette 1. What does Travel and Transport, Inc., do? 2. Describe the complexity and the competitive nature of the business environment in which Travel and Transport, Inc., functions. 3. What were the main business challenges? 4. What was the solution? How was it implemented? 5. Why do you think a multi-vendor, multi-tool solution was implemented? 6. List and comment on three main benefits of the implemented system

Business Reporting Definitions and Concepts Report Information Decision Report? Any communication artifact prepared to convey specific information A report can fulfill many functions To ensure proper departmental functioning To provide information To provide the results of an analysis To persuade others to act To create an organizational memory Copynight@ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc Slide 3-6
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Slide 3- 6 Business Reporting Definitions and Concepts ▪ Report = Information → Decision ▪ Report? ▪ Any communication artifact prepared to convey specific information ▪ A report can fulfill many functions ▪ To ensure proper departmental functioning ▪ To provide information ▪ To provide the results of an analysis ▪ To persuade others to act ▪ To create an organizational memory…

What is a Business Report? a written document that contains information regarding business matters Purpose: to improve managerial decisions Source: data from inside and outside the organization(via the use of ETL Format: text tables graphs/charts Distribution: in-print, email, portal/intranet Data acquisition→ Information generation→ Decision making Process management Copynight@ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc Slide 3-7
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Slide 3- 7 What is a Business Report? ▪ A written document that contains information regarding business matters. ▪ Purpose: to improve managerial decisions ▪ Source: data from inside and outside the organization (via the use of ETL) ▪ Format: text + tables + graphs/charts ▪ Distribution: in-print, email, portal/intranet Data acquisition → Information generation → Decision making → Process management

Business Reporting Business functions 2 UOB 1.0 UOB 2.1 UOB 3.0 Data I 2 UOB 2.2 Exception Event I Symbol countDescription Action Machine Failure decision Repositories Information Decision (reporting) Maker Copynight@ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc Slide 3-8
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Slide 3- 8 Business Reporting Data Repositories Business Functions UOB 1.0 X UOB 2.2 UOB 2.1 X UOB 3.0 1 Machine Failure Symbol Count Description Exception Event Transactional Records PHASE 5 DEPT 4 DEPT 3 DEPT 2 DEPT 1 PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 DEPLOYMENT CHART 1 2 3 4 5 Information (reporting) Decision Maker Action (decision) Data

Key to Any Successful Report Clarity Brevity Completeness Correctness Report types(in terms of content and format) Informal - a single letter or a memo Formal -10-100 pages; cover summary text Short report -periodic, informative, investigative Copynight@ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc Slide 3-9
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Slide 3- 9 Key to Any Successful Report ▪ Clarity … ▪ Brevity … ▪ Completeness … ▪ Correctness … ▪ Report types (in terms of content and format) ▪ Informal – a single letter or a memo ▪ Formal – 10-100 pages; cover + summary + text ▪ Short report – periodic, informative, investigative

Application Case 3.1 Delta Lloyd Group Ensures Accuracy and Efficiency in Financial Reporting Questions for Discussion 1. How did Delta Lloyd Group improve accuracy and efficiency in financial reporting? 2. What were the challenges, the proposed solution, and the obtained results? 3. Why is it important for Delta Lloyd Group to comply with industry regulations? Copynight@ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc Slide 3-10
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Slide 3- 10 Application Case 3.1 Delta Lloyd Group Ensures Accuracy and Efficiency in Financial Reporting Questions for Discussion 1. How did Delta Lloyd Group improve accuracy and efficiency in financial reporting? 2. What were the challenges, the proposed solution, and the obtained results? 3. Why is it important for Delta Lloyd Group to comply with industry regulations?
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