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1. Topography 2. Distorted mapping 3. Experience dependent changes 4. Lasting Plasticity

脑内的小人 Hand Little Ring- iddle Neck一■ -Toes Fingers Index Thumb ro Eyelid and eyeball- Face Lips Jaw- Tongue- Swallowing /Mastication f 0 Medial Lateral


Cortical maps 1.Topography 2.Distorted mapping 3.Experience dependent changes 4.Lasting Plasticity

Cortical maps 1. Topography 2. Distorted mapping 3. Experience dependent changes 4. Lasting Plasticity http:/onlyphofonost.con http://onlyphotohost. nianz

Right visual field The Visual System Left visual field Retina-LGN-Visual cortex .Natural stimulation:light Temporal Nasal .Long optic nerve Temporal Optic chiasm .Peripheral and central parts Hartline HK.1937 Pulvinar nucleus unit recording from the optic nerver Lateral geniculate Granit R.1947 nucleus Superor colliculus unit recording from single axons Barlow H Kuffler S,1950s Optic radiation- unit recording from retinal ganglion cells Primary visual cortex Hubel D Wiesel T,1960s,1970s recording from LGN and the visual cortex Vision Among all of sensations in human,vision provides 70%Information about environment. Electromagnetic waves: Visible 400~800 nm UV light,infra-red light

The Visual System Retina - LGN - Visual cortex •Natural stimulation: light •Long optic nerve •Peripheral and central parts Hartline HK, 1937 unit recording from the optic nerver Granit R, 1947 unit recording from single axons Barlow H & Kuffler S, 1950s unit recording from retinal ganglion cells Hubel D & Wiesel T, 1960s, 1970s recording from LGN and the visual cortex Vision Among all of sensations in human, vision provides 70% Information about environment. Electromagnetic waves: Visible 400 ~ 800 nm UV light, infra-red light

Esquema de la ertruchira de la refina de los mamiferos. rptoae epmtanter ten cpaetes aranos cm A 9世品月日08U 美型心袋物 B 00 Q: 9

I.Overview:Human Eye and Retina Sclera Choroid Retina A移 Cornea Pupil % Lens Iris Optic nerve Ciliary body

I. Overview: Human Eye and Retina

Major cell types of a typical mammalian retina Phr : HC Uy。岁少 Yy∠ ●少 BC E住A上1I【 六最六人地大扇小土 AC 人一装念0口 名 RGC

Major cell types of a typical mammalian retina Phr HC BC AC RGC

1.2.The laminar structure of the retina photo- rods receptors cones Vertebrate retinas are composed of 3 ONL layers of nerve cell bodies and 2 layers of synapses. OPL horizontal bipolar cells INL Outer nuclear layer(ONL):cell bodies of the amacrine rods and cones cells Inner nuclear layer(INL):cell bodies of bipolar,horizontal and amacrine cells ganglion cells,axons Ganglion cell layer(GCL):cell bodies of ganglion cells Dividing these nerve cell layers are two neuropils where synaptic contacts occur. Outer plexiform layer(OPL):where photoreceptors,vertically running bipolar cells and horizontally oriented horizontal cells connect. Inner plexiform layer(IPL):where the bipolar cells and ganglion cells connect, and amacrine cells influence and integrate the ganglion cell signals

1.2. The laminar structure of the retina Vertebrate retinas are composed of 3 layers of nerve cell bodies and 2 layers of synapses. Outer nuclear layer (ONL): cell bodies of the rods and cones Inner nuclear layer (INL): cell bodies of bipolar, horizontal and amacrine cells Ganglion cell layer (GCL): cell bodies of ganglion cells Dividing these nerve cell layers are two neuropils where synaptic contacts occur. Outer plexiform layer (OPL): where photoreceptors, vertically running bipolar cells and horizontally oriented horizontal cells connect. Inner plexiform layer (IPL): where the bipolar cells and ganglion cells connect, and amacrine cells influence and integrate the ganglion cell signals


II. Photoreceptors

2.1.Photoreceptor structure pigment epithelium 1)an outer segment,filled with stacks of membranes containing the visual long inner pigment molecules like rhodopsins segment (视紫红质); cell body close 2)an inner segment containing to another mitochondria(线粒体),ribosomes(核 cone's narrow 糖体)and membranes where opsin(视 waist 蛋白)molecules are assembled and passed to be part of the outer segment discs; 3)a cell body containing the nucleus long axon of the photoreceptor cell; pedicle deeper in 4)a synaptic terminal where OPL and bilobed neurotransmission to second order neurons occurs. rods cones

2.1. Photoreceptor structure 1) an outer segment, filled with stacks of membranes containing the visual pigment molecules like rhodopsins (视紫红质); 2) an inner segment containing mitochondria (线粒体), ribosomes (核 糖体) and membranes where opsin (视 蛋白) molecules are assembled and passed to be part of the outer segment discs; 3) a cell body containing the nucleus of the photoreceptor cell; 4) a synaptic terminal where neurotransmission to second order neurons occurs
